Dream Data: March 2023


Increasingly, as the years go by, as I continue to draw from the Inner fields daily, there is less and less distinction between the “out of body” and “dream” state. I am regularly accessing what I call REAL data—data pertaining to incarnational, planetary lifetimes >> sometimes this one, sometimes others. These monthly logs are filed as “dream data” but it is important I make this note, many of the events I experience directly in first person. I enter, and am often able to consciously re-enter them even years later. — they remain present and intact.

I am beginning to glean with more regularity within some of my experiences that I am being observed. At times these observers step into the experiences and there is direct interaction with them. This latter event is rare but it does happen. The themes coming through most strongly this month are 1) the future, future probabilities 2) connection, meeting, gathering and 3) downfall, system and societal collapse. Is this what is on the Mind of the human collective? Is it what is coming? Are we subconsciously, and sometimes consciously picking up on it?

It does feel so to me.

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Dream Data: January 2023

The month of January 2023 has been a doozy. So much began happening that I had to drop my personal curiosities and questions for now and just let myself be directed into what Inner being feels the need to show me at this time ( which is considerable ). As you can see from the titles of the events experienced this month there is a good deal of data coming through on the Earth, past and future humans, global events, collapse, earthquakes, EARTH CHANGES. As well as rapid healing and the processing of old wounds. All of which ties in together for those in the know, preparing to survive in the coming times and achieve a successful “death’, one in which we carry memory with us ( rather than fall again into the cycle of forgetting ) when the times comes.

Elvis features heavily, I am also beginning to be told who I am — and the month ends on a bang with the stunning, starkly simple message that “God is fatal”. I make it back with some riveting detail on the meaning of this but we will have to keep our eye peeled on the coming month to learn more. The storyline data is getting exciting indeed.

How this will all conclude lays ahead.



Continue reading “Dream Data: January 2023”

Dream Data: December 2022

PROLOGUE : The question I asked last month, going into the fields specifically for a reply [ who woke me in 2009 and why ] I continued asking this month. In addition to this, a new question specifically for the month of December was asked. The new question is relevant to data that has come to me prior through the dream state and has to do with a cubed object I have discovered attached to me at the back left calf. I want to know what it is, why it is there. I also want to know about the feeling of a time table by which I am meant to work it off. I was shocked it was still there the last time I was shown, which was roughly a year or so ago. This said,—

I have started working a second job again this past month which is leaving me more exhausted than usual—with less reserves than when I do not have to work the second job. I am severely challenged to keep hold of my queries and ask them cogently going into the nights. Due to this I will continue with these as my main queries through the new month and year of January 2023. I am also tasked ( by my Group ) to begin discussing what so traumatized me back in 2013-2014. The jellyfish shaped craft which I observed so ominously occupying the etheric frequency bandwidth of our Earth space. All this is highly challenging my boundaries as well as capacity. It will not be an easy year, but it seems one in which this processing must be done and completed with ( and so it will ). In order to see clearly how best to continue from here.

Let the dreams begin,
and the data flow

This month I am visiting and viewing many different types of societies and how they work
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Dream Data: November/2022

I began logging my dreams daily back in 2019. It was just going to be for a year, a consciousness experiment, 365 days of consecutive dreams ( PDF ), just to see if I actually was able to bring data back from the fields daily. It was surprisingly easier than I had first thought, requiring focus and discipline, yet relatively effortless for the most part at this point in my journey. I learned so much from the year’s worth of logs that I naturally, automatically fell into continuing my reports. I continue to log daily ( or near daily ) here at the close of 2022. The logs can be found in the group daily dream log on our forum board. We are, encouragingly, currently on page 144.

This past month of November seems to have really kicked up in activity. Tests, lessons, contact, body examinations, the ancient past and future probabilities. I feel like I need to keep the momentum going because it seems a new level of awareness, and service is coming into play. I have a question I have been asking. I rather unexpectedly, one day genuinely began wondering. Who woke me up in 2009, and why?

The following will be some of the more critical data that
has come through this query


Note: There is an important Author’s note about dreaming and dream logging, following my own logs at the close of this article that I hope is of some help to you.


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Integration Into the Body

It is a subject of high fascination to me,— the process of how the soul, via a precise consciousness cluster integrates into the body. Into 3D bodily experience. How it happens, when it happens, why it can come to be so unique a process for each one of us individually. The myriad of ways it can be experienced by our person, our 3D “player” in the game. Through the OBE there is an additional element, as through the Explorer’s shift back into physical space often the processes involved in this can be, at least in part, witnessed by those with a curiosity to know more.

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365 Days of Dreams

I am someone who has always remembered my dreams… Who, in the beginning, did not have to write them down to remember, I carried them with me as clear and real to life as my experience in physical space. In fact for a great deal of my life I absolutely could NOT write down my dreams. In the rare event that I did, awareness of the dream state would stop for a short period. As a lesson perhaps. In this way I learned to carry the additional fields more immediately with me in direct awareness alone. I learned that for one reason or another I was not meant to document.—Until much later in the lifetime, that is. 

At the ( 2009 ) point of my awakening, I began to find that I could dream journal, log out-of-body experiences, kundalini events. I not only kept a written log I began video journaling as well. I did this for many years, roughly through the years 2009-2014, when all of a sudden I just stopped. When I did this, awareness of the dream state itself faded in near unison. I even stopped logging the more significant obes and as if the one were falling in line with the other, awareness of these events faded into the recesses and were lost to me.

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The Recall Muscle : Making it Back with the Data

Let’s face it, a day in which we actively recall our dreams – bring back with us into our conscious daily state of awareness even fragments of the energy and activity of our inner world, experiences, adventures,—immersed in their waves, merged with the concepts, symbols, messages, integrated to any degree at all their depth, meaning, feeling — is very different than a day in which we have not.

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All About Recall

My first words should be this.

I remembered this.., I recalled it to me through OBEs. Through conscious shifts into additional consciousness states – additional consciousness s p a c e. So let’s bring it forward as an immanent and inevitable place to begin :

  • Everything is already happening.—I am not trying to get experiences to happen – ( new levels of experience to happen ) – so much as they are already happening : every day and night.

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The Geometry of Dream Recall

It has been some years now since focusing on bringing my consciousness shifts >> OBEs, lucid dreams ( and even ordinary dreams ) back with me into conscious awareness and daily life. However recently I am once more with the growing impetus. The unmissable, undeniable inner directive. To again align with the flow.

Through the very early morning hours just this morning I am being guided through the all too interesting process, we could even say geometry of (re)opening the gates, portals and pathways of the flow of information : my larger consciousness present, and I -in another body- on the verge of projection.

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