Living Systems & False Matrices: Body Health, Our Microbiome and Ability to Shift Frequencies

We all know what is going on out there in the world. I don’t need to tell anyone or bring anyone up to speed. It has never been more important to see to our health–our mental, energetic and bodily well being. To keep boots on the ground, we simply must begin to place more emphasis on this than we have been. Even if we think we take fairly good care of ourselves, now is the time to place even more attention on the nitty gritty and get even more detailed in our self care.

It is a choice to do this, and it is a choice to not. We are each, one and all sovereign to choose but do always keep in mind that our lives are nothing but a series of our very own choices. Know this and please choose well. We generally know our own strengths and weaknesses. Diving in where we know we tend to be weak is a really smart idea right now. Strengthening ourselves in these areas will go a long way toward keeping us upright and feeling our best.

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Sovereignty Made Simple

The responsibility the idea of “One” inherently takes upon itself.

( where are we in our collective awareness of this? )

There is no other.

I ( alone ) am the reality I am experiencing – I AM the reality.

I AM THE LIGHT I AM THE DARK.—there is that of me I hold up in the light, there is that of me I push down into the shadows. It is I who have done this and I who must one day undo this.—let what is held low rise up into the light where it can be met, moved with and made whole again.

Collective awareness of this has to grow.

We glean the truth of it from time to time….we may acknowledge, for nano-seconds, that each night as we lay ourselves down, close our eyes and go IN, three dimensional environments surround sound us which we immerse ourselves in; often…real as real can be. There is a tendency in what we call “real life” to refer to these as “dreams”. But what would happen if we let ourselves actually look at this for more than the minute it deserves?

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Log : OBE : Hippocampus, Magical Being

October 10, 2019

Magical being. 

Hippocampus – A mythological, aquatic reptilian/horse being. – so named after an area of the brain. POWERFUL.

As I surface in this experience I am in the ocean, the waters are rough, but not so rough that I cannot remain afloat. I am immersed as I would be, up to my head. I am at first fearful, as I would be if physically in the middle of the ocean but as this enormous, magnificent, silver/blue/grey skinned being is surfacing through the waters before me, my state is growing more rapidly into awe and a more direct physical experience is ensuing. 

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The Role of the Body

Have you ever wondered?

What role the body plays in conscious out of body experience? Conscious contact? These being highly related and equally relevant. It is a subject I find of great interest.

A first observation on my own part when beginning to make conscious shifts into what is colloquially called the OBE – is that the body does indeed come in to play. That while the conscious mind is ‘going out’ – new levels of information and energy are ‘coming in’ to the whole conscious construct. The conscious mind/energy/body SYSTEM.

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