OBE Log : Entity Assault

February 2, 2021

Second chakra energy transmutation : all night.
Sexual depravity.


I am unsure how to begin.

An entity is in my space, in the etheric energy space, it seems to have no regard for me whatsoever and this is much as a predator and prey situation. This entity is human. It has a hold of my right foot and is dragging me 180 degrees within the exact space of my physical body. It is performing the rotations of the bodies necessary for enacting what is for me a conscious shift into an OBE ..It wants me to be as aware of what is happening as possible. In a sick way, because this entity is violating my space and violating me. It wants me to see not just what is happening but who it is. I am certainly attempting to see, but at the same time, aware from within multiple fields and the goings-on within them, my entire mental/energetic/physical construct is screaming. 

As I am first coming to experience and tangibly feel the violation, the feedback is of a male being. But I see clearly here, at least to this degree, the entity is not male but female. I am seeing the outline of the body, face, head.. She is very generic in her appearance, utterly lacking of vitality and color. She is perfectly still, standing here before me, energetically and compassionately numb. I see the hair, ash blonde, not quite to the shoulders, outlining her face. It is a complete blur through the features of the face. I am coming into full alertness, screaming with every ounce of my energy the words “you are dead”, “you are so dead!”, “you don’t even know how dead you are!”. The energy is coming through me with such force the words are reaching through my physical body in physical space. Where it is the pre-morning hours ( 4am ), I am at work, the dog is barking loudly down the stairwell in what I come to think must be in response to my distress.

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The Recall Muscle : Making it Back with the Data

Let’s face it, a day in which we actively recall our dreams – bring back with us into our conscious daily state of awareness even fragments of the energy and activity of our inner world, experiences, adventures,—immersed in their waves, merged with the concepts, symbols, messages, integrated to any degree at all their depth, meaning, feeling — is very different than a day in which we have not.

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The Gateway of the Breath : Breathing Patterns and Portals

This information is an accompaniment to the breath work class we are opening titled : The Gateway of the Breath. In these Zoom LIVE-streams we are journeying into the breath, into more of our total self – creating alterations in the brainwaves and brainwave patterns specifically to consciously ride into new frequency fields.

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The Geometry of Dream Recall

It has been some years now since focusing on bringing my consciousness shifts >> OBEs, lucid dreams ( and even ordinary dreams ) back with me into conscious awareness and daily life. However recently I am once more with the growing impetus. The unmissable, undeniable inner directive. To again align with the flow.

Through the very early morning hours just this morning I am being guided through the all too interesting process, we could even say geometry of (re)opening the gates, portals and pathways of the flow of information : my larger consciousness present, and I -in another body- on the verge of projection.

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OBE Mentoring

As you already know 30 minutes goes by fast, 60 minutes goes by fast!, and even two hours will breeze by before you know it so you will want to come to your talk prepared.  Have a basic set of questions drafted, your precise areas of concern and interest outlined.  Have a recorder, or pen and paper ready for notes, symbols, sketches and doodles.

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Sun Gazing and the Pineal

Light and sound—

These are critical to Spiritual development.

Gazing and gazing disciplines such as trataka came early and naturally to me, arising effortlessly in my life and formal practice. I was instantly, from the beginning drawn to gazing into light sources- streetlamps, moonbeams, anything and everything that gave off even the slightest emission.

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The Communications Function of Crystals

The intriguing element in this is I am not knowing how it is I know. Crystals are a corridor for consciousness. For communicating, and connecting consciousness. I am not knowing the connection I have with the crystal, the beings and elemental kingdom. I know only that it exists, that it is presenting. ( and ) In it’s presenting is the contents of all I am here to report.

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Personal Training Programs in the OBE: Etheric Drills

It would seem I do not experience as much gravity to the Earth as some, or perhaps even most other OBErs.. While they work to set down awareness of the physical, in order to stabilize themselves in other environments without ‘snapping back’, I must maintain full conscious awareness of both—or even more environments simultaneously in order to accomplish the same.

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