Opening my Vocal Channel, Challenging Entities, Greetings from the Dark


It has been a long time in the making, this whole business of opening my vocal channel. Who would have thought such a seemingly simple thing —relative to a Kundalini awakening in itself, learning to consciously shift into and out of Earth space, the work with the crystals and gaining the cooperation of the elemental realm!— would be such a challenge. One day I will see more clearly than I do at present why the voice ( hopefully trance ) channeling had to come last in this series of events. At the moment I glean only bits and am mostly just happy it is ( or seems ) to be finally happening. I am feeling the same call and draw to it now that I have felt from day one with the crystal. Which I somehow was able to observe happening and dive into with full force. As my life allowed, that is. What I began feeling first, roughly a month ago, is to re-immerse myself in my previous more formal meditation ritual. This has been very easy for me to accommodate.

At near the same time, I am beginning to have feedback from my dream state activity that is relative to the vocal channeling. Not just instruction but I can see the beings are beginning to circle me for this purpose. I then began to realize, or suspect, or think to myself that I am not really that familiar with exactly how to PRACTICE vocal channeling. And that it would be much more helpful to me to approach it this way, just as in any of my other practices that are specifically spiritual disciplines. So I am reaching out to a person/teacher/channeler I feel deeply aligned with due to the unconditional nature of their work, Carla Reuckert, who is no longer on the planet with us but who left a wealth of material on learning to channel as a practice. I am in study mode by day and by night am applying to my practice what I have learned. I also have the very fun feeling rising up in me to join a channeling group. Which I will begin looking into today, just as soon as I finish posting this article. A local group that meets in person is what I feel drawn to.

I am learning ( and very wonderfully feeling! ) exactly how close the beings are to me at this point. If I ask a question the flow can immediately begin coming through. Not always, sometimes I am still blocking it, but often enough that it is getting my attention. In meditations my conversation with those here with me is beginning to be even more tactile than it usually it. The felt presence is acute, and just that much more physically felt. I had asked for a tactile sign that the beings are here and the channeling is about to begin. I received that tactile sensation just last night. It is not what I had suggested, a fingertip touching my own, what has been chosen is far more grand. It is a heart-space behind my own that presses forward into me; a merging of hearts. How wonderful -and ever so much more clever a sign! I aim to run with this.

As to the “why”, or reasons behind the voice channeling not beginning until now, I am seeing a few things. The first is my tendency toward opening WIDE without boundaries. Toward being and emulating a fully open system. Together with the inclination, or bent away from challenging others. The way I have carefully measured my capacity previously, with regard to others has been to in a sense sequester myself from them. I say “in a sense” because it is only in a physical sense that I do this. Not in an energetic, or awareness sense. In these ways I have always been all inclusive. But I would keep my physical person in a significant sense out of reach. With the voice channeling this will not be possible. I am quite literally inviting higher information and energy flows ( some of which are quite embodied ) in and through me- mind, breath and body. So I understand I have some learning and reconfiguring to do in this regard. And!, which is occurring in real time with the go-button already pressed. The experience that follows is such an example.

Continue reading “Opening my Vocal Channel, Challenging Entities, Greetings from the Dark”

OBE: Incredible! -Important, Longstanding Questions Answered


There is an energy working itself up on me lately.

It has me wondering about my past, not just as a person but as a Soul- as a result I have felt increasingly curious of and at my Ancestral lineage and my pathway to being here now in the Earth life. The Feline species ( and races ) are first to rear their head at my new inquiry. At the same time, increasingly I am feeling to return to a more formal practice. Meditating twice daily, fasting each SUNday. In the evening meditation prior to bed, prior to concluding the practice I am spending time connecting inwardly with my Group—letting them know what I am most interested in becoming more clear on and asking what I need to do to accommodate the clarity. What befuddles me most is why the vocal ( trance ) channeling does not just begin. I spend some time last night speaking with them on this subject -myself doing most all the speaking. I affirm again that from my own point of perspective I feel I am ready for more clear and steady conscious contact. The kind that stays with me in the same way that the activity of my days do. Lately I am getting pinged by a certain reminiscence of a repeating dream I had throughout my early life, prior to entering my 30s. I have a question about this which you will read in the log below. It is in reference to a gateway I frequented, and where it is I would go when I entered it. The experience I would have would carry me in my conscious state right up to the gateway, but not through it. Imagine my surprise and downright delight when ALL of this is addressed this very evening.

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OBE: A Conscious Shift Into an Ongoing Stream of Accelerations


It has been some time since a noteworthy phenomenon has occurred to highlight in an article all its own. Far too much time for my liking but I am appreciative of the experience I have been given this morning. Truth be told, when first opening my eyes to fully come out of this experience I did not expect to find myself back in my room. I expected “home” was no longer “Kansas”. When the room I found myself in was indeed my own, I was interestingly surprised. Though it may look the same, I more than half suspect it is not. I will be remaining alert for any anomalies.

As many of you know, since the awakening in 2009 the fully conscious shift into and out of Earth space has been of key interest to me. Principally the shift itself. As a result of an intent focus into it I have experienced an intriguing array of shifts, which, truly, will never cease to amaze, astound and delight me. Just when one might think there is no further way possible to experience a shift, a new shift phenomenon arises. Such is the case this morning.

I will note once more, for the record, as it has been some time now since mentioning it, that everything that occurs within the event of an OBE, and indeed life, occurs within the shift itself. Often when OBErs are going out, they will be accelerated, or experience some theme on the vibrations regardless of how slight, and then experience themselves elsewhere –somewhere, some distance out, again regardless of how slight, beyond where the physical body is…even if this is perceptually just to the outside of it, in the very room where it lays.

In truth, however, the shift ( and experience contained within it ) is still in play. Even when the person, generally due to his or her limits, has put the brakes down on it—it is not too late to look inside at what more is indeed still happening. I realize this myself only due to the attention and experimentation I have given to this. The reason I mention it at all is due to the tendency at times for an explorer to catch a shift, only to feel they have missed the proverbial ‘wave’ when it comes to a stop and they sense they are nowhere other than when it began. Perceptually it can feel this way, but in my experience it never is. This is my opportunity to point this out, and encourage all explorers in this situation to continue to hang ten! be still and look inward.

You will find yourself, without doubt inside the wave.

Directly inside the event in play.

Continue reading “OBE: A Conscious Shift Into an Ongoing Stream of Accelerations”

A Collection of Lower Realm Experiences


The past few months, ( Oct, Nov, Dec, Jan ) I have not had the time to post OBEs independently of my dream data material. The monthly dream logs do include my out of body experiences, conscious contacts, time travel, visions, precognitive information but as the log itself is long, and many do not have the time to actually read the full month I try to make a point of posting certain key experiences independently in articles like this. It gives others experiencers out there a chance to see if there is any critical crossover in the data we are receiving.

November 2023 was a particularly challenging month relative to the data coming in. It was full of survival based energy, torture, killing; various nights in the lower realm stood out to take center stage. In fact, in general as of late I am gaining increasingly more experience working in the collective shadow aspect of being. I feel this is in preparation to come more fully into service. It does take experience, practice, to acclimate to this level of reality.

Three such experiences are highlighted below.

Continue reading “A Collection of Lower Realm Experiences”

( EBEs ) Etheric Body Examinations


Back in 2012, at the height of my out of body experience I was struggling to understand a particular kind of experience I would have which I came to refer to as “EBEs”, Etheric Body Examinations. The event of these experiences were regular enough to be noteworthy, to say the absolute very least, but to say more — my consciousness would come in on a medical feeling environment “on the table”, upon which I was being physically, bodily, tangibly examined. This was not your regular kind of examination, for instance I would often feel a device way up into the nostrils, each flared wide as far as was integrally possible. The back of the head was often an area of interest to my examiners, as was the pelvic floor. I investigated this all for many years on my own.

The OBE was my method of investigation, being the only option for reaching into the experience itself to see what it was. However, I could never, or rarely get any further into the experience than I was first able. Which felt a bit like being inside the Void, inside a room, inside a bubble.., like I was being insulated in this way against the stark fullness of what was happening. All senses, save my full vision remained intact during these events. I could smell, taste, hear and feel —everything. A line of communication was also in place between myself and at least some portion of the beings in the room. At any time the experience became too much, my attention would be moved somewhere more comfortable. This went a long way toward helping me feel safe.

Over the years, my curiosity and need to know more would be triggered by another experience. I was growing braver relative to feeling my readiness TO know more and I ventured over to Tom Campbell’s forum board ( MBT ) where I decided I would broach the subject with a group of level headed, and perhaps frequent flyers. I realized my chances were pretty close to nil in finding someone with OBE and Kundalini experience but to my surprise discovered Tom himself did when he entered the discussion and roughed this out with me.

Through our dialogue, Tom revealed some things about himself never before revealed—or…..if not never before, not often before, it was certainly not common knowledge. Tom tends to stick to fundamental principles, not often venturing into his discrete experience. He validated the Kundalini phenomena and shared his unique experience with it. As well as experience with extraterrestrials and his choice to cut them off from him. 

Continue reading “( EBEs ) Etheric Body Examinations”

OBE: Awake Inside the Shift Into an Alternate Timeline


The sensation is extraordinary, I will never be able to relay it adequately in its full depth and glory, the mind is simply stunned, the heart exuberant in a radiant, yet silent awe — in the experience of entering a secondary and alternate reality >> a timeline every bit as real as our own, but NOT our timeline. In fact not even, at times, our own world.

It has been happening more increasingly as of late. I am either out in the future, traveling between future and past, or somewhere concurrent with our own timeline, with a people who are somehow connected and to some extent aware of us. It is challenging to grasp all the details in a single event, but often in this latter event the people are organized and ready to move ( on us ) should something that seems impending happen. I feel we are sometimes rescued by some of these beings – these people – they are ready to engage with those of us who are ready.

In the following experience I am fully alert in the shift both into and out of the event. The shift itself is what I continue to be most profoundly aware of in my experiences. Rightly so — this is what allows me to embed and retain the experiences in the kind of fashion that can interestingly compete with my more local life when it comes to its level of reality. I recall these events in a way highly unique to those in which I am less fortunate when it comes to catching the actual shift. They are more actual within me – within the experience of me going about the activities of my day to day existence. The sensation is what never leaves me. It only builds, permeating me ever more pervasively as the phenomena continues.

Continue reading “OBE: Awake Inside the Shift Into an Alternate Timeline”

OBE: An Annual Contact in the Gobi Desert


Every now and again it happens, — we get data in an experience that lines up with our consensus space. In this experience I am connecting with a flow of information that is revealing a particular day of the year a certain contact is made in a precise geographical location on our planet. The date the ( OBE ) is taking place and the date of the annual contact fully align. As I am being told the date, within the experience I do not even realize it is today’s date: August 22, 2023. I know the month is August, and I am trying to work out in my head in midst of the stream where it is we are in the month, but I never do land on anything. Save a feeling I am being told somewhat ahead of the event. Which I discover is incorrect when I wake.

There is quite a lot of data I did not write into my actual log, much of it is information I am still integrating but I can say this >> the male in the experience is a Mongol descendent who lives concurrently with me on the planet. Though I cannot say if it is the current time ( there is more than a single time period ) I do feel that it is. He is dressed in contemporary clothing and this along with the way the hair is cut tells me he lives in an urban area. He is not a desert nomad. The other being is extraterrestrial. The feeling and symbols associated with the event suggest the possibility of it being Enki/Ea. I cannot say for certain. There are other possibilities as well.

When doing a bit of leg work on the Gobi Desert, and a possible extraterrestrial association I came across some interesting information. I am posting it here because it matches with the two shapes of the craft I witness in my experience. One large and circular/disk shaped, the other smaller and rectangular. I am somewhat past thinking these sorts of things to be mere coincidence. So for the record I will share two links. You can also do a simple search yourself to see what comes up. I might recommend the search words “strange grid pattern in the gobi desert”:

Continue reading “OBE: An Annual Contact in the Gobi Desert”

Dream Data, August 2023


As of this month I am no longer working a second job ( for the time being ), dreams and OBEs are abundant, inner connection is off the scales and messages are being passed to me daily. Water is a theme presenting frequently this month, in the inner as well as outer fields. As is the word HOPE and the concept of “radio silence”. In dreams there is the regular detection of being observed. It would seem I have reached a whole new level of the game.

We will see as the days and months progress.

Continue reading “Dream Data, August 2023”

The Vibrational State, Visions, Telepathic Communion

It is without doubt the pursuit of who I am, ( as well as from within the inside )—the revealing of my Identity that lay at the basis, the backbone of all my experience. In one of my first highly memorable OBEs, the first in which I finally had the courage to look upon myself to see who I was, I stood a strikingly tall, white haired white bearded WIZARD. I wore purple robes, a conical shaped hat upon my head and held a staff. A defender of the people.

Continue reading “The Vibrational State, Visions, Telepathic Communion”

OBE: Nautilus World, Water as a Superpower


We are in the portal known to our consensus as the Lionsgate.

It is a near month-long phase of the year that, for me, opens the flood gates between heaven and earth. The veil thins, the Greater self reaches through to the ground level self, dreams become clearer and more abundant, the incidence of OBEs increases, contacts through the crystal are LIVE and as near to face to face as can be. Life itself becomes more magical. This year the Idea being played with is “hidden money”, support in the way of usable funds I actually do have, available in my quote “vortex” as Abraham-Hicks would say, that I am just not yet seeing and drawing from. This week a $100 check came to me from out of nowhere, and $1000 mysteriously came to my attention, which I discovered when balancing my checkbook; I had made an error, so thought my balance was $1000 less than it really was. What a magical find!.. to discover funds that are there that I just don’t know are there. — I am encouraged to feel my excitement and moved to find the whole of what lay in my vortex, putting it to work rather than let it sit unnoticed. 

Due to how much of the evening’s activity that stayed with me this night, I will title the segments, say a little of the first three, and log the fourth in its entirety.

  • Tom Cruise trap
  • Pregnant girl really needs dinner
  • Keys—receiving packages, package after package, the final one is full of keys, four keys
  • Nautilus world, water as a superpower
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