Breaking the Silence

Breaking the Silence, with Steve Neill
Stories of Encounters with Non-Human Intelligence

I went back and forth on how to post this article, in the context of another -because there are many elements to it, or on its own and focusing mostly into the project itself. In the end I settled on this ( ie: the latter ) because the people behind this project, Steve Neill and Mary Cacciapaglia, are looking for others to come forward and tell their stories on camera. They are potentially putting together a documentary on the subject of what we generally conceptualize as extraterrestrial encounters, UFO/UAP sightings and other anomalous activity; there may be those of you who pass through here who may want to get involved. For those shy of the camera, you can write into them as well, share your experiencer story. They read and record these to upload on their youtube. They are a senior couple now in their 70s. I will leave links to where you can find them below.

Steve Neill is a lifelong experiencer of the contact phenomenon, he is a visual effects artist who has produced makeup effects and creature effects for film and television, including :: Star Trek, Ghostbusters, Fright Night and more. He is also a famous Hollywood gorilla-man, creature actor and puppeteer with many television and film credits. He has built props and models for many films. He creates CGI. His studio is SNG Studio & Gallery in Ventura, California.

The way I came to find Steve and this new project he is working on began in the dream state. While inquiring into the matter of building my own service and platform into a sustainable framework it was suggested from within that I go out and ask three other people, or groups of people how I could help them with their projects. I found this to be brilliant. I could feel the energy of it, the magic in the energy, and how it really could work. I also spend so much time alone, increasingly more since the 2021 event, that I would enjoy the adventure of some road tripping out to engage with others. The very next day, as synchronicity would have it, a WordPress blog I follow, Conscious Living and Wendy’s Coffeehouse ( link ) posted an article featuring a podcast she had done with Steve. In the podcast I learned he was looking for people to come tell their stories. I thought, “that’s easy! I could do that!” Ventura is just a few hours drive from San Diego, and I could spend a day in the Los Angeles area with my closest friend in the world on the way.

I spent a couple weeks outlining my almost 60 years of experience ( my contact experiences are not a mere few ) and condensed it down to roughly 30-40 minutes. I had to choose among which experiences I would highlight, there are simply too many to tell them all in this amount of time. I was further tasked, when arriving in Ventura, to keep my story to just 20 minutes, and to start at the end, rather than the way I had it outlined. If I wasn’t nervous enough already -I knew I was going to begin going into some challenging aspects of my experience -I now had the super bonus challenge. I had to decide on a dime which parts of what I had planned to say to leave out and which to leave in. Not easy, to say the least with a story like mine.

I had no idea how I was going to do this, I had made simple cue cards for myself to keep on track, but now that was blown and I had to content myself with winging it the best I could. I am no stranger to winging it, it is just that I really wanted to present the story, for the first time ever in a more complete fashion along a timeline. So that it would make sense by the time the story arrived at the anomaly of the work with the crystals. Which is complex to understand, and few do. But this was not to be the way of it, so I took a deep breath, spread the printed photos of the beings out on the table in front of me, and I was ON. The film was rolling.

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Injury or Course Correction?—Sometimes Life Hits You Sidewise, HARD

No beating around the bush. I will just get right to it.

Aside from the way it may sound, this story actually has some quite magical elements to it. As in my life, as many if not all of you know, are ever bubbling up from below the surface.

The pertinents >> I was at my brothers house for the week, while he and his family were away visiting the kid’s other set of grandparents for the Christmas holiday, helping to make sure my Mom did not get accidentally hurt by my brother’s dogs. They are beautiful dogs, wonderful in every way but they are muscular and big, and, Mom … well my Mom, though in great shape for her age is what I call “tiny” ( she hates that, lol ) and advancing through her 80s.

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Crystal Transmissions, the Making of a Portrait

For those of you who are new to my site and this work,

I will leave a few links here at the top for you to follow, which may help fill in some of the blanks about what you are about to see and hear in this log. In an easy sentence, what I do is combine my consciousness with crystals, c r y s t a l l i n e consciousness, in order to transfer data from the Field, we could say “one space and time” or “reality” here to ours.

Often it is a being, another consciousness out there who connects with me in this process. Although the transmissions, the data transfers are primarily for me ( to unpack and distribute ) I have for many years now enjoyed learning how to isolate the beings in the frames I capture in order to introduce and show them to you in a portrait style quality. The tools I use are simple: 1) my consciousness, 2) the crystals, and 3) a cell phone camera.

These links will guide you to where you can learn more about this phenomena, capacity, skill, technology >> once lost to our planet and now returning.. As well as my own journey of discovery unearthing it within myself—and many hundreds of examples.

Isza — the main crystal I work with

Links will contain video, written articles and photo imagery:

* * *

Now onto the reason we are here today.

Continue reading “Crystal Transmissions, the Making of a Portrait”

The Crystal Work: Video Recorded Contact

Today is, as they say a good day.

A new milestone with the work has been reached.

This past week, for the first time ever I was able to video record a contact in a shareable format. In the past this has not been possible, just due to logistics, really. When I am going into the crystal I have the cell phone camera right up on the crystal and switching from photo mode to video mode enlarges the screen to where the being is too close up to effectively see. There is more to it as well, — the light coming through the crystal, as it moves creates ripples that will dissolve any one view into others. Like a moving kaleidoscope. So I have to be able to keep up, in order to hold a particular light stream in a specific pattern in order to record. This is necessary for the still frames as well, but in photo mode there is plenty of space to navigate and otherwise do this. While in video mode there is not. All this said, this past week the miraculous happened. Heaven and Earth moved to create just the right set of circumstances and I was able to record a contact.

There is so much that can happen when I go into the crystal to explore.

I am going to go over a good deal of this with you now.


Continue reading “The Crystal Work: Video Recorded Contact”

Conscious Contact: A Rendering Request Gets Real

I am just going to tell the story.

It is really all I can do,—make the logs.

This reading is somewhat more complex than usual, in part due to the wealth of information I had available at my disposal. I was able to put various data sets together and make sense of what was coming to me, not just through the crystal but in addition through the OBE. This, as you know is how I get my information ( in contrast to getting it through channeling ) and is why, when sending in a request to me, your openness, candor, and alignment with all that comes through being put out in the public domain is so important. It is what potentially opens the flood gates. Having substantially more curiosity than fear is of equal if not greater importance.

Continue reading “Conscious Contact: A Rendering Request Gets Real”

OBE Log : Reptilian Energy : Dragon Connections


This experience as it is first beginning is while on air, The Enlightment Evolution Hour ( podcast ) with Rob Gauthier. I will embed the video below this log. Rob is someone I have known for some time now, he came on to youtube in roughly 2011, but I think it is 2016-17 when I intersect with him. Rob is one of the Speakers, a “Channeler” as we refer to them now. At that time he is channeling a friendly, thoroughly delightful Reptilian energy who is presenting to us by the name TReb-or-yit-NE. I am enthralled, as Rob is a deep trance channeler, and the information he and TReb are bringing through contains REAL data relative to people’s galactic heritage.

I begin listening to his previous uploads steadily, generally every night before going to bed. It is at approximately this time ( 2017 ) that the phenomena with the crystal is beginning and one night, while listening in on a few of the channeled sessions Rob himself begins coming through. On this particular occasion, he comes through in a candle lit room, donning near the identical form he does now, in a pre-renaissance time frame. It is night, he is in what we would now call a “cafe” and I capture him in mid-oration. He is an orator of some kind, possibly a poet, possibly a philosopher—and I think to myself, “Wow, he is a Speaker in this lifetime also.”

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Project Camelot Interview : Awakening Consciousness, Crystal Contact

It all started with an email from a friend.

I was as surprised as YOU may be reading this right now. She wrote that she had written to Kerry Cassidy from Project Camelot, suggesting she have me on her show. No sooner was I reading this than I was receiving an invitation from Kerry herself. It was an interesting feeling, because I will tell you that when I first encountered Project Camelot, Kerry ( and Bill Ryan ) back in 2009 I could see the connections in our names and felt we would one day meet.

Today was the day.

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New Discovery : Working with Crystalline Consciousness

Let’s talk for a moment about the devastating misses.. those instances wherein a being comes so clearly and excitingly forward through the crystals. A new being, one we have never seen before, with features and hues so unique as to quicken every single cell in the body. — and the opportunity is missed. It happens. I have a contact that is not wholly shareable. I will tell you it is devastating each time. —almost, but not quite managing the shareable wave.


What we have here is an avian being, MAGNIFICENT, blue with a blue-and-purple-feather plumed head. You may be able to see the eyes, they both fully came in, peeking over the top of where the beak shaped front of the face is beginning to come in. The hues and light this being is rising up out of were giving off the most intoxicating feeling. A mix of whites, golds, plums and blues. I was so excited I thought my heart would leap clean out of my chest. 

Continue reading “New Discovery : Working with Crystalline Consciousness”

An OBE Contact Transmits Through the Crystal

It is beginning to happen more and more frequently.

A certain momentum is building due to the opportunity to focus in on this work this whole past year. More is coming through to me, making it through to my conscious daily state of awareness more steadily; a loooong stream of puzzle pieces are coming together. I am not someone who often calls for, or needs validation for my experiences, – and in all honesty, even through the craziest of them this past decade, it has never once occurred to me to query whether I may be ill ( as many often do ), or more interestingly still, whether my mental faculties be in check.

I can’t even imagine how much might have to happen before thought such as this would occur. Fortunately for me, well prior – now and again – I receive the validations all the same. In this instance it is the extraordinary event of an OBE confirming transmissions through the crystal are in fact coming from actual beings — extraterrestrial, incarnate, embodied beings. I often mention this happens but I am not sure I have ever made a log on it. So:

February 23, 2021

It is just past 7am

I am at work and have another 30-40 minutes to reenter the fields before having to get up. I consider it for a moment. The energy is definitely here. I go in—

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The Communications Function of Crystals : Contacting Extraterrestrial Intelligence ( Podcast )

Hello gentle readers, oh ye of inquisitive minds.

This is going to be a fun one…, but before introducing this more outright let me take the opportunity to say and affirm with you again how important it is right now for us each to begin grouping with others-of-us in any and ALL ways that we can. The creative mixing and blending of our energies is critical to the current planetary Task at hand.  — that being, the participation in the evolution of experience and expansion of human consciousness.

This past week I threw together a log that went into explaining as best I can how the transmitting and receiving of the signals through the crystal occurs: The Crystal Work Explained. The more I process and put through to you, the more I realize how much remains still to be said. Will we ever get it all out there? I don’t know, but I can report, what near all of you already know – this has all of me, body-mind and soul, and I will work diligently until my last breath, trying.

Continue reading “The Communications Function of Crystals : Contacting Extraterrestrial Intelligence ( Podcast )”