The Vibrational State, Visions, Telepathic Communion

It is without doubt the pursuit of who I am, ( as well as from within the inside )—the revealing of my Identity that lay at the basis, the backbone of all my experience. In one of my first highly memorable OBEs, the first in which I finally had the courage to look upon myself to see who I was, I stood a strikingly tall, white haired white bearded WIZARD. I wore purple robes, a conical shaped hat upon my head and held a staff. A defender of the people.

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Regression Therapist for Consciousness Study : Found!

Some things are just so incredibly exciting. ( this is one of those things )

I almost can’t believe how long ago I put out this call, it was way back in January/2016. That’s six years ago! I had been meditating, and this is during the time/years I was out on the land. The idea just came to me to do it. I will post the exact call I put out at that time:

I am searching for someone.—

I would like to engage in a collaborative project with a person who has regression therapy skills. Who may also wish to write, lecture and/or teach ( although not necessarily ). Much like Dolores Cannon, who was comfortable taking people into deep states of consciousness ( the somnambulistic state ) and wished to, in her own way document the contents of her sessions.

When Dolores shed her earthly body she came with more emphasis into my sphere than she had prior to her passing. I felt her keenly present in those first few weeks (although I did not know the reason for it) and at this time, in very short order devoured the majority of her books. No easy feat. There were 13 of them rushing at me. The content in all, as an avid explorer of the realms ( OBEr ) so excitingly familiar.

Dolores, creator of QHHT, is the only person I have grown to be aware of who did regressions more fundamentally in exchange for their content, rather than necessarily for a fee. I know most people work by way of the latter but at this time I am looking for someone I may co-create with. Who I may exchange with — sessions for experiences. data and information. Who may find it preferable to work at this time with someone practiced in additional states of consciousness.

I began vlogging and journaling my experiences online the moment they began. I could not keep them in. It was a part of my Service to show what a real time *process of awakening looks like. I think it went rather well. Regardless of the content of the experiences relayed, and the many sites on which they are published negativity has rarely been drawn. Which is a surprise, considering the extent of the supra-natual content. 

I found I could be in many areas of consciousness at the same time. Multiple dimensions, discrete environments, simultaneously. It took awhile to cognize but the time was granted. My experiences continued every night and day for three years until I could word what was happening and speak it to people. I am told ( to me quite humorously ) I am a communications specialist. A Speaker. or Channel, as contemporaries say. 

To this, on my end of the collaboration I wish to advance the skill. I feel very deeply to begin working with others. I do not know if I can regress easily into the states where high quality information can be reached, I have never been regressed, but it is my hope that through this process I may begin to more rapidly acclimate to consciously accessing them for the purpose of bringing necessary information through to the planet.

If this sounds like project you would be interested in (or if you know of someone, preferably in the San Diego area [ but not necessarily ] ) please contact me. I am looking for you. It is not necessary that you be a licensed practitioner, you may more simply have a heightened interest and curiosity that brings through to you certain gifts: for regressing, being aware of and/or directly experiencing the various states yourself, a sharp mind, keen intuition and questioning skills. 

All of this may even still be developing. It is not necessary that it already be 
developed. We can grow together.  

Casey Claar
the galactic travel channel

Well this call was answered, to my incredible delight April 3, 2022; just a couple months ago. As fate would have it, within the timeframe of the year we were unconditionally given to focus in on this work >> what I put into the ever-growing basket of what I simply call “the consciousness work”. For easy reference, all of what you see here on this website.

The call was answered by…… [ drum roll, please ] …..a beautiful and talented woman by the name of Crystl, Crystl F. McCall who you will hear leading the sessions which are about to follow. Crystl is new to regression work, as am I, she is just beginning to get her feet wet having completed the Dolores Cannon’s level 1 QHHT program. It was agreed upon by the both of us in the beginning that we would share our material, ( these sessions ), notably any and all of it which was particularly interesting relative to the consciousness-and-crystal-contact work.

Specifically, we all want to know more about the beings.

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Dream Re-entry : A Conscious Shift Back In Through Interpenetrating Fields

June 15, 2022

Concentricity, Spheres within Spheres

I start waking while it is still fairly early, which is surprising as I did not fall off to sleep until quite late, well after the 1am hour. I am going to have to dive for the dream data, I have only a cover song playing in my mind at this time. The room is cool and outside the sky is overcast, perfect for dream recollection. I roll onto my stomach, turning my head toward the right and place my Healer, George, at my forehead. Moments later a light show is going off in my head. In the back of my brain. I feel this ( not see it ); energy tingles. The sensation is so prominent it gets my attention, in physical space as well as inside the field. The two fields are seamlessly overlapped. 

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Integration Into the Body

It is a subject of high fascination to me,— the process of how the soul, via a precise consciousness cluster integrates into the body. Into 3D bodily experience. How it happens, when it happens, why it can come to be so unique a process for each one of us individually. The myriad of ways it can be experienced by our person, our 3D “player” in the game. Through the OBE there is an additional element, as through the Explorer’s shift back into physical space often the processes involved in this can be, at least in part, witnessed by those with a curiosity to know more.

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Shifting Phenomena: The Many Different Types of Shifts


In OBEs I know visually and tangibly it often looks and feels like I am going “out” of body, but from somewhere within I know what I am fundamentally doing is letting something new come into it. When this something new enters there is feelable, tangible, multi-layered vibration which opens me out into whole new realms of possibility -whole new realms of experience.

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