Dream Data: January 2024


The first step into 2024 is a rough one that begins with a fall. I am on the road to recovery from a knee injury incurred the day after Christmas,—while in the fields I am entering the woodwork, neural pathways within my being that reveal the activities, the moves of the ( – ) on my being, my player in the Earth-life field. “Me”. It is not easy on a physical system to be aware of. Though a clearer picture, the kind born of actual conscious experience is surfacing.

I am working on an aspect of my incarnation that is perhaps not so pleasant. An aspect that was potentially caged here on the 3D Earth. Who is working something off -refining, rebalancing in order to re-enter a larger reality. Some years back, through the OBE I was shown a clustered structure that hangs off the back of my calf. It is composed of 3 strings, irregular in length between 2-4 inches, each with a slate black cube affixed to the end. I have been shown this more than once, it is a shock to my system each time. A sense of panic accompanies it as there is a time element I feel in which I have to work these off. I know I am meant to resolve why this is here. It will not be easy for me to see, but see I must if I am to work myself free.

The flow of data coming through the dream state this month is steady and fierce, no stopping for even a breath. I am able to see the central concept/theme, which is >>

Dream Titles

  • Inner world work, moves made by the ( + ) and ( – )
  • Repeating dream: intel on Elon Musk, likening him to Frederick Aardema – Crystals
  • The hidden hand that likes to trap me in the dream
  • Lunar shuttlecraft missions, a new job as part of the crew
  • A global event, magical pop-up cities, home visitation
  • The upper and lower class women of Tel Aviv
  • Feline contact, signing as a witness to a dear friend’s death
  • Previous roles, lives lived together in the past
  • A close friend from the past comes to cheer me up
  • Precognitive event, shown men who are caged in water behind a sewage grate
  • I am tried, processed and put in jail
  • Cranial procedure performed on a non-Earth human female
  • The idea behind AI, to let it show us where we are in our evolution of experience
  • Good witches ( heal my arm ), shift to future earth, a contact
    experienced from the dream state
  • Geometrical graffiti, glass shards in the thumb, rendering first aid
  • Taken up onboard a craft, scanned for data and shown some things
  • Mission: a galactic group manifests in Earth space in pairs, I am told the story
  • Repeated bombing of a building, outside ( et ) interference, long corridor of doors
  • Abducted ( by a human agency? ), attempted mind control, taken to another planet
  • Near future corporate science building, a tryst between 3 scientists
  • The curious codes cosmic civilizations live by
    ( a lesson in judgement, getting past fear, preparation for what lay ahead )
  • Etheric meeting with 4 intergalactic males, and more
  • Brotherly King, a return to Duty, deep reach into the unknown
  • Surface level dreams, tasks, a song to a being named Alithudra
  • Repeating dream, theme: ease of flow -an energy high
  • Insight given, the first step -draws the bees to the flower which makes honey
  • OBE: Musician deaths, the day the music died
  • Alchemy, elementals,
    a switch in consciousness from the physical to spiritual world
  • Something or someone is actively communicating with me; DAGGER
  • Systems test : intoxicating energy sensations : motherly love, sleep, then sex
  • The overwriting of earth-human consciousness by two alien species
    by use of audio waves, optics and chemicals

January 31, 2024

The overwriting of earth-human consciousness by two alien species
by use of audio waves, optics and chemicals

So interesting.. I go into a space within myself where I experience the first over-writing of Earth human consciousness by another human species—and then the second over-writing ( which is current still today ) by an insectoid species. I am deliberately using the word “over-writing” rather than take-over, the former I feel is more correct. It is a lengthy, drawn out process achieved over a timespan of many thousands of years where-in the view for the planet of the over-writing species is programmed into the other. It may be more than just our own species I am seeing this happen to. In the beginning I see myself with a cluster, a “family” group with 3 male persons employed as guards. The person who plays my brother, Derrick, in this life is there and the one in charge of the group. The rest of the family I can only lightly feel in the periphery. 

Derrick becomes highlighted when something arrives on my phone/communication device. I recognize it as an intrusion, and malicious, and stress to him that it must be removed. He is the one in charge of such decisions, as well as action for the family, but he isn’t listening to me. I am getting quite heated about it. Over time this escalates to a point where I am raising my voice, yelling and pounding on the chests of the 3 male guards ( dressed somewhat Roman ) who won’t listen to me. I am telling them all I am about to leave and not come back, that I won’t try to do anything for them ever again. The guards say they do not care, hurl insults at me, tell me to go ahead and leave. Derrick is beginning to get curious and inquire into what is happening. He asks what it is on my device I want him to remove but it is too late. 

I am already too far away, standing on the outside of what began, watching it all happen to the entire population of our people, and periodically infiltrating it to deprogram what I can. I see how it begins with simple sound waves, audio frequency waves. Then as the species advances in their technology the audio frequency waves are combined with optics, and then the audio-optic frequencies enhanced chemically. I see this device the people are made to put over their eyes, periodically when the insectoid species comes down -or as we are taken up to them? I cannot quite tell. The environment all around me in this area of the experience is mostly a color spectrum; brown-gold-yellow with hints of rose. Every one of us is known to the species including myself. It does not seem violent, just intent into its purpose. 

When I find myself in groups they are working with I fake my way through putting the device over my eyes, there are more of us than they can keep eyes on and all are now so sufficiently docile they feel no need to. I just act as one should after having put it on. The chemicals I see as two tablets, one is a skinny white oval shape, the other round and brown, a light mud color. It is this latter one that is most important to them that we take but everyone is given both. I know that in the case of our own species these chemicals are built into something we already consume and due to the two colors of the tablets wonder if this is coffee and sugar, or cream-and-sugar. — refined sugar on our planet is now a chemical toxin, and although people will not like to hear it, I feel this of our coffee beans as well -as laced as our tobacco once was.

In the experience, I know I must sometimes bite the bullet, proving myself by occasionally showing them I am taking the chemicals. This keeps me more hidden to them than otherwise, and such a periodic amount is not enough to affect a compliance in me. My body can sufficiently, and readily enough process the chemicals out.

January 30, 2024

Systems test : intoxicating energy sensations : motherly love, sleep, then sex

Each time I fall into the fields it is into some kind of intoxicating energy sensation, a frequency rush in which I get enveloped. In fact, when coming out of one of these I actually hear it as an almost spellbinding song being sung. Furious and fast, word after word, though I do not have the time to catch the words. I take note of this for a mere instant before being swallowed up by it again. There are scenes and data I do not recall but the three areas I do recall are these—

In the first of the three, in the order they occurred I look to be in a park, it is not the woods it is a park and yet there are what look to be bear cubs scattered about. I try to work my way around them but in doing so one of the cubs ends up at my feet, on a metal grate just inside a door I have opened. While trying to work out what to do now, the cub turns into a young 7 year old boy. It is night, it is not safe for him out here. I hold to him as though he were my own and help him through various areas such as the park and across a busy major street. The majority of what happens through this area of my dreaming has since gotten by me but I feel an imperative within me to see the boy to safety and it is here at this juncture that I begin feeling all that I do as intoxicating energy sensations. They would seem to have a full hold of me.

From here, in another set of scenes altogether >>

I am deciding to try out the local transit system —I am back in Los Angeles, on Barrington Avenue and aim to take the bus from where I am as far down the line on Barrington that it goes and back again. Once I get on the bus, though, I begin feeling overwhelmingly, intoxicatingly sleepy. I lay myself down on the seats and succumb to the waves. I am sleepily alert from within them, enjoying the sensations, and I can tell that one other person, a female passenger is on the bus with me. The feeling that if I stay in the waves for too long I will lose sight of where I am begins to take hold of me. I snap out of my sleep, still enveloped by their sensations and look out the front of the bus. Other people have since boarded, and I ask the driver if we are still heading west or if this bus is now heading east -( back toward home ). She indicates that all is well, the bus is now heading back toward the way it came. There are some brief interactions here with others who are on the bus and a group of girls is telling me our exit is coming up. When I look to see the exit I know it is not mine—“mine must be a few more exits up” I say as I watch them all step off. 

The next thing I know I have made my way to Bullhead City ( where my maternal grandma and grandpa used to live ). Mom is here now and I am visiting her . I have decided to stop at the grocery store and pick up some goodies, sort of an ‘old times sake’ feeling has a hold of me. Endorphins seem to flood through me with the thought of each item I think I might buy for us. I recall the last being chocolate chip cookies ( something I would never eat now ). It is night, approaching 9pm and the store is about to close. Many of the lights already seem to be turned off. I push into the store, which I recognize from dream’s past. The two isles on the right shelve all the water but are strangely lined with water blue plastic. There should only be two rows before the food isles come but instead the rows of water blue plastic continue, isle after isle until I realize I am somewhere else altogether. A clean and nice looking but eerie feeling large pharmacy has taken over since last I was here. It is very white and very bright, and extends upward a good 30 feet.

A horrible feeling is running through me as I gather my whereabouts, make my way to a front desk area where people who are in charge of the door are all standing and ask to be let out; the doors are locked and only they, the people behind this place can key people out.

They acknowledge my request, but I don’t know if they are going to key the door. I try to stay calm. If they detect any sense that I don’t belong, or don’t want to be here I might not ever be let out. I feel as though as innocent in enemy territory and am wondering how the heck I got in here. Some people coming out from somewhere behind the desk walk in my direction, pushing me backward from where I was standing for awhile—I get caught up in their energy for a moment and then make my way back to the front, again inquiring if they have keyed me out yet. I am being looked at suspiciously now, have I given myself away? I explain, while laughing ( to lighten things up ) about what had just happened and respectfully say I would not want to have missed their cue. Somehow during all of this Donald Trump arrives in with this group at the front. He begins to interact with me, I work my way into his energy hoping it will be my way out.

This is where the intoxicating sexual energy sensations begin. I try to use them for my benefit, toward my aim of getting out of here as we walk together in that direction. I find myself noting in this energy that it is not as horrible as one might suspect, there is a certain respect in it that he shows, and there are other women here represented who are all older, up around his own age. One of them hands me a few hangers with clothing items hung upon them as she walks through a side door off to the right that leads to another inside the building. Trump is going with her, I have successfully, in a grandchild-like manner excused myself from the energy bundle for now. I am going to get to go. I hand the hangers to a woman at a nurses station before turning to step toward the light streaming in though the front door. [ But it is not over yet ]. 

[ Trump not having worked to keep me in the sexual energy sensations, the dream now uses Tom Cruise ]. Again I find myself intoxicatingly enveloped and now the sensations are even more heightened as I sit here in one of the rooms with him, heavily making out. 

When he notices we are drawing the attention of onlookers he takes me by the hand and walks me to another room. Looking inside, seeing that it is empty we go in, closing the door behind us. Again we sit in the seats that are here and pick up where we left off. It gets really weird from here. So weird that for the life of me I can’t understand why I am not stopping. People begin to fill the room again. It is almost as though we are somewhere other than here and two separate spaces are beginning to permeate my awareness. But it does at the same time feel we are inappropriately engaged in this front scene -a doctor’s office waiting room -though not your typical doctor’s office, the light is golden, as though there is candle or fire light. Tom is fluctuating between some crazed creature and the appearance of himself. I can’t seem to break free of the intoxication, I am at a point where that impetus isn’t even there. My conscious mind has to come in for the save. It almost gets pulled in, too, trying to figure out what all this is. I finally snap myself wholly out of it. “Sooo yucky”, I say literally out loud, and ask myself if it is time to wake.

It is definitely time to wake. What the heck ?!@#$

January 29, 2024

Something or someone is actively communicating with me; DAGGER

Musicians -again; a two girl and one guy band. one blonde one brunette girl. 

I am speaking with the guy, telling him how the blonde was always one of my favorite singers. [ when I wake briefly I realize this is not true, of myself anyway. I must be merged ]. I am more clear now going in that I am experiencing this more as point consciousness. I remember entering a camper van. Who I am merged with is moving out of it in a few days. I realize the others will be here for another year. This is questionable, or debated by the guy. Who tries to stop me from going in while another of the group is in there, saying there is a limit to how many can be in there at a time. He was on traffic control but I just swooped in there anyway. 

[ Seemingly random fragments ]

As point consciousness again. I am in a house, in the kitchen, a dominant female household member is telling me another about a particular kind of tablet -medicine. There are two being mentioned. I can see the packages. They are not standard for the current day; a clear plastic bubble affixed to a cardboard back. The tablets are round, one is a very light baby, or eggshell blue and the other is red. I was given the money yesterday and told we needed the red one so I went to the store and purchased it but the woman in the kitchen with me is now saying not to get it. I am telling her I already did but that I have the receipt, meaning I can take it back. She is not a nice woman. The energy she is giving off is quite horrible. As my conscious mind comes more alert to my presence here it does not like feeling it or being here.

In the next flash, again as point consciousness I am in a garage -this happens fast, a petite sized woman lifts a heavy cardboard box and smashes it into the back of the head of an average sized, fit woman who, never seeing it coming falls to floor. For reasons unknown to me even now I am gauging where I was in the garage when this happened, trying to figure out why it wasn’t me who first got attacked. I must be somewhat merged with someone again. The attacker, the petite woman, clearly a sociopath, narcissistically, without any feeling whatsoever begins saying the woman’s name ( which I do not hold to ), rousing her back to consciousness. She wants her to feel the pain and realize at least in part what is happening. She is telling her that she fell. Gradually rousing her and getting her to pay more attention. 

In the next flashes I am being communicated with in void space. 

It feels like it is time to get up, and after having embedded and processed what I can of the scenes am checking in with myself—asking if it is time to get up. If there is anything else for me to see. I begin to be flashed images. The first two look like cards, both highly neutral in color. I am now not recalling what was on the first card, which does go with what is on the second, a DAGGER. I ponder this for awhile, but I am weary from the feeling of the last random fragments and just begin passing through them all again, trying to see how and/or if any of this fits together. After some time I ask again if it is time to get up. Two more flashes come, very quick, very clear. 

The first is the number 14, – the second is the specific and partial view of a man, top of the shoulders to waist holding A DAGGER BEHIND HIS BACK. 

I realize the association here but in this energy this morning I am in very unfamiliar territory. I cannot say that I like, or have any interest in it whatsoever. I ask who is communicating this to me. I am hesitant to see, though, I won’t let myself, I can’t relax enough. I begin to see into another scene. I do not like this one either -and due to its graphic nature my mind is superimposing some of what is not there into the mix, but another species of being is dragging what could be a man on the ground behind it through a dimly lit underground corridor. I don’t want to go there. I won’t go there. I have had enough, I’m at my limit. It is time to get up.

January 28, 2024

Alchemy, elementals,
a switch in consciousness from the physical to spiritual world

This experience begins in a mundane way. 

I am in the household of someone needing care and there are a few of us here providing that care. I have just been chosen to come on board and a schedule is being worked out.

(Condensing highly) —In the midst of all that happens here I begin to look more closely into the other girl I am principally working with -a woman of approximately 40 years of age with thick, shoulder length brown hair. In this, the scene shifts to where we are standing at an outside kitchen. The woman is, anyway. I am observing from off to her side. I find myself being told her name is RENE ( pronounced: REE NEE ). I am gleaning that she is a sprite, though I am corrected when information comes in that says PIXIE. I will note that no-one here is small, we are all the same size. She is working with herbs and other such foods and she is wearing an interesting sort of pant. It is this which at first caught my attention. It is a pant of a black jean ( ie: gene ) type material in which the whole front top portion save the waistband is removed. Another thin black pant is worn underneath. I feel as though I must have merged with her at some point because I felt the pant as though on me. I enjoyed the feeling and sensation. Another interesting thing now happens. >> it is like I separate and enter the raw data portion of the field. 

I begin isolating aspects of it and inquiring into them, in particular asking the data which composes RENE herself where it is that she got this pant. That data which is her steps off to the side closer to me and tries to begin to relay it but it is like she does not quite know how to make it understandable to a consciousness like my own. It is not like she can say she went to such-and-such store and purchased them. I am understanding this as I begin shifting out of this sub-area. It has to do with alchemy and the elements and bringing them together in such a way. In the actual scene, at the outdoor kitchen, which is made of large sticks tied with twine and is mostly open at the top – it is being pointed out to me that we 3 sisters are all here in one place. This is really emphasized. I relate this to my own sisters and I in real life and begin to wonder to myself if RENE is then associated with my sister, Nancy. — both my sisters have passed, I am the only of the 3 still occupying real space, the physical plane. I begin my inquiry again, this time into how it is I got here so this can happen again. I bend too strongly into my enquiry and begin to lose the scene.

I am now in the household again,
only this time it is different, the people and details are fluctuating. 

It is a new group of people here now, -or, at least in part. I am beginning to find it very hard to move, as though some gravity is beginning to have a hold of me. [ Note: a crystal lays on my chest in real space ]. There are various computer stations set up around the house. We are free to use these, even though it is a care job and I am at work ( or this is what I am thinking ). I really like this job, and that the computer use is even encouraged by the family members. A young man in particular says to me he wishes I would learn to play a game so we could play together and he could grow his skill. I tell him I do not really play games -in fact, even though it seems quite important what I want to do on the computer, I cannot see what it is. But I do see myself drawn to them multiple times. It is in the chair that I begin to feel the gravity. I feel that I cannot sit upright and instead slump backwards more toward reclining. ( am I sensing my body in the bed? ). I feel this while climbing a bunk bed ladder, later in this same set of scenes.—which are fluctuating again.

I am now with another household, another group, this time in what looks like India. A group of us, all girls are standing outdoors. There is one who is acting as a translator for me, helping me hear in English what the others are saying. Some neighbor girls see me and get excited to come over, but when the elder of the two sees the girl who is acting as translator she quickly says she does not want her here. I can’t for the life of me imagine why. “But she is translating!” I say. I would not understand a thing without her. It is at this point that the environment begins to be more colorful. A voice comes down that says a new law is now going into effect and everything must be referred to as the SPIRITUAL WORLD. There are now 3 rapid-fire questions that are meant as a test and which enact a full shift in awareness into the spiritual/elemental world.

“Is this a chair?” the voice asks while holding up a chair in midair.
“It is all the elements it is composed of!” I fire back.

[ I am not recalling the second question, it is something similar ].

“Is that the world out there?” the voice asks while pointing.
“Yes but it is the spiritual world! composed of all the elements in existence.” 

The voice corrects, or tests, or tempts me …. 

“Composed of all the elements of Earth” it says. To which I reply, as I walk with a girl by my side, “I can point to any one single elemental which composes the world landscape and entering it be anywhere else in all existence.” As I point, wondrously one of them is approaching us. As it grows nearer and nearer the orb grows larger and larger until it is seen a few feet in front of us as a clear, blue tinged sphere with a being inside and behind it, its whole world. Magically, we merge!

Environments and people, beings, are now fluctuating again.

I see, while experiencing myself as the wife of a husband-wife couple the two of us change shape, clothing and character. We now appear as two things quite fantastical, in the faery scheme of things. My husband is looking at himself in the mirror quite astonished. I see him from the back but can see his front in the mirror as well as myself. He is dressed in red and black, and myself in gold and black. He looks goblin-ish and myself more as an evil human female. Aside from appearances, I am still very much myself inside. Fascinated and highly curious. This scene gives way to another down the line. Where while walking with the girl, the two of us begin to be transformed. She gets scared, though, so scared that I shout a single word out into the space — “HOME”, I say.

Instantly the transformation stops and we are again ourselves, and I am explaining to her that this word is all that is ever needed to put a stop to things. She can be curious and let things happen, and use the word only when she needs.


Wow, what a ride! ( what a rush ). I went HOME -for a moment I went home.

The Magical – Elemental – Spirit realm.

January 27, 2024

OBE: Musician deaths, the day the music died

I am in the in-between area, the threshold between wake and sleep when I realize I am hearing music. It is a song I know well. I hear the line “the day the music ….. ( then sudden overt silence ) ….. In my mind I say “I am not going to say the missing word.” In the open pause I shift out of body. I catch the contents mostly in the shift back toward physical space. I look to be in an empty, unpopulated area of a mall after hours. The environment is very hazy, brown and gold. I see four tall, very THIN men standing together roughly 20 feet in front of me. One of them, the way he is dressed -it is Jimi Hendrix. I hear the missing word of the song …. DIED. — these four men have died. I think to myself, trying to remember “who are the musicians who died, referenced in the song American Pie as the quote “day the music died”?”

Observing the four men up ahead I wonder to myself why the men are always so thin. Just prior to this I had been taken to another man who was also so thin like this. I was taken to him by the same man who is bringing me now to the group of four. I can’t see him very well but he is a 50-something white male who is balding -he is not thin like the others ( I take it he is still living ). I am grouped in with the four thin men ( all deceased ). I walk over to them and there are exchanges between us but the whole thing is more energetic than verbal. I don’t have time to decipher what it is in the exchange that I am feeling through my system -aside from what I have already mentioned.

Now I am speaking to someone, another man, about my capacity to go out of body and collect data. He is saying he can’t just believe me, “there are usually markings on the body” he says. I look down at my legs and see a clustered group of hexagonal shaped raised areas that are multicolored and pressed together form an irregular oval shape. “I have never seen this before”, I think to myself. I point the man’s attention to it. He says the ones he is speaking of are usually blue, so I look further down the right leg to the knee and find one that has some hexagonal shapes within it that are blue-ish. I bring his attention to this one as I start to lose the scene.

I am floating in a pool, prone,—belly down with my head turned to the right. 

I open my eyes and see a man in a hooded red robe with a black painted face floating in the water facing me. I don’t think his face is actually painted, the skin is like this.I turn away from him to the left. There is another like him on this side also. I begin to feel too closed in, claustrophobic, trapped. ( are they passing information to me? ) ( syphoning it from me? ). My energy in an instant calls out for assistance and immediately two human male helpers arrive. They pull me from my position between these two and guard me in another area of the water. I hear a negative voice admonishing me for always having to call for aid. 

This all happens so fast. It is all I am able to see.

The red robes and pitch black faces were so shocking. The energy was highly neutral, I was not being hurt but my confusion caused me to feel closed in. I do not like feeling closed in. I am awake now and processing all this. I get up to use the bathroom, still trying to see in toward more. 

When I finish, I lay down and decide to let this percolate for awhile—but instead fall off. >>

I find myself in a scarcely furnished apartment standing in front of a wooden fridge. Robyn is sitting on a swivel recliner in the background. I am going through the fridge, the cupboards and an old lunch bag I used to use in the 90s and tossing out all the old foods. The fridge wants to fall over, I am knocking things down and tripping all over myself as I move from the kitchen to a chair in the living room where I have my own items sat. There is a dog on my heels. I get frustrated and say “oh fuck it all to hell!” Robyn is trying to talk to me but I am so bent on what I am doing that I can’t really hear her. 

January 26, 2024

Insight given, the first step -draws the bees to the flower which makes honey

I need a job. —the first thing I do is ask 3 people I know if I can help them, so I can begin earning a bit of an income. —from here everything flows beautifully, like a flower flowering, as people who they know are drawn into the whole energetic and begin to request my services. Directly within this experience there is a button I can push that allows me to see again any part of the experience I wish. I use this button again and again to move through specific portions many times. As the morning nears, each time the brainwaves pass through beta I briefly wake before going under again. Each time I go under I go into another level of the experience.

In this next one the key feature is large rectangular shaped stone lock box. I am working to get everyone ( all the workers ) to place their valuables into a rectangular stone box that fits into the larger stone lock box so that they do not get lost. At this point all the workers seem to be girls. Of their valuables I am noting their earrings. There is a safe, papers and others items in lock box as well. In the next level everyone is placing their valuables in the stone box and the lock box has been placed in the next level up from off the ground. Everything is functioning as it should. 

In the next level, the stone lock box has been placed what I find are too many levels up. It is not convenient to access. I seem to be the one has to climb the ladder to place and retrieve the various items for everyone. I set about to having the stone box lowered to the more accessible level. I cannot quite figure out how such a heavy thing could have been lifted up and I certainly don’t know how it will be lowered but I figure that whoever did the first can do the latter. 

I begin having awareness of known family members. Sandy goes in to sleep with Roger ( they are not awake? not involved in this? ). I begin interacting with a male who reminds me of my brother, Derrick—a perfected, or angelic, or God-like version of him.  An antagonist is also coming into the scene, another male who is annoyingly trying to distract him and others. No-one is paying him any attention, none at all, not even me. I enter this little alcove, an additional area in which my brother has sat himself. It is beautiful, like a mental made room, the air is very bright and there is green grass. The lovely idea of a glass city seems in the distance.

I enter the space, lightheartedly asking “does he know you can’t hear him?” I sit and we talk, but this area fades soon after speaking these first words.

January 25, 2024

Repeating dream, theme: ease of flow -an energy high

I am wide awake tonight, even at 2am. 
It takes me many more hours to finally fall off, which is maybe an hour before sunrise. 

I enter a repeating dream. 

I love it here, it is a little corner mom and pop food shop owned by an older couple. It is such an easy going place, everything just flows, always without difficulty. I decide I want to give the elderly couple a break. I realize I will quickly have to learn the prices of everything and how the register works. The prices are really low ( we must be in another time, early 1970s ). The donuts are only 25 cents each. Somehow the shop is able to pay for itself and even everyone’s salaries.

As I am learning what I need, the information flow begins to speed up. As it passes through me it feels so good. Indescribable, really -but like a perfectly balanced steadily humming energy high. I ride the feeling until I find myself in another shop. It is another eatery, although different, more Mediterranean, everything is healthy and homemade. It belongs to Rob and Kalina -though it is mostly Kalina who puts her energy and gifts into the place. When I ask where Rob is he walks in the door. He and Kalina share a loving, heartfelt hug. I feel this through my system.

The restaurant, it would seem, is not doing well. The business needs to be liquidated and become something new. As we liquidate, Kalina begins packaging foods into clear take-a-way containers and piling them outside the door for sale. We learn that in this neighborhood this tactic might have worked better than a sit down situation because it is mostly the wives of other households, who are responsible for the cooking who might have purchased the ready made home cooked foods here to save themselves time. I see them through the glass front, curious mostly because the business is now closing. The new ideas for the place are flowing as effortlessly as water. We are contemplating a yoga space that sells teas and such. We are working out the various streams of potential income, and the space when I suddenly wake. 

January 24, 2024

Surface level dreams, tasks, a song to a being named Alithudra

Tonight I never really get beyond the level of the flotsam and jetsam. I am involved in various tasks -all work related. Washing a young boy’s bum, giving him a shower. Serving taquitos to another female server, there is a time element in play. As I wake, I hear myself singing along to a song being sung to a being named Alithudra. The beat is simple: -thump -thump -A -li -thu -dra. Again and again. I am happy to have gotten a name. One that is not common at that!

One other interesting name has come to me recently, this one while in a group meditation with one other person. Her name is all I could hold of the contact >> Esthfeca.

Alithudra and Esthfeca — these names seem to go together.

They may be related to an Aztec lifetime that occurred following the time of Quetzalcoatl, which I received surprising channeled data on after asking the question :

I now have two more questions.

Is this Alithudra?
Is this Esthfeca?

January 23, 2024

Brotherly King, a return to Duty, deep reach into the unknown

It is unfortunate, but in diving more deeply into the third experience ( below ), I lose the first one of the night. If it returns to me I will return to report.

More dogs — We are in the backyard, on the porch when a woman brings us more dogs. We already have so many, more than we are growing able to care for and feed. I have no idea how we will feed more and am feeling frustrated because it looks like a woman who is my mom is going to accept and take them in. I try to intervene, being more practical about the situation when the woman redirects my attention to how I am with the dogs, how they make me feel. Darn it. She succeeds. I see myself holding them and the feeling their soft, playful love. I am a goner. We now have two new puppies and a full grown dog. In this energy I shift, >> 

Brotherly Kings
Injury and healing, return to Duty, uniting all kingdoms

There is only one King in this experience, he appears as himself and through many through the ages. I see the past, present and future. Mostly the past, I could say the beginning. The present takes me to a high school in Los Angeles and young blonde girl. I see a royal representative here observing her. The future is the Brotherly Kingdom reaching into the Unknown for its birthright; a certain knowledge that previous generations neglected to obtain and regularly passed on for the next to accomplish, — until the King of my dream tonight. I will explain briefly that the “brotherly” adjective is in reference to a Kingdom and King who is Good, wanting what is good for all people all throughout the ages >> the kingdoms are all the ages >> Duty is reaching into the unknown for what will help and benefit all people. 

I am guided from the King, who throughout a large portion of this experience is injured -and healing, in part, with the assistance of my love and kind feelings toward him ( I see him as a father )— to the Queen and other women in a cavernous area below the castle. These other women down here, are there 3 or 4 of them?, they all have extremely long silver hair that extends down to near their feet. I am reminded of the Fates. It is here with them that my attention travels through time. And that a secret door comes to my attention.

My mind travels to my real life mother who is also at present sick and healing -and I remember I have known of this door, I have achieved access to it—it reaches through time from one space to another. ( I note the uniting of personal mind with Universal Mind. I note the OBE, and the crystal ). I want to pass something through it to my mother to help her get better. I want to pass something to my father ( the King ), also, to help him get better, too. I see the secret door as a simple cupboard, the door opens on my end from where I am, to anywhere, but in this instance to where they each are. I do not see what it is I send them but I do put through what I feel to.

While the Kings mother, the Queen is still alive she is ruler. As I am waking I see them both standing in a room with a very high ceiling. The King is standing, I will note, he makes use of a cane but his health is decidedly improving. They are in a heated, or let me say heart-strong passionate exchange about the Kingdom’s Duty. The Queen felt to leave it in what she thought was the more capable hands of her sons. I see now that the King ( and I have said King throughout because I see past, present and future and he is the one chosen for the thrown ) has a brother -who I see standing here now verbally and literally bowing out of his Duty.

All of them I will mention appear old, very old. All have long silver hair. There is a dust that appears to be everywhere, on everyone and everything. Through the course of the scene the King is growing evermore determined, I feel him deep inside coming back to life, his words speak of not letting the Kingdom’s Duty wait to pass on to yet another generation. 

In the experience I get a glimpse of what ( knowledge ) he is reaching into the Abyss for, but it is too much for me to hold. This experience in itself is likewise, I have had to condense the entirety of what happened down to the size of a pea. The energy that comes, standing in the Abyss on the precipice of the knowledge being sought is intense. I have stood on the very same precipice myself, many times before. But here it is the King who stands here now, and I cannot yet hold within my own being what he can in his. I see only a glimmering,

And within the intensity of the event—WAKE.

January 22, 2024

Etheric meeting with 4 intergalactic males, and more

In etheric space, — a young man who I am taking to be Leif, but is not keeps coming into my room without asking and loudly playing a piano that is just to the inside of my door. ( I do not catch the sign, do not consciously alert ). Instead, after the third time it has happened I ethically get up out of the bed and tell him this getting to the point of being unacceptable—his entering my room without having asked, the loud piano playing. I am walking out my door, down a long, straight set of steps to the front door that is down at the bottom. I open it and let in 4 four male robed in black. I can only see the one in front, there is a kind of spiritual warrior feeling to him, he appears approximately 40-50 years of age, has dark skin. The four men walk up the stairs toward my room. I close the door behind them and follow. 

They are here to help me print something I have been working on, on the computer. I am not sure why I need their help, printing from the computer is not generally a challenge. Though I, myself, aim to print just the first 30 pages, the first of the four men who I have described sets it to print the whole 3421 pages. I am aghast -for one, I find it wasteful, it will costly -and second, I don’t even know if I have this much paper and ink. I am relaying all this to him when the printer runs out of paper around page 30. I feel somewhat relieved at this. I have the option to not refill it and cancel the rest of the job. I cannot see what these 3421 pages contain.

Broom fire, — the bottom portion of an industrial push broom catches fire in the back of an older woman’s car. The car is driving in the center lane out on the street. The instant it happens there is a younger man who sweeps it out of the car onto the road behind the woman’s vehicle. I am observing this perceptually from one of the shops alongside the street. I think he is bringing the thing too far back behind the woman’s car for his safety. The attempt to put out the flames is causing there to be a lot of smoke. An oncoming car in that lane might not see him. Police and fire trucks arrive in droves. The firemen get the fire put out. As they are all driving off I think to myself that I should thank them. I lean myself out the front door, and wave at them shouting {{{ thank you }}}. They see me, smile and wave back, {{{ you’re welcome }}}.

Daily walk — I have set out on a walk through the neighborhood. I do not recognize the neighborhood but am taking it to be my own. I would say it is a composite of many neighborhoods in which I have lived. There is a talk going on in the background with guidance about a new care job, and potentially it being a live-in. I really don’t want that right now but seem to be considering it as a means of saving money, and working out how I might navigate it right now. Live-in jobs can be risky, if they don’t work out, and/or when they end due to the person passing ( this can sometimes be as quickly as they began ) you have nowhere to go and it is not easy finding house shares at my age in California. I see myself asking my brother if could stay there while I found a place. In the middle of my musing a very tall man stops me. 

He is just standing out here and when he sees me he tries to interact. I begin to see a very large big-screen t.v. up at a tree top level. The man begins to pull himself up a flesh colored bungie-like cord that is fixed to and hanging off the front of the screen —like he is doing exercises. When he gets down I mimic him. I pull myself up and flip myself upside down until I hit a point where I feel the sensation of weightlessness. It feels wonderful. – but another man who is in the background questions the safety of this and says I should be careful. So I get down.

I tell the tall man that if it could support his weight then certainly it could easily support mine. He gives up that his weight is roughly 3000 lbs. I think he mistakenly does this, and it is sort of erased over in my mind, but not entirely. I wonder to myself if he is a giant.

He tries to follow me on my walk when I set out again, and even corners me in an area. I can no longer hear our actual conversation or see what it is he wanted. I explain I have to keep moving. Other females in the area confirm from their windows by saying that is what they would do. The tall man respects my intent and I am off.

I walk through the neighborhood streets until I come to a juncture that leads into an underground area where the cars are parked. I begin to see nothing but grey cement and parked cars. I am hesitant before entering, “is this really the way I want to?” I think to myself. It is not as nice as the outdoors, there looks like there could be spaces where it will be a tight squeeze going by cars exiting and entering. I go ahead and go forward. There is an a small area to my left that is walled in ( in an arch ) rather than just open. I begin to see another man who is in on foot, walking toward this area, and then a red-ish 70s sports car filled with four men that is being driven out of it. The opening just barely accommodates the width of a car, them both arriving at it at the same time is going to be a crunch. The man on foot is aware of the car, but the driver is talking to the guys in the back while the car inches forward and then stops repeatedly. The man on foot tries to skirt the opening to get out of the car’s way, just as the car moves to go through it and the man on foot gets bumped. He quickly squirrels his legs through before getting hurt too bad. The driver of the car turns to see what has happened. Now seeing the man, he steps out of the car.

The man on foot, to say the very least is not happy and voices his discontent; the driver, being somewhat of a tough guy begins to take exception to his lack of respect. 

It is here that I step in to explain to the driver what happened as I saw it, explaining that must have really hurt, drawing my hands around the area in question ( the groin ) and doubling a little over for effect. He can see, and agrees this would have really hurt. He seems to appreciate my willingness to neutrally explain to him exactly what happened. He is now walking alongside me and continuing the discussion. I want to help him, but I also just want to go on my solo walk. 

As he continues, and I attempt to detach 
….I begin to wake.

January 21, 2024

The curious codes cosmic civilizations live by
( a lesson in judgement, getting past fear, preparation for what lay ahead )

At one point in the night, someone who is here communicating with me penetrates my energy field to the point that I get scared. There are multiple reasons for this. I am perceptually in the etheric and am being shown the codes by which other cosmic civilizations live.

The one being shown to me at present, by a male representative of that society is one that worships their children. It is meant in a very literal sense and there are rituals involved. I am experiencing it through my own systems and it is downright frightening to me. So much so that I am attempting to wake myself up. Always when I do this the intent is to then throw myself back into the experience with more conscious awareness. I get stopped short at etheric space ( the etheric version of my own room ) when the representative booms out “Do you know why we worship our children? —to show honor to our knowing that they are our future.”

I am caught as to which way I will go but inevitably let myself be taken back into the experience, further into the fields where I am shown society after society until there is a collection of just so many with curious ways that I am no longer afraid. I just realize there are an infinite number of ways that civilizations can evolve. There are too many to fear, so many that surrender and acceptance inevitably comes. It has been a successful night. 

As mentioned above, there are a number of cosmic societies shown me, in the dozens, too many to hold to in detail but I will briefly mention one other with a notable trait. It is common in this society for parents to be secretive to the point of letting their children think someone else is their parent. In addition, these people have the power to daydream in a way that is so real that if they were to harm someone in their musing, that person could sustain the harm in real life.

I am viewing this taking place as point consciousness— a young, perhaps 13 year old boy fitted against an adult female. Events escalate to the point of each of them going for a gun. The boy shoots the adult. I am positioned by the female. She is asking me to lay her down in a certain way that the boy can tell she is actually injured. I think this is all for show until I then see the boy bring himself to, where he sits in a chair in an office. He jumps up in a rush ( and I begin to understand ). I am back with the woman. An adult male and the boy are arriving to the scene. They look like father and son. The boy had no idea this woman is his mother. I am gleaning that when psychic events such as this happen, they have a way to fix it, if it is in time. Here they are arriving in time.

Following this, nearing when I actually wake proper I am in another such experience. Even though it is closer to my wake time I am only recalling a particular moment.

I am with a female and young boy again.

We are about to jump into an indoor swimming pool. I try to stop the boy from jumping in until I myself am in the water but he jumps in ahead of me. I jump in right after him and am surprised to see I am on an assistive device, a walker that has four fist sized white opal looking objects, one on the foot of each of its legs that cause it to float. This is a delightful thing for me to experience -not just the surprise, but the floating and not getting my clothing wet. I enjoy this for awhile, losing sight of the female and young boy. I begin having a conversation with another woman in the water, a staff nurse who works here. “I had no idea they made these on walkers”, I say. As she confirms that clearly they do. I then begin inspecting the thing with my conscious state of attention. It has been soiled, there are urine stains. So of course I set about to getting it cleaned. “First things first”, I think to myself. Vacating the pool and wondering how I will go about this.

January 20, 2023

Near future corporate science building, a tryst between 3 scientists

I’ve got just a snippet today. We’ve got heavy clouds and rain, when there is no morning sun dreams can be that much harder for me to hold to. I also felt to perhaps take a bit of break from recall today as this has been one powerhouse of a month with the dreams and data coming through. I am waking early today, but feeling lackadaisical with my recall. Aside from one little snippet, that is clear just because I am finding its contents so odd, all else is to the other side of clouds every bit as thick as those outside at the moment.

In the one scene that remains clear, we are inside a large corporate/business building in what would appear to the future, -though I cannot say it is, it does look and feel this way. It would seem the work being done here is scientific in some way. I see lab coats, clip boards and those kinds of things in the background of what is central to the scene. The coloring and light inside the building I find odd, it is in yellow and gold/brown spectrum. It is pleasant, not dated in any way, again it feels quite futuristic, though if it is in actuality I might think not too far off in the future; maybe just 100-200 years. Along with the building and potential timeframe there are 3 people.

What is being brought to my attention is a tryst going on between the three of them, they are one man and two women; these are full fledged adults, not young people. I would say they are each 50+ years old, and each is a scientist, or corporate scientist. They are having this tryst together, the three of them. I don’t understand a lot of what I am being shown, but during one of their sexual encounters the man’s attention goes strongly toward one of the women. There is jealously from the other, I see later, when a large planetary event takes place, an earthquake?, everything is beginning to shake – and the one woman shoots the other in the right leg. 

I try to look in there a little deeper to see what is shaking things up, and if there is any more to the one woman shooting the other than drama and jealousy but I just see the same set of scenes playing again and again. The woman who is shot, I can see her well. She is wearing a stylish shiny metallic colored skirt suit, the skirt length is below the knee, forms well to her tall, slim body and dons a 9″ slit up the back. She has light blonde hair that is nicely coiffed toward the top of her head in a bun. She has made her way to her own office with the help of a female assistant who has chosen to side with her. She has her hand over her leg but I do not see that it is bleeding. I don’t know what she was shot with, but maybe not your traditional bullet. She is limping on it but can walk. There is pandemonium going on throughout the building. 

They cannot stay where they are but I can see them trying to quickly work out what to retrieve from the building ( paperwork, disc drives, evidence ) that has to do not only with what is happening but with why she has just been shot by the other woman. This is really as far in there that I can see.

With every effort to see more my attention just scans through this same set scenes.

Some kind of scientific work going on in the near future.
Some kind of Earth event.
This tryst.

January 19, 2024

Abducted ( by a human agency? ), attempted mind control, taken to another planet

The first scene begins with me parking the car; there is a long tandem space, walled on each side, the space up front is being pulled out of, I am going to park here. 

As all of this is happening there come to be specifically two other cars with male drivers who are interested in the space. I tell the one of them I will let him know when/if I am going to decide to leave it. When I get out of the car I notice the tunnel of space behind me. No-one is parked here, it leads into somewhere. I see a woman being pushed on a gurney around a corner and just sloppily left here in a doorway. I find this action just horrible and step in to finish taking her into the room ahead. ( I’ve fallen for it ). There is communication between the two of us while I am here. I notice she is a pretty, Goldie Hawn-ish looking woman. As we talk, a man comes into the picture and soon I am being driven home by them in their car. I am as ignorant as could be about what is happening; my coordinates in space and time are attempting to be extracted from me. 

I have taken the two of them to the empty parking lot of a Whole Foods store in a neighborhood I would frequent during the years when I was living out of the car. In the experience it is where I think home is and the man is not happy when dropping me off. In all innocence I suggest we all exchange information and keep in touch. He takes my phone from me, looking for an actual address maybe? shoves it back at me, turns and gets into his car to leave. It is in the few seconds we connect as he takes the phone off me that my conscious mind sees into the scene of what is actually happening right now. I am in a dark, dimly lit room. There is an ET and human presence. —although I do not know in what sense, I am out cold on a gurney and shockingly being scanned for data. This must be my etheric body they are working through. I finally realize in more detail why I have moved around so much in my life. To confuse my spacial-temporal whereabouts. In the experience, I genuinely think I have given them this, but I haven’t.

Another attempt is made using another tactic. >> 

I find myself with a large plus sized elderly black woman who I am taking care of and have taken to a Walmart store. We get separated when two people, a man and woman take me away in their vehicle. When I realize this has happened I tell them I really have to get back, the elderly woman is in my care. I try to get back on my own but hit many roadblocks, and the redirection of many others. I am not sure what is what. If the man and woman were a rescue, or if it was the other way around. Feeling into it, I suspect it was a rescue that I managed to mess up. Though the team were strategically placed in a way that did prevent me making it to back to the Walmart.

[ The above being said, I am unsure of everything at this point. ]

Now I seem to I get a lesson: I have Charlie B and another little dog on leash, **this is just a single moment within the scheme of a larger set of scenes that are now so fractal due to the massive amount of data tonight that I don’t want to even bother putting it all back together. However…..as I am walking the two dogs on leashes I have a clear, medical grade glove on one hand because I have to clean up a pile of throw up that Charlie made earlier at the rim of a backed up puddle of water in the mud. Both dogs are pulling on the leashes and I keep trying to get them to stop. Something has happened, I am calling the dogs and they aren’t coming. I follow the trail of the leashes through two trees, to the other side of them where I see a man with blonde hair. He has taken Charlie off his leash. I am aghast. I tell him he will immediately put him back on. 

Charlie is hanging out around the back of the man’s left foot. He picks him up. I am getting talked to about the leash. I begin explaining to the man the reason for the leash, citing all these things that Charlie would NEVER do, such as pee and poo on other dogs and even cats, try to bite people, not listen to commands. If off-leash I would lose sleep always worrying. I then explain how it is all really my own fault, I didn’t do a good enough job training him when he was still young. When the brainwaves roll back around through beta I get another momentous shock. I realize I am being programmed to think the reverse of how things actually are. A horrible feeling is swirling around in my gut, this is all just so filthy feeling. —but I am starting to get angry, **this is a good first sign. I begin repeating to myself again and again how things actually are, how well Charlie was trained before we even met, to the point we never had to use a leash. How I actually had to untrain him from his militant background. How he was and still is the love of my life.

When the alpha-thetas begin to take me and I go under, >>

I find myself on a video call with a man who I want to call Donny but his name is not this, I can see on the screen it is something like Wex, and I correct myself, calling him by this name. When I get distracted doing something else with another female he shows up at my house. I am surprised how fast it happens. I ask him where he lives relative to me and say it must be close to have gotten here so quickly. This little vignette leads into the next fantastical experience.

I am now off world. I could not say the planet but the creatures and peoples here are not of our own. This said, the planet looks a lot like our own and there is an Earth human looking girl here, roughly 13 years old who has long straight blonde hair. As I come into the scene I am viewing it from above. There are two enormous bear?-like creatures down there who have just killed and eaten two of our people. Their fur is gossamer fine, and of length roughly 18 inches. It is brown but has a a light dusty wine colored tinge. The hairs seem as controlled as any of their limbs. There is another creature as well that I see only later, when we ourselves make it down there to the ground. It is vulture-like. It has feathers rather than fur, but it, too, has a similar kind of hair. These hairs make both these creatures look larger in size than they actually are. 

While still working out how to get down to the ground, and to our vehicles without harm, the blonde girl, not unlike an indigenous person is showing a middle aged female in our human group how to use a calf sheath for her knife. She is gifting one to her, explaining its purpose and function. I also see, how the girl survives a rock cave entrance collapse. She survives under an extremely large boulder, and when even it collapses onto her she survives even that. There is something different, something special about the child. She is like a supergirl. We all manage to get to the ground using some kind of white cordage. We climb hand over hand by the use of it down to the ground. It is while seeing all of this that I realize we were all in a helicopter. We are being lowered not far from the two bear-like creatures, and closer to where I now see they have cubs.

I immediately know this is not good, the adults will move even closer as they see this. 

We are trying to keep a safe distance but due to the cubs it isn’t really possible, as the adults move nearer to our position I see the vulture-like creatures. A black dog that I have on leash is leery but not afraid. In an alert yet submissive way he pauses here to pee and lay his scent, sending a message of our intent to the thing. When the dog is done, the creature is looking at me pulling him away and smelling the scent. It is able to read the message even from this other species. I am intrigued. As we are walking, still trying to get safely to our vehicles the scenes shift. I see, almost as a point of consciousness ( this is true throughout this whole experience ) that I am moving through a village of a local humanoid tribe. Although I get a good look at them, I don’t think I could describe them well aside from the fact that they are humanoid in their shape and appearance. I do see they have a range of different colored skin, dusty white, dusty pink, dusty blue. -and because it seems so different I notice their open O shaped mouths. 

We are walking past, I also notice, a group of their children, who are perhaps 30 in number and standing here in rows, aside a like-sized group of elders. A single adult male stands to the far side of them as a safety measure, not just now but at all times. He looks to the others of the tribe for permission to let us pass. It is granted, I can see the expressions on his face this whole while, they are very easy to read. We are being allowed through -on a very specific path toward a makeshift room of wood and straw where the blonde girl from before is being kept and questioned by a male of some kind of leadership rank. I am hearing what he is saying to her, understanding it in English in my own mind. I can tell he is not a good man. He is manipulative. He is saying for the girl to stop her resistive silence. To just just smile, gesturing her hands to the air/sky saying “almighty” as the rest of her peoples would. He is mentioning a woman in our own group, the one the girl shared the calf sheath with, who in appearance, herself looks like a grown version of this girl. He is saying her name is Linda. I see no further than this. I am beginning to wake.

I will not even try to see any further -we will leave it at this for today.

It is extensive in every aspect to process.

January 18, 2024

Repeated bombing of a building, outside ( et ) interference,
long corridor of doors

Note: an unusual sleepiness began coming on me early tonight, in fact only hours after I had woken and logged my dreams yesterday. Often when this happens it is a phase, for just one to a few hours but not today. The sleepiness never faded. I struggled hard to stay awake until the very time I decided to drop off. I worked, and waited until after 11pm, at that point listening to a lecture to help ensure ( if that is even possible ) I would not be taken.

The array of concepts in the first area I recall of my dreaming are complex, so much so that it is work for me to put this data together—but central to it all is that I am in some kind of a building complex where people live, I want to say with another caregiver but it is possibly not entirely accurate. I do feel I know and am akin to those who are here, though I never recall seeing any of them, save one, who is vague in my awareness but an ethnic female. These are working people, domestic workers. There is some kind of repeated bombing of the building going on that the people seem to be responsible for themselves. It is clear to me why, directly inside the experience, but from the outside this detail is hard for me to see. I just remember thinking that if we keep doing this we are going to get ourselves into trouble.

 I can see myself inside a room in one of the homes, this is from where I experience most of this segment. I suspect, due to the second segment that I am visiting someone I know here who is associated with my caregiving ( could it be Gwen? from Belize ). This particular room I am in must be at least in part subterranean because when the explosion goes off there is a large wall to wall sized  open grate to the outside through which the fire reaches into the room. It scorches this area, a few foot section of the ceiling. I seem to know when it is going to happen and position myself in a safe space along that same wall. The grate is a good 6 feet above my head. It must get to be too much for me, I must split my point of attention — I can see myself elsewhere now ..

I am walking next to a tall, focused, beautiful brown haired woman ( clearly a nemesis type character, a ‘bad witch’ ) who herself is walking next to a large, roughly 3 foot by 3 foot, bright blue rolling sphere. It has some kind of silver casing around it. The whole thing is levitating slightly up off the ground but is rolling aside the woman as she walks. I see the outside, and the idea of a rooftop location next door to our building complex above a bank. 

This is all. I can see no more.

Following this, my attention alerts as I am walking down a large, dark central corridor,
knowing myself to be just a couple floors down from where I had just been—when I turn to my right and without pause enter one specific door. 

It is bright inside this apartment, there is a young boy sitting on the sofa, and there is an image of me impressed into one its neutral colored cushions. I find this surprising, walk toward the boy and sit myself in front of him. As all of this happens I know myself to be in the home of Richelle. [ When I first left the casino I was a nanny for her family, her two children for a few years. It was my first caregiving job ]. As I find myself knowing this, Richelle opens a door and comes out from what must be the master bedroom. I apologize for just showing up and coming in like this, I explain how I had seen my picture on the sofa cushion and got curious. In fact I felt called. It must be her boy who had called me, as he is the first who I had seen. I cannot see my interaction with him prior to Richelle appearing. It must be something for me to retrieve later.

I don’t see Richelle’s daughter, and ask where she is. She walks to the fireplace, works a lever and opens it like a secret door into another room. We go inside to find her daughter, who is grown now and presenting in her late 20s. She is a writer, a kind of investigative journalist. She is very talkative but none of what she says stays intact -save for what I’ve just said of her. It appears night while in her room, pillar type candles light the space. I am so surprised and really so very happy to be seeing the three of them. I almost can’t get past this energy in itself. I begin detecting a male in the background and think to myself “of course Richelle would have a man.” My attention splits and I begin to see him sitting at a table in the kitchen, Richelle and I are also here. He is dark skinned and black haired, fit and quite handsome with what I call “pretty” features. I am telling him the story of how I arrived, seeing myself on one of the sofa cushions. He reaches over and grabs one to show me, the picture of me on this one is different, more solidly there and accurate to what I physically look like. In it I am on the very edge of something, including the scope of the picture itself. 

We are all launching into more dialogue together as I begin to wake.. -andnot for the first time, 

I have strangely had to use the bathroom every couple hours all night. 
I guess a lot more than usual is getting processed.

January 17, 2024

Mission: a galactic group manifests in Earth space in pairs, I am told the story

I really enjoyed myself tonight. 

This one was so fun to experience, and so interesting in the way it plays out. 

To set the stage a little, I am being told a story, it is told from above, by one of a set of characters who exist prior to coming down to Earth space. The idea is that every one of us will be paired with another, and ground level, in the events playing out everyone already is paired except me. The pairing is the central energy swirling through the whole story being told, which is said in such a neutral goodhearted feeling as to be pleasant well beyond my capacity to say. The camaraderie, closeness and humor amongst the group of us is excellent. There is no rule, such as what we have locally dictating who may be with who, love is what it is and goes where it does. When the group of us manifest, the timeframe feels like the 1960s, we manifest as adults, the men are all gay but each marries/pairs with a female. This is the story that is being told, the story of each of the males, and though gay, their partnering with the females they chose.—who from above were chosen for them, by who they are up there. Everything has been decided well in advance. 

In Earth space, everyone is converging on me because I have not yet let myself be paired. We are all young adults ( <35 ), I am the only female of our group and everyone is pushing me to choose a partner. It is night, we are partying, I do not normally drink but agree to a margarita mixture being made. The one mixing the drinks deliberately makes them overly strong. We all begin to go off into this energy when from above I begin to see the man I am going to choose. He is dressed classically to the late 50s – early 60s, is fit, muscular through the chest but not overly so. I can see this at all only due to the clothes being worn snugly through this timeframe. He looks like your average, handsome all-American man. It is at this point that I realize I am on board our craft, and that as this whole story is being told a simulation of it is presenting. 

I am able to merge myself with any aspect of the story I wish. It is at this point that I reach into the simulation and put my arms around the man I am later going to marry. There is a dialogue between us. He is anxious to play this role and is taking it very seriously. While I myself want to ask if it is only because he no longer wants to wash his own dishes. It is in good humor that I think this, but I bite my tongue from saying it all the same. In truth, I can see why, as the man, he wants to marry. It is because he thinks this will mean I will come to know him, all his many likes and dislikes and this feels good to him. On the other hand, it feels one way, and not very good to me. Placing my arms upon his shoulders, the hug, if you will, has spurred him into wanting to marry right away, rather than later as is the plan. 

My attention returns to the story as it is being told by the leader of our group, who has relayed
the tale of many of the men and is now mentioning “George”… 

Having been distracted in the simulation, yet still on the same page with the telling of the story, hearing this name I say “and who is George?” As I ask, George comes into full view and I see that it has been he who has been telling the story all along. Or more accurately, the one from our group whose consciousness came down into George. He is an interesting, somewhat artistic looking man as he stands here in a stance as though introducing himself, a cigarette poised in his extended right hand. He is a caucasian man with dark blonde hair worn in a kind of pompadour. Without missing a beat he continues his tale, now of himself, in great humor, and the woman he came to marry, who I vaguely see as a platinum blonde haired woman of the exact age as he. I can feel the sense of the overall mission of our group behind the words of each of the stories being told, but I don’t think I could state that here now if I tried. I do get a strong sense of it, though. The origin point of above. A reason for coming down together. Staying together by pairing together. And how important all this is. As George goes on with his story I begin to lose my connection.

The next thing I know I am in the etheric.

There is a man sleeping with me, cradling me from behind. It is all too clear we are both naked.
( I won’t go into details. )

From here my bed shifts into that of another. It takes some time before I actually feel this, but I feel merged with a young adult female. The situation is the same, identical, I am being cradled from behind. I know who this is. There is a whole story unfolding here but I will leave it at that I step out of the bed and huddle to the side of it. There is guidance in the room, a male who is not much older than these other two. He feels like a friend of the young adult man in the bed. Who has to step out and take care of business, as it were, as this did not happen while still in the bed. Being directly merged in this event has to a mild extent shocked me. I can’t get past here because I still can’t quite believe it has happened. I am busy working all this out within myself.

January 16, 2024

Taken up onboard a craft, scanned for data and shown some things

This one is incredibly hard for me to hold onto. It is like a veritable swarm of fractalized information, random and separate, and that I am only able to piece somewhat together at the very end. It is like it is being erased as it happens, but I somehow push through the erasure as I attempt data recovery before waking. It all starts when early in the night I am taken up on a craft. 

The craft is communicating with me as I am going up, from beneath it I see what I perceive as a small in number but large in size crossword puzzle. All the boxes are filled in with symbols, letters that compose words while at the same time I see myself filling in the empty squares. It would seem I am able to read and understand the messages and even communicate back in return. I recall one other apparatus underneath here that is a part of this initial communication process but I no longer see clearly what it is -only that it was here. I have no recall at all from being in the craft. This seems strange. All the information pertains to the connection between these beings and events set in play down on the ground. I would think I am being scanned, read for information but some of it does not contain anything from my active memory. Some does. >> 

My sister, Sandy.. I see her in high school. I see her skipping out on a class *something I don’t think she would ever do but I don’t know. She is, in an additional field talking to someone on the phone, something about she and they not being alike enough anymore. She is really point blank about it with them, then she just hangs up. My impression is that the female on the other end of the line wants her to attend class. Sandy is adamant about going the other way. I observe as she hangs up, turns and walks out the front doors of what I am taking to be the school.

I watch until I do not see her anymore -at which point my attention splits. A part of it following her, a part of it aware, but not consciously aware that I am being given sugar, a glucose infusion on the ship. This has happened to me before so I recognize it now that I see the data as I am recalling this event. I see this in the field as 3 substances: orange juice, cola and sprite. I wonder if that has to do with the only reason I am able to recall any of this at all, a sore muscle in my right calf that has been catching my conscious attention at every shift through beta throughout the night.

There is much more, but the last segment that I can clearly recall is indicating to me that there are a lot of unconnected agents down on the ground, people who have been taken up on this craft by these beings who they periodically recall to scan for data. 

None of these people are supposed to know one another. But there is a busy scene, it may be Christmas time, I see a Christmas package but what is inside is something that is going to be used to kill a lot of people. This sidewalk, or throughway is packed with people rushing about. It is likely multiple environments superimposed. I get the idea I am merged with a female, I can see bits of her. She is wearing a designer beige colored trench coat with an artistically tied belt, high heels, large sunglasses. Does she have blonde hair? I am viewing all of this as myself, it is as random bits of data that are not tying in to each other. As the woman I am merged with walks by a bench where a middle aged woman is sitting with a man dressed in an overcoat and hat, I myself seem to pause. I recognize him from somewhere earlier in the scheme of all that is happening. 

He looks at me/us, the woman I am merged with and myself. 

The middle aged woman stands and, inquisitively asks point blank “do you recognize him?” The woman I am merged with catches herself, “no” she says flatly, walking on almost before she even finishes saying so. The middle aged woman seems content with her response and sits back down to continue whatever she is with the man. I get the strong feeling she is really a disguised extraterrestrial from the craft. I actually have no doubt of this. I can see the various ground level positions of those they pick up. Are some of them supposed to stop the man with the Christmas package of explosives? Are they just here to observe? Or are they here to see that it happens? The data is in such a swarm, and the energy of the beings so neutral I just can’t tell. Directly within the experience it feels the agents arere placed to secretly intervene.

It seems like one of those situations where a random act sets off a chain reaction that is designed to alter an outcome. This feeling is present.

I could not say fore sure.

January 15, 2024

Geometrical graffiti, glass shards in the thumb, rendering first aid

Last night ( IRL ) I was exposed to a group of people, bright indoor lights, loud talking, chemical scents. All this disrupted my awareness in the dream state once I went to bed. A growing headache was coming on and I noticed all through the night a stuffy nose *not due illness but chemicals, specifically downy clothes softener. Come morning I don’t really want to get up, so I lay here asking myself “what am I seeing?” ( behind my closed eyes ). Soon there is a little vignette playing.

I see myself, an invisible point of consciousness inside a large beige tiled bathroom.
I can sense that I am with my nephew Zackary.

I pick up a chocolate brown colored sharpie, and then a second, and begin drawing shapes, patterns and words all over the tiles. I start at the top of a large wall, drawing two vertical wavy lines downward toward the baseboards. Soon, Zack joins me. When I step back to look at what we’ve done, it looks more of a mess than like art so I begin cleaning it all off to begin again. 

While I am cleaning I must be handling something made of glass -and I must be really tall/large in stature? because when a glass shard falls it is the size of two human thumbs. It looks beveled along its sides and is perfectly square. My nephew picks it up. I ask him not to play with it but he doesn’t listen. He begins rubbing his thumb up and and down one of its sides. Soon the pad of his thumb is bleeding, and not from a single spot, as in a cut, but from many, as though multiple shards had permeated his skin. I get him to sit down so I can start applying first aid. I run the water and put his thumb under it while I begin looking through drawers for first aid kit supplies. 

While I do, the idea in the bathroom begins to change from my nephew to a mentally challenged young adult male who I am caring for overnight for the Corso/Carsons. I can’t believe Maria would not have a first aid kit set up in the bathroom. As I am rifling through the drawers, having thought this, I begin to find it. All kinds of first aid supplies, including odd shaped but decorative bandages that are cut the size and shape of just the inside pad of the whole thumb. They are in all kinds of different sizes, the largest is grey with white polka dots.

The young man doesn’t want to keep his thumb under the running water anymore. And when I begin looking for the rubbing alcohol in lieu of it he begins to get skittish. I suppose he knows it may sting, but I am finding it really important that we work these shards out now before they become more permanently embedded and he requires surgery to get them removed. To this he stands up from the chair and is wanting to leave. 

He does attempt to leave the room but it is just as another female walks in through the door. I look at her, telepathically asking she not let him. She does her best to walk toward him as he moves from right to left in his attempts to evade her and finally he gives up and move further into the room while the woman and I figure out what we are going to do. 

( the scene fades )

January 14, 2024

Good witches ( heal my arm ), shift to future earth,
a contact experienced from the dream state

Good witches -in a store of their own >> there is a familiar elder energy in the room that I recognize. It is in the background but also very present, it fills the room. I think it is Jean May. She is engaged in the interaction, she is the principal energy engaged in the interaction. There are 2 or 3 others of us here in the circle. I see one woman holding a stick of Incense with a paste-like substance on the lit tip, it is burned up the trail of a woman’s left arm, interior of the wrist to shoulder. As this happens she says in a confident, commanding manner “you will go all the way up the arm”. This process repeats with each of us.

As I am observing the others a sub-conversation is going on within me. It causes me to reach behind me, from my sitting position on the floor to an elaborately carved wooden desk where in an open drawer I see and retrieve a small golden pipe with something in it to smoke. My conscious mind is wondering to itself what this is and being warned, in a sense, away from it—it is not for us, it is not a part of what is happening here. Why have I reached for it then? I wonder as I begin to see the men coming toward the shop from outside. They are 2-3 young men, the one in front, a friendly and handsome very light skinned black man seems to be pushing a wheelbarrow. It is night and the whole feeling out there is light hearted, fun loving and good natured. But I feel anxious as they approach, they are going to see what we are doing and discover who we are. The storefront is made of glass. The scene fades as they step up to the door.

Note: when I wake in the morning my left arm is healed.
( *injured from use of the crutches ).

Now I am in another scene. My sister, Sandy, and some other girls who I do not recognize or find familiar are involved in this one. Sandy is checking into the background of Bridget Nielson and comes to question her actual previous employment. I tell her I have known of Bridget for well over a decade and personally know her to work the ET/UFO circuit. Throughout the experience she doubts her only harder. I finally get angry, lose my temper and tell her to fuck off.

I am pointing my finger and yelling it over and over. I tell them all to fuck off. This one girl who seems snobbish and does not like me very much, I point my finger at her and tell her to fuck off. There is a third girl as well. A man, a father figure in a larger area of this event is asking me to sing. I do not sing but I give it a try. It is a song I seem to know but not IRL. I am singing the words. I am now at a conference in what feels like a future world. Bridget and others are speaking. It is outdoors. I see some paperwork with some numbers written on it that I am reading and repeating.

Note: this technique of bringing me to heightened emotion is often used on me, it is
not accurate to the event, but to get me to recall it later.

[ I wake briefly to use the bathroom ]

Inside a structure now, there is a black man ( 50 ) and white female ( 35 ), this is only one thing among many that are going on in here but it is the main thing I recall —what I see as a large 24” cinnamon bun; they are talking about it amongst themselves and to another party I detect but cannot see while taking the rings of it apart to show and demonstrate something but I do not know what, I cannot hear what they are saying. I can see the room they are in as this is happening, it is up a long narrow, silver colored ramp from where I am spending most of my time while here. I perceive myself as being at work, and having not brought myself anything to eat. At a break time I would like to go up to that room and get myself a piece of the sticky bun. [ Note: I know it is something different than what I am perceiving, but within the experience I do not ].

It becomes the black man’s role to see that I do not reach it. This is for my own well being. He has his work cut out for him. I work, and work and work to get myself to it. Soon I am walking with him somewhere, my mind is phasing between where I truly am, ie: onboard craft and a shop. I see hanging on a wall up ahead an item of clothing. I want to try it on but am told it can just be shipped to me. It resembles the kind of decorative garment that is worn over a tunic. I am bent on actually trying it on, though, and find my way to an area resembling a commissary, and then to what looks like a dressing room. It is here that the experience begins to fade.

I am beginning to wake proper and attempting to see more into this whole construct with my conscious mind. I am eager to see where I actually was, who I was with.

It is of no use this morning, gravity has a stronger hold of me.

January 13, 2024

The idea behind AI, to let it show us where we are in our evolution of experience

I am inside a large structure which morphs in appearance as I am experiencing inside. It is storming outside *I know this because at one point some person I am with and I, having made our way to the outside door, swing it open as though leaving and heading toward our car and it is raining bullets. We swing back inside. At this point the inside appears as a small neighborhood restaurant and bar, but further inside it is more like a large theatre with rows and rows of seats. It is navy blue inside here. People occupy some of the seats but most are empty. I see someone cooking flapjacks and try to help myself to some after helping to cook them. They are evasive, though.

Things get murky for awhile, but when they clear I find myself then walking through the theatre, soon to see a plate of the flapjacks next to a man sitting in one of the rows. I could go there, over to him, but I don’t. Instead I sit in another row of seats next to two men who are huddled up all warmly in a thick, beige, alpaca lined blanket. 

I find the thickness of the blanket interesting -and soon find I have a crocheted blanket that has already been well started in my hands. There is a section of a row with stitching missing, below the current row I am now stitching. I am trying to figure out how I will navigate through this without leaving a hole. Seemingly random events like this happen the whole way through this structure. I see myself, again with some person, the same one as before, step into a bright yellow bathroom just to toss something that is in my hands into the trash.—the trash is one of those rectangular ones on the wall that have a little swing door near the top. The first item I put in seems to go right through the thing without use of the swing door. I find this momentarily odd and try to put in a second item, but this time, paying closer attention the device works as it should. 

Later, closer to waking, again buried in blankets up and over my head >>

There are these AI chat boxes. they look like a little kid’s play toy, bright/soft red, clear top, yellow on the inside -at the sides where all the knobs are. The chat boxes start with no language but you can talk with them and they have a capacity to begin learning as you teach them.  I am telling someone to go ahead and hand mine to me. They have been trying to get me interested in it for some time. What I am beginning to find of some interest is that each chat box ( ie: AI ) will be unique in its soul or personality to the user. Would an AI interfacing with just me develop a good and beneficial quality of consciousness? I wonder.

Where am I? …. within the scheme of developing my own quality.

To let it go ahead and show me is the idea.

January 12, 2024

Cranial procedure performed on a non-Earth human female
(observed by an outside party)

Crazy night, crazy dreams, I think I will keep this log brief.

I slept so literally heavy that every time I had to shift my position it took great effort and usually loud moans to get on. I am comfortable, actually really comfortable, which is in part why it took such effort to move. Because it took such effort “beta” was activated each time, I was consciously alert for a moment and could see the strangest thing each time I re-entered the dream. It was like I was crawling like some kind of creature, perceptually from what could have been my head into each of the scenes. This happened multiple times throughout the course of the night. The dream was one long dream, of the same vibratory frequency, the same feeling-tone, though it took me from location to location. The only part I am going to log is the part that shocked me. It shocked me so much that I threw myself out of the experience in a rush.

Within it, nothing strange at all was detected by me. It was as though the action was as innocent as could be. There is a woman sitting in a chair, a beautiful, light skinned black woman. It does not occur to me within the the dream that she is extraterrestrial but clearly she is. There is an additional appendage atop the head, that is part of the head but visually is perhaps the size and shape of a good sized bun. My consciousness is merged with someone but this is not clear to me within the experience ( only when shifting out of it ). This person/I am performing some kind of procedure, that turns out to be a removal of the internal contents of this appendage. It scoops out somewhat like a perfectly formed scoop of ice cream and falls with some other material atop it that resembles maroon colored seaweed and falls into a silver bowl. Instantly the woman is very different than just a moment before. It is as though “she” is gone, her knowing, usual sense of herself and vitality. The horror that runs through me is instantaneous. 

There is no way I could have seen this coming. I did not know what my hands were doing would lead to this ( are these my feelings or the person I am merged with? ..I think they are mine ).

It is so wrong what has happened my first instinct is to hide. – to hide what I have done. This is the part, and the energy which shocks me the most. It is almost more horrible than what I have done in the first place. I throw myself out of the experience, and though somewhat realizing I was merged, immediately just want to ask forgiveness. To make amends.

I spend a moment here doing just this. Acknowledging this very wrong and horrific thing has happened, explaining I did not know it was going to, accepting responsibility and placing myself out there for correctionary measures. Sending love.

I then slip easily back into the fields.

I am looking at what has fallen into the silver bowl trying to comprehend what this is. While this is happening my attention spans out over the top of the bowl, across the way to where I see an attractive black man watching this whole thing. He is light skinned as well, maybe 35-40 years of age.  He is dressed in slacks and a dress shirt, he’s wearing jewelry, he has his legs crossed and has a hand to his chin. He is definitely observing, though I don’t know if he sees me. Scenes follow this one but due to the depth of the shock in me over this one I do not hold to them very well. They are, in an energetic sense just as strange as this one has been. Just as strange as the way I see myself? crawling into each of them. The night and morning continue to be as far from my normal dreaming as can be. I have some processing to do to get through horrible feeling.

January 11, 2024

I am tried, processed and put in jail

I am in a small grey courtroom, there is just the judge, myself, my council and the opposing council.; all male save myself. A case is being made against me for something I know I didn’t do. I am not allowed the time to present evidence of my defense.

The preceding is over as quickly as it began.
I am found guilty.

Before walking out, I turn toward my smiling council and ask, because it is clear he doesn’t know, “now what was I just sentenced for?” He gives pause and cannot answer. The opposing council is standing behind him and says something, I give a quick look and shush him. I look back to my council. The other man makes another suggestion. I shush him again and angrily say “he doesn’t even know!” Outside the courtroom, sitting with some others I am now livid. I am realizing more fully that I was not allowed to speak in my own defense or bring any evidence forward of my innocence. I am asked why I am so mad. I reiterate all this back to them. The scenes shift >> 

I have been taken to a kind of solarium while sentencing takes place. The environment is still very grey but it is a peaceful place, I have calmed down. There is sunlight streaming in through a skylight that is in the ceiling, 20-30 feet up. The people are coming back with my sentence, I ask the woman here chaperoning me when I will be able to come here again. She is very nice, a plump woman in her late 50s, she is going to see to me being placed in the easiest ward and indicates I will be able to somewhat freely throughout each day visit the solarium -an area that is open and not behind bars. She tells the woman coming with my paperwork to take me to sub-level 3. 

It is very surprising to me when we get there, it certainly doesn’t look like the processing area of a prison. There is a row of counters to our left with various personal stationed along it, a waiting area of chairs in the middle, and across the way, to our far right a glass wall with desks behind it that are spaced generously apart and manned by personnel very fancily dressed -as though more for some upscale art gallery, or gala event. I really can’t figure this part out. My attention comes back to the woman with my paperwork, she is indicating we should sit down. I suppose we are waiting to be called. She takes a seat, while I decide to not sit next to her but in the center of the room.

After some time I look to see that she is gone. I am not sure what to do.

I go up to the counter and beginning to speak realize that not everyone here speaks English. I hear someone call out “English!” ( who speaks English? ).

A woman a few stations down to my left indicates she does when she looks at me as though asking how she can help. I tell her I was sent here with another woman who has my paperwork, but that I do not see her anywhere. She says “yes” and that “she is just down the hallway to the rear of the counter using the ladies room.” It is not long before I see her walking toward us -she is a young woman with long, straight blonde hair, casually dressed.

The woman behind the counter had indicated we did not have to wait to be called, and I, just wanting to get this all over and myself processed, tell the girl with my paperwork she can help us now. When she steps up with the paperwork I realize I do not even know what my sentence is, how long I will have to be here. While sitting in the waiting area all I could do was look skyward and ask a very real presence here with me “is this really where you want me?” I was told there is someone here I am to meet. Someone who I could help, and who could help me. This helps the situation be more bearable. There is a mission in play.

Things are starting to get real now as we complete the processing, 
another woman has stepped up who is about handcuff me before taking me back. 

I am beginning to wake and am surprised at myself for not even being concerned about the food situation, what I will possibly eat. Or the clothing, and sleep items, how I will stay comfortable. The whole thing had seemed so real, the last thought I have before fully shifting away is whether I will even be allowed to bring my crutches.

January 10, 2024

Precognitive event, shown men who are caged in water behind a sewage grate

There is a large group of us in a theatre about to watch a Snowden documentary, it is just starting now. **The film is done in black and white *a sign I am being given real data. There are a few of us in here who live in the same house together. We do not know each other very well, our views in life, I think we are all happily surprised to find we are in this place together. The crowd is riled as the film begins, we are all on board with what is being said, I shout out “teach it to the choir, man!” A young man and woman who are a couple and sitting close to me are two from the house where I live. The thin blonde woman, sitting to my right, is really so sweet, soft spoken, innocent. And the man, who is equally attractive and also blonde, though of a darker variety is also of a sweet and friendly temperament. Youth shines from the both. When they hear me shout out they follow suit, happy to join in the vocal repartée. The scenes shift >> 

Now I am standing out on the street—the sidewalk along a long row of cars that are parked here. People have been piling out of them who are all dressed in elaborate, colorful carnival or Mardi Gras-type costumes. One person who is checking his phone shouts out to the whole group of them “the packages have arrived today!” – meaning in a single day. They had just made the orders today, I realize. He then yells out in a rush “cancel all your packages!” Everyone seems to get busy doing this while I am still trying to figure out why. I think maybe they want or need to be back home before they want them arrive. I don’t know.

I begin walking with what seems their flow of energy into the larger building the cars are all parked near to in front of.. There are a few smartly dressed black men standing near the door, one who is standing directly on the threshold of the open door essentially blocking the way of others. I don’t think he means to, the 3 men are just casually talking amongst themselves. I place a hand on his back to excuse myself as I say “I am just going to go by you” — as I energetically squeeze past him, a lingering hand on his back the whole while and a long energetic wisp of the sensation once past him. Inside the air is cool. I think to myself “did I just need to get into the cool air?” ( I am already beginning to wake ). The inside of this building is all white, clean and sharp like some kind of upscale department store. I am just walking through when all of a sudden the atmosphere and air changes to thick, heavy and warm. I am being spoken to in a gruff voice by an elder black man also smartly dressed in suit and tie.

My feet are in a low pool of water as he speaks. 
I see a cement grate at the foot of a wall ahead of me and hear the man say “get in.” 

My stomach sinks, my blood pressure drops, I feel instantly sick. I am suddenly realizing the direness of my situation. There is no way out of it. [ I know I am not myself here, the fear I am feeling is not my own, I can identify who I am merged with as a young adult white male ].

I don’t want to go in there, but instantly weighing my options I know I would rather go in of my own volition than be beaten and thrown in injured. I look into the water in a catch to the front of the grate to see two random food items floating, a slice of banana and something else. There are others who have been put in there. They are being fed and kept alive. The man is continuing to speak to me but I can no longer hear what he is saying. It is something about the water levels inside, when and for how long they go up and down and the long period in which my head will be forced to the top with only a few inches of breathable air. He is beginning my torture in advance with what lay ahead. In this horror I complete the shift back into my wake state.

Why am I shown things like this?, I think to myself.

What can I do about it? How am I supposed to process this?

As I am wondering I see a connection with something that happened earlier in the evening. I am in a house, in a bathroom when I see 3 bright white feathered ducks in ( the idea of ) the water tank of the toilet. Visually, the placement and shape of the tank looks very different than on a standard toilet. I knew the ducks were here but had forgotten. Seeing them I am reminded. I feed them. But there are two who take most all the food. I now notice, this third one is smaller. On the side, so the other two cannot see, I feed the small one food of his own.  —How do these experiences connect? What do they mean? WHY are they rising up in my psyche at this time?

I will note that in the house many other things are also happening. I am vacuuming the whole house, or I am wanting to, I am about to. Mom is here. There is interaction between she and I. Conversations. A larger female presence is also here. At one point, in a sentence I am saying I use the word ’subluxation’. Everyone goes all nuts on me, I take it back, try to use another word. I had meant it a way different to how everyone took it. I have no idea what caused the rile. 

All night there is dream after dream.. 

I noticed early, getting up to use the bathroom that I was not holding to any of them. They were just gone the moment I came back to the conscious state. This made me more content to just keep laying here buried under the blankets—on my back. I was content to not move, to see if this might change. And change it did -but I am not sure how happy I am about it. WHY do I get shown things like this? I have to wonder. I have to know. What am I supposed to do?

January 9, 2024

A close friend from the past comes to cheer me up

We are going over the way to gaze at a frame to break through
to its multidimensionality. Then >>

Larry. — reaches into my room and grabs my crutches. I am walking toward the front doors of a casino and can see him out there playing and being funny with them. He is doing the equivalent of high kicks and asking me if I can see how high they are. They are exceptionally high kicks, leg straight and knee near to touching his forehead. So funny. I wake up all chipper and laughing. It is good to see him, hear from him, it has been quite some time, since the 90s when he passed.

January 8, 2024

Previous roles, lives lived together in the past

Jason ( my eldest brother ), Lana ( a childhood friend ) and I are signing a lease and moving in together. It is a strange place, it doesn’t look very nice but the community is gated and is the best of what is around in the area. It has more amenities and services from the community, -like Lyft-type drivers that service the residents here ( but not elsewhere ).

The manager has someone ask Lana about her income, if she makes, or has 23K. She just looks at him and innocently says no. I try to tell her why he asked her that, and tell both her and Jason to not worry, that I can cover what is needed all on my own, and that with the 3 of us there certainly is no concern for not getting the apartment. Earlier in the night, as different people altogether ( and different sexes ), I, as a male take a female belonging to one of the others as my wife in name only so no other will do this before they themselves are ready to marry one another. This is what then leads into the apartment living scenario. 

January 7, 2024

Feline contact, signing as a witness to a dear friend’s death

A collage of 3 people who are all CAT PEOPLE; ( John, Robyn, Erich )

As is common as of late, scenes are not as solid as they are rising up and falling into one another and it is no different in this collage. There are areas that stay static for awhile but when I move, or when others move into the scenes they just collapse and coincide and I am in the new environment. There is no ‘walking’, or ‘distance’, or ‘time’. As the collage begins I am with John in the house where we lived together ( the house where he lives still ). It is as though we are together again. With this overlay of my present mind atop the past. The Hollidays are coming, John is disappointed I am not cooking a celebratory meal, and rather just an ordinary one. We are just moving about the house, interacting, as two people would who live together. I will note that John’s cats are also here. At one point he calls me “babe”, ( my moniker for him ), I smile and call him “babe” back. He has done this, I think, because another girl is coming into the picture. He is letting me know who he is truly with. I see them getting food on their plates at a common table where they are about to sit down and eat when Robyn steps into the picture from behind my left shoulder >> 

I am sitting down, visually still at John’s but what might be the table in Robyn’s main dining area. She sits down next to me and sweeps a 2” x 5” piece of white paper in front of me and says “I need you to sign this saying you saw me die ( on this date ). The date is clear to me as she says it, but is now held from me somewhere in the back of my mind. It is not the element of the sentence that jolted me, though the whole sentence is quite jolting. I am going to sign the slip of paper, because it is Robyn, I fully trust her. But I do not remember the event, and feel that I at least should before signing, so I can do so in full integrity. I first have to snap out of the fact that as she sits here before me now she has crossed over. She is wearing clothing that is between an emerald and teal green. I ask her to walk me through the event of her passing to jog my memory, first asking “I was here at the house?” — to which she nods and says “yes”. I ask, “I saw the whole thing?” — she nods and says “yes”. I am beside myself. Now asking her to walk me through the chain of events, exactly as they happened. The scene is collapsing here, though, *this detail I am not going to be let to recall.

I do try many times to recall, — this as well as the date, to the point that when I wake I have a headache. I get up briefly here, clear my head and use the bathroom.

It is still early, and I am not yet done so lay back down.

Instantly I am back in the same collage. Only I can walk through it and interact on my own, as though after the fact. I find Robyn, this time telling her about what had just happened. She is very curious to know about it as I repeat to her everything she just did and said to me. [ Question: am I just embedding what had happened more deeply into conscious state? This is the main affect this part has ]. I spend a lot of time with her, going over and over the whole thing, I think trying to get into the elements held further from me—the date and precise details of the passing. I have to stop, though, my head is beginning to hurt. Erich’s house is rising up into collage now. Robyn and I are both here, as are new yoga peeps and astral helpers more associated with the present time. They are all very real, even Robyn, while I am more like a ghost -only the astral helpers seem to be able to see me. I feel like I have to use the bathroom. Robyn does, too, and we both head off to find somewhere. I am looking through the house, through every room, at the objects, the people and entities there, until I reach the back bedroom and bathroom that is here. Robyn, rather than using the bathroom ( ie: toilet ) is taking a shower and washing her hair. She steps out, toweling herself off shortly after I see her. I myself am still in search of a toilet. 

[ At this point it becomes more like an ET contact and samples being taken ]. 

I am shown this black device that looks like what the seat portion of a toilet would look like. I sit down on it but cannot go. There two other females in the room. I make a joke, “I don’t know if I am sitting on this wrong or if I just have performance anxiety.” To which, I take my own suggestion and shift my position just slightly. It works. I am now peeing freely into the thing. The experience goes on from here, but at the same time I am waking, and still somewhat bent on more details regarding Robyn. The headache is pretty bad now. I had better stop for real and get up. It will take some doing to calm my head I can tell.

Note: In each of the environments the people’s cats are all there.

Question: Is this a Feline assisted transmission?

January 6, 2024

The upper and lower class women of Tel Aviv

I am down in a lower class neighborhood spending time with the women who do other people’s laundry for a living. They are predominantly laundresses but do other things, too, ironing, mending, weaving, clothes making and other such related chores. They are for the most part happy women who make the most of their lot in life but there are stressful times that can bring about random, uncommon acts of misery. One such instance happens in a communal bathroom. There is a woman who goes into a stall in the back who I can see is holding a gun in her right hand. She stands here, perfectly still, facing the wall for the longest time before lifting her weapon and opening fire upon the wall, shot after shot after shot. None of the other women are afraid of her, or fear for their lives. They are a well clustered group who look after one another. The woman I am spending the most time with while I am here walks into the stall, places her hands on the other woman’s shoulders and slowing begins walking her out -toward home.

It is at this point that I realize I don’t know where I am, or how to get myself to somewhere familiar. I find myself beginning to walk the neighborhood streets with this intent and soon find a single short row where there are shuttles, or trams one can take to various nearby destinations. Three other women, caucasian women begin phasing into the scene. These are my friends, we are out traveling together, I realize. These are wealthy women, I can tell by their manner and dress. They are talking amongst themselves in a small shop and are preparing to purchase a few local items when I realize I do not have my purse. I begin trying to remember where I may have left it and in the process begin emphatically telling the others it is missing. I will not have the ID required to board the shuttle and fear I will be left here on my own. I think of the American Consulate, “maybe someone turned it in” I say to the others. No sooner do I have this thought than does the Consulate begin to appear, hazily at first and then quite solidly.

It is a large silver and blue building with many windows—windows that are actually doors I am about to find. I swing over as if on some kind of ( silver ) lever, many floors up into the air and come face to face with one of these doors. I lift one hand toward the door to find I have a large silver magnet attached to the palm of my hand that solidly fixes the hand to the door. When I lift the other hand to find the same, the door somehow unlocks and unlatches and I push forward to enter the building. I aim straight for the assistance desk ahead and am about to ask the man stationed here if anyone has turned in my purse when another woman with a ton of baggage and other items steps up and piles them onto the counter as though I am not even here. I tell her I will just be a minute, as the man behind the counter hands over my muted pink leather purse. I am so relieved, I had been confident someone would have turned it in and they did.

I do not remember leaving the building >>
I am just all of a sudden in the shops again with my friends.

Inside the purse I can see I have a lot of cash and coins to make purchases and begin looking for some food items to eat on the shuttle ride. I am surprised when they have bananas ( I am not sure why ), and bell peppers that have clusters of jalapeño seeds near the stem. There are four items that I have chosen and am at the register checking out when I begin to wake. Leif has sat down at the piano in the living room and is playing loudly.

It looks like it is time to get up.

Before I do, I ask where it is I had been all night -I never knew.

Immediately I hear “Tel Aviv”.

January 5, 2024

A global event, magical pop-up cities, home visitation

I am dreaming all night long, there is way too much data to bring back. The most I am going to be able to do is segment out the basics—

Something happens out in the world. global? No-one knows what has happened. communications down? Everyone is coming out of their houses into the streets. There is work that needs to get done to restart but this is not happening while the people stay by themselves. Almost magnetically, specific people begin grouping together in clusters to start getting done what needs doing. I am viewing this latter part in a black and white, almost pixilated way. Perhaps “ghost-like” is more accurate. As though seeing the idea rather than details.

Magical pop-up cities. I am in the park when all of a sudden I say to someone “look at this!” I step forward into the open green grass, sweep my arms across the sky and begin magically erecting tall, shiny silver skyscraper-type structures. Lots of them! a whole city’s worth. I can see its skyline off in the distance when I am done. It surprises me just how far in the distance. The city is not very large, not so large it overwhelms the landscape but large enough. It is glowing in hues of precious metals, titanium, silver, platinum and gold. As a finishing touch I throw both arms up into the sky and brighten even the sun itself. ( so much fun! ). I am exhilarated. 

First plane ride home at 8am. missed. I am preparing to board but it seems I never do.

Etheric -someone comes into my room, two individuals who seem a lot taller than me. They walk through the door and over to my bed. One of them says “she is hiding.” This is funny to me. It is true that at the moment IRL I am curled up on my side wholly under the blankets, head and all. I have my window thrown wide open and it is quite cold in the room. I am in the most blissful perfect position, so content within the overall sensation of cool mixed with warmth while still immersed in the dream frequencies that I feel I never want to move from here. I mean this quite literally. I feel I have never been so fully and dutifully content.

White jeans ( ie: genes ). tight, tight, tight ( sensation ) in the legs and loose in the waist. I am moving through scenes with people in a house, the garage, surrounding areas. I am wearing these white jeans ( ie: genes ) that are sooo incredibly tight through the thigh area in particular. It is very uncomfortable. Note: this is not a new phenomena *it is something that happens somewhat regularly and is a sign I am on board a craft, on the table. I am tugging at the material while walking, all throughout the segment, trying to loosen it up while bringing up the ridiculousness of crafting a pant in this way to the family unit who is here with me.

Second plane ride home -preparing to board again, this time from the house just mentioned.

I am getting foods ready for the flight when >>

I wake: 10:15am.

January 4, 2024

Lunar shuttlecraft missions, a new job as part of the crew

I am becoming involved in shuttlecraft missions back and forth to the moon. The shuttle is manned by a small 4-5 person crew, I am the new fourth, this is my new job. The shuttle is much larger than our own modern day crafts, all of us can stand fully upright, there is plenty of space to walk around. The jumpers, or flight suits we are wearing are blue and orange. There is a place for each of us to lay down during the flight. Something that looks like a cot that we strap into. The flight does not seem to take very long each way, perhaps an hour to an hour and a half in real time but we go back and forth many times in a day. I am not sure why it is that we do, but ground level, on the planet where we connect, a building I think in the San Francisco area there is a man who is showing me a crystalline substance. Some of it is ground to a fine sand and some is still in large 3” crystals. He puts one into my hand, it is beautiful, I feel something really special holding it. I am saying how clear it is, and aspects of it are but it is also smokey-hued in its color. 

Another thing I see is that the people behind this operation do not communicate by computer, but elaborately handwritten letters in fancy cursive handwriting. I am being directed to where I can check for messages. I see the area and am walking over to it now. There is one letter that has been left here for me. I pick it up and begin reading. It is so clear, directly within the experience, but I can no longer see what it says. I am on my way now to an area close to the office of a female commander. She has fair skin and short dark brown hair. There is data in the field telling me how extensive her job is and how hard she works. I am being asked to check if she has any messages left for there. I see none when I check, and let her know this on my way back out. At some point, Maria Carson, a person I know IRL reaches out to me from the hospital. 

She is concerned about this new job I have and is telling me so. I tell her “if they are willing to pay me at least $25 an hour, ( for something I see as this easy ), then I am game.” I can no longer hear the rest of our discussion. Question: Lunar missions, communications, crystalline substance >> Is one of the groups on our moon offering to gainfully employ me?

January 3, 2024

The hidden hand that likes to trap me in the dream

Casino. date after work. phone. glass water jug. both go missing and I get lost looking for them. Walking outside of the casino after my shift is so real I almost begin to realize I am dreaming. I go so far as to have the thought but as I look around it is all just too real. Everything so cohesive. I can’t imagine it could be a dream–enough to push through.

January 2, 2024

Repeating dream: intel on Elon Musk, likening him to Frederick Aardema – crystals

I am unsure of how to report this one, I do not know if it is a genuine repeating dream or I am just being run through a scenario again and again one time after another. This latter though just popped into my mind. If it is true, this is something someone is bent on me remembering. There is a set of theaters. empty seats. Elon Musk is the feature. He doesn’t want his presence or true identity known and tries to fit in by crowding in with a small group of other people who are asking questions to someone and phrasing his own around something only a local to the area would know ( note: in the dream I know the detail of what this is but it escapes me now ). He is wearing casual slacks, a light blue shirt and navy blue flight jacket. I can no longer see what it is I am observing here. But it is something important. The scenario advances when Frederick Aardema ( an OBEr and author of the out of body phenomena ) comes into the picture. I think I see a facial likeness between he and Elon. I have absolutely no idea why. In reality they look nothing alike.

Later there is something going on with crystals. I am looking for a new crystal I am working with for the ET contacts but cannot find it. Someone points ahead to a large mattress-sized crystal faceted something or other. I have no idea what this is. It is not what I am looking for.—but it is bright pink beneath the crystal facets and I think….I think I see the impression of something next to it that could the crystal I am looking for.

January 1, 2024

Inner world work, deep into the woodwork, moves made by the ( + ) and ( – )

I dreamt all night long, but it was a challenging night.

I am at the phase in my healing that the injury to my right knee is giving off a constant dull ache which is making it hard to get comfortable in any single position for very long. I fell asleep on my back with the leg straight which made me ripe for an ‘abduction’ experience. I did not realize I was in one until I was coming out of it. My body was in stasis and the inside of my mouth dry as a bone ( these are my two major tells ). In fact, my mouth was so dry this time it took a whole half hour to bring it back to normal. Following this, every time I woke it was with a rush — the drastic differential between inner weightlessness and bliss and the out heaviness and current body pains. The differential, each time creates a distance between me and my dreaming. I can almost touch them but am just too body tired to try for more than a moment. 

The contact experience, I can say was with a female – it was not pleasant. There were a few subordinates around her, three that are the closest and I can vaguely make out, who are physically smaller in size than she. [ I will note here that the number four ( 4 ) is presenting regularly as of late ]. I am being wrung through the wringer. I am feeling a lot of emotion and the imperative to get away. I am being held in a scenario I just can’t seem to escape.

Closer to the time that I wake I seem to be in someone’s attic. 

This is another not pleasant experience, something I perceive as horrible is about to be done to me and the others ( young females ) who are here, by one male persona in particular, who has the help of other males. Essentially we are going to be killed, integrated in some way into some other entity. This is a lengthy experience, within it I know I have to get myself out of the position I am in, while at the same time feeling I am making no move to do. Something seems to have a hold of my ability to do so. We are all being kept in check in our own areas of the attic for a long time before I begin to move around. I notice mostly a lot of woodwork. I am keeping myself hidden from the males and feel almost invisible until I am found in one of the young girl’s sleep area. The two other young people also seem to be here. I can see them in the distance. 

When I am approached by the main male, I do not see in full what happens to me—my attention splits, a female investigator arrives and is approaching me. She is a black woman, hair cut close to the head, very pretty. [ Note: now awake, I recognize her as one of my Cluster, she has appeared to me many times through the crystal. She has entered this event to assist me ]. In the experience she has come to inspect this dwelling and what is happening here -and likely to make rescues but I mainly only see the former. She comes up into the attic where at the moment I have a long hose in my hands, that while on a wood ladder I for some reason cut.

I am watering plants up in the highest, or uppermost area of the attic and am instantly questioning why I have just done what I have. I don’t know if the water will reach all of the plants now. I attempt to spray them from a distance -then begin walking with the inspector back down through the attic. I squirt some hornets nests under an eave as we go by.

“Why did I do this?” I think to myself as stirring in the nests seems to begin.

We continue walking through the woodworking of the structure, there is telepathic communication between the inspector and me throughout the length of her being here but none of this stays with me. I am giving her a tour of the whole house now. I do not notice that the areas of the house are in strange locations but they are. The next main area that stays the most with me is down a long set of beige carpeted stairs. In what might seem a basement.

I tell her I have never been down there myself ( I’d been kept captive in the attic ), but that we could go down and see what is there. Approaching the bottom of the stairs I peer into the space, it is a living room. “How strange”, I think to myself as we continue into the space. There is a kitchen off the living room. We both go in and begin to be intrigued by what might be here to eat. I wonder if there are any plain salted potato chips. I see there is a bag, pick it up and begin to open it when we are caught down here by one of the males from up above. 

I explain that I am giving a tour of the house to the inspector, but I can see that he is angry. I ask if we should not have come down here. I have never come down before, but the inspector is here and I seem the one on point to show her through. He is caught himself by the presence of the inspector. Secrets are being kept. These males and what they are doing is truly evil. They do not want what they are planning to be stopped. They aim to continue their action even though the inspector is here. She and I are let to continue, I don’t think there is anything this male can do.

He gives off a similar energy as the Nazi Germans. There is an association of that energy with what is happening here in this place. He goes back up the stairs as I look back over to the inspector and with her clear in my line of view — I wake.

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