OBE Log: ET Healing, Wilson’s Disease


Date: November 18, 2019 : 6 – 8AM
Shift phenomena : standard low rolling vibrations
Location : my purple room, dad’s house – year : 1980
Activity : blood, hair and skin cell samples are being taken. testing for Wilson’s disease
Players : the ETs – female nurse, young male – extremely close friend, Roswell, ( the idea to write/communicate w/ ) Dawn Shears

Around 6AM following a brief sleep interruption I consciously request an OBE..

Sometime later I am keying in on the shift, just your standard low rolling vibrations and the knowing to not move. Consciousness is not steady, it is fluctuating, coming in and out. —Following the shift I am inside and *outside my purple bedroom with two others ( one definitely male and on my left, this one is more prevalent in the experience than the other. He is speaking with me while the other is simply here on my right. From the vantage of the outside view, which it should be said is upstairs and not ground level – we are looking in through the window. From this area I am my 54 year old self.

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The Extra-Terrestrial Reality

Spheres within spheres within spheres….

Dreams within dreams within dreams—where does one end and another begin?


As a child and young adult I always remembered my dreams.. I remembered them, likely because waking up from them was such a process. They did not fade easily and my tendency for a period of time each morning was to walk in two worlds— it generally taking 20 minutes or so, once getting up for the day for the ‘additional’ environment to fade. This of course would leave me with a surprisingly clear awareness of the additional environment. What is curious, is that throughout the entire length of my childhood it was the same. It was the same dream, playing out every night from different sets of points. —Was my dreaming taking me into another lifetime?

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