Injury or Course Correction?—Sometimes Life Hits You Sidewise, HARD

No beating around the bush. I will just get right to it.

Aside from the way it may sound, this story actually has some quite magical elements to it. As in my life, as many if not all of you know, are ever bubbling up from below the surface.

The pertinents >> I was at my brothers house for the week, while he and his family were away visiting the kid’s other set of grandparents for the Christmas holiday, helping to make sure my Mom did not get accidentally hurt by my brother’s dogs. They are beautiful dogs, wonderful in every way but they are muscular and big, and, Mom … well my Mom, though in great shape for her age is what I call “tiny” ( she hates that, lol ) and advancing through her 80s.

A brief word about Nico and Noel >> they are the family’s Christmas dogs, hence their names, Nico being short for “Nicholas” as in Saint Nicholas. He is the stunningly handsome black dog on the left. And that’s Noel on the right. The family brought them both home for Christmas four years ago, when I myself was still living there with them while relocating from Los Angeles back down to San Diego and re-familiarizing myself with the area. Finding work, etc..

Christmas morning this year I experienced an encounter. I wrote this up in my daily dream log and will cut/paste that here. The timing and subject matter, even to the casual onlooker would certainly make it seem incredibly relevant in this whole turn of events.

Now the reason I broke down in tears when addressed in this light, is because I could feel the differential between one of utter unconditional love and myself, the difference in the extent of what That love can accomplish in life next to my own. I had never felt so unaccomplished. But it was not this that I was centrally feeling. It was the Largeness of the love of Jesus, and even more accurately of The Christ Light. I think this man in this experience is saying what he is to me because he sees why I am here ( with my Mom ) and what I am about to do. — which is to take the hit for her, at least in part. And infinitely more -much of which I have yet to realize.

The next day, the day after Christmas, I was taking the dogs out into the yard to play. I didn’t take a wide enough girth around them and got bowled over by them both at the same time. I didn’t land on my knee, I fell HARD backwards on my tailbone, but my heel had gotten stuck, after heavy rain in a muddy gopher hole. Trying to keep myself upright as the dogs blew over me caused my leg to horribly twist as I was going down. I was immediately in shock, though in the very same instant knew this was bad. The pain prevented me from moving, or doing anything but scream as I tried to catch my breath and clear my head. I was completely unable to think.

Mom heard the screams, came running and tried to help, but everything hurt and the last thing I felt I could tolerate was anyone moving me and making it worse. I know I should have addressed the shock first but I didn’t ( I was in shock ). I worked my way to standing, into a shower ( I was full of mud and knew the pain would only get worse before better ), and onto the sofa where I would rehab for a few days before figuring out how I would get home. Fortunately for me there was a set of crutches already there at my brother’s. It was the swelling and pain I had to somehow manage. It is so hard to think clearly when in this amount of pain. I am sure many of you know.

Also, at my own home I had no-one to help me.

I had to work out how I would manage solo. Atop everything else, I live up a flight of 18 stairs. But this wasn’t even the hard part, although I had no idea how I would do it at the point of barely being able to get myself to the bathroom. I knew I had to. The family was coming home and I was going to need quiet and a lot of sleep/inner-realm time to help accelerate the healing process. The hard part was that I could bare no weight at all on the one leg. I needed both hands at all times on the crutches so how would I carry anything ( meals, etc.. ) to where I needed. A solo life is great, until it isn’t – right? I will tell you, though, I will never cease to be amazed at the ingenuity a person has when they NEED it. I was able to navigate my way through each difficulty.

Which leads me to the hardest part of all.
Is anyone still here? lol

At this point in the timeline, as I meander into my 60s with two recently injured knees I know I will not be able to continue working as I have for the past 30 years as a professional caregiver — which is the main way in which I make my way through life. As those of you who have ever taken care of someone knows, it is HARD work, hard on the body. And 30 years is a long time. I carry more repetitive stress injuries in my body than I want to list. As well as a Myalgia that has been with me the last 12 years. I have known for some time, and I use the word ‘known’ lightly, because clearly I have not known enough that I have to stop the care work, walk through my latter years in a way that is kinder to myself. I will certainly still have many to care for, an aging mother, family, friends, – just not as a job that requires me to stand for 12 hours, or otherwise extend myself beyond what at my age I am able. So this leads me to an obvious question.

Is all of this day after Christmas stuff really about an injury I have incurred?
Or closer to the heart of it an opportunity to course correct?

Before I irrevocably damage myself.

I am taking this as the latter, as an invitation to go another way. Potentially even focus once more even deeper into the work you see here—the consciousness work, my Spiritual service to the collective. So I am going to be bold right now. I need your help. I need an income.

I would like to ask everyone reading this who comfortably can, who enjoys and appreciates this platform to become a patron of the work we do here at this time. To please share this article with any groups or individuals who seem appropriate in order to help me keep my head above water as I navigate this new situation in which I find myself.

Our Service and the work HERE will continue full steam ahead.

The exploration and evolution of consciousness.
The conscious shift of the Earth collective.
Global first contact.

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3 thoughts on “Injury or Course Correction?—Sometimes Life Hits You Sidewise, HARD

  1. Heavenly Father, Bless Casey in her healing. Bring her what she needs to best care for herself as she works to serve you and others in her work. May she be healed, joyful and abundant for the highest good of all. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Robyn, your prayers are from the Angels themselves and work more wonders than near anything I know. Thank you, bless you, heart wide open and receiving. AND! …loving you to your favorite planet and back. 💫


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