Dream Data, August 2023


As of this month I am no longer working a second job ( for the time being ), dreams and OBEs are abundant, inner connection is off the scales and messages are being passed to me daily. Water is a theme presenting frequently this month, in the inner as well as outer fields. As is the word HOPE and the concept of “radio silence”. In dreams there is the regular detection of being observed. It would seem I have reached a whole new level of the game.

We will see as the days and months progress.

Dream Titles

  • Another full night of clearing my field
  • Continuous clearing of my field, my immediate and extended field; cochina
  • The Tom Cruise trap, OBE: Nautilus world, water as a superpower
  • In the populated area of the in between, making contacts
  • More contacts, swapping contact INFORMATION
  • New work as a precognitive, collecting data on the current times
  • Passenger train, fire, fear
  • Elder group, actor and actress, contact with Lucille
  • Transit to another planet, the badlands
  • OBE: Contact with the arrival of an energy here to assist
  • Colon procedure, evacuation and implant
  • Teleporting into a future event, reporting back
  • My reactions to a change in power are observed + another spirit contact
  • Strange, macabre, I confront the dream -and it doesn’t stop!
  • How an ET contact progresses from dream, gradually to fully aware status
  • An actual ( out of body ) experience of opening to channel
  • A visit with my eldest brother’s family, a test and being observed again
  • A surprise meeting with someone from my past; Steve Tally
  • The closing of the lionsgate, hurricane hillary, no access to dreams
  • Oral aches and pains, gums and teeth, — an opportunity to internally heal
  • An annual contact in the Gobi desert, new Earth recruits being sent in
  • I am told again, a man ( my mate ) is being sent to me; initiated first contact
  • OBE: Awake inside the shift into another real timeline
  • A conceptual data field: blue, large cats, fires, tom campbell, tattoos, symbols, school
  • Teleporting through doors — using the idea of the doorway itself as a portal
  • Brown eagle contacts me again, reaffirms the arrival of a counterpart
  • Care providing, East Indian couple get on their dance moves
  • Black scorch marks around an extra door in an old bedroom
  • A potentially poisonous plant
  • An impending change in power and something coming

August 31, 2023

An impending change in power and something coming

I am being told again of an impending major change in power. It is in the process of taking place now and is relative to not just the consensus field but my own inner networking and DNA biological structure. Two blue jean tops ( ie: blue genes ) will potentially no longer be at my disposal. Relative to the world, I am being shown a change in presidency, or in who are behind our presidencies ( way behind them ). A helicopter is landing out in front of my house. There are a group of men. One of them in particular is the man who will be seating the next president. He is wearing a dark grey brindle suit, the jacket is longer than is the fashion now ( futuristic ). I see him in two ways: the first is as a light skinned, American looking human male, fine blonde hair, attractive. The other is as a dog, same coloring as the suit he is wearing as the man.

The major change that is coming, that he will be making is going to be hard on the common people, we are going to really have to scramble to re-pattern ourselves to stay afloat; some are not going to make it. I can hear the man saying to me, “we need to all be on the same page.”

I can see the necessity of what is coming, and that I will be tested but also that my inner drive and skill sets will get me through. In fact I can already feel my re-patterning. I inwardly enact it the moment I begin being told. No detail of the change itself is shown to me that I recall, it is more a deep inner feeling, entirely tangible, of how things will newly be structured and a matching of that pattern within myself; on another level I do know details pertaining to this but I am not letting myself be conscious of them.

Out front the helicopter is landing.

First introductions are being made in the dog form — both the man and I have Inner components of this same species ( canine ) and origin ( Sirius ) and they are about to meet. Within me the representative is female, in the man it is male. The female is sitting just to the inside of the door, she wants to get out there where she sees the male ( dog ), even though it is possible he will quickly overtake her. She is confident -and eager to meet again with one of her own species. The two are so identical in their appearance they near cannot be told apart.

*   *   *

Note: I wake this morning with a silver dollar sized bruise on the cusp of my right shoulder.

An odd place for a bruise to be sure ( I first noticed it in the shower ).

August 30, 2023

A potentially poisonous plant

Astral space. conglomerate space. ties many separate and
discrete family and neighbor locations together. 

Roger’s wife, Jennifer, is here. She is cultivating, caring for and planting various species of plants out in the yard of Dad’s old house. It is now landscaped so beautifully. There is one plant she is readying to relocate to the yard that is potentially poisonous. It can be consumed by people in certain quantities and situations but I am concerned for the wildlife. Notably, it would seem, the neighbors cat. I crawl through a large window into Mrs. Atkin’s house to let her know about the plant and ensure her that it will be carefully placed. I want to say the plant is comfrey, it seems right and not right at the same time. Visually its leaves are a deep sage green and it does flower—the flowers are quarter sized and bright pink/fuchsia. There seems some annoyance on Margaret’s part relative to me coming in through this window. She appreciates the information about the plant and my concern for her cat but she doesn’t want it to happen again.

I leave and go off looking for the plant.. I want to make sure it is in a location that is safe for everyone, perhaps up high somewhere for now. I look for a very long time but cannot find it. Someone is behind me and we are heading into the garage to look some more. Whoever is behind me says “your butt is not covered”, a part of me already knows this, that I am in actuality in a hospital gown and could not care less. I reach around me all the same, feel the back of the gown, and try to “cover my butt” ( interesting metaphor ). There is a man in the garage up ahead of us. He does not seem to belong to the scene and I do not give him much attention. I just notice him. Jennifer comes in and she herself is going to lead me to the plant, she is the one who has put it where it is. But even she does not seem able to locate it.

Before waking I am shown a visual.

A black and white still frame of an animation, the background is white and everything else is drawn in black. I am standing in front of a large angel wing shaped portal talking with a man wearing a trench coat and hat. The angel wings, or wings of the angel go back and forth, morphing between themselves and the heart of the even larger being behind them. It is like when looking into the crystal pics, looking into one area can take you sequentially into larger beings behind what is seen most out in front.


August 29, 2023

Black scorch marks around an extra door in an old bedroom

Garage. drugs. dealer. crystal meth. talk about sleeping rough, never being asked to move by authorities. Restaurant. it is packed due to some reason, perhaps revolving around the available drugs. But even when this is removed and some of the people have left there are still a great many that remain. The place is no longer packed but business is still good. Later I am at Derrick’s house. Brielle’s room ( my old [ yellow ] room ). An extra door is here just inside the bedroom door *where it is placed it would lead into the closet. There are black scorch marks in a large oval shaped pattern around the door. I can’t figure out what it is, how it got here. I am trying to scrub it off with soap and water but it makes no dent, or difference at all. There are a lot of young people in the room, mostly girl’s who are Brielle’s age and slightly older ( teenagers ), but one is a young, large bald man. We are talking and he gets something in his mouth he has to spit out. 

August 28, 2023

Care providing, East Indian couple get on their dance moves

The house of an adult male. caregivers. so many, most are just sitting around doing nothing. eating danish. I am learning there are even staff members who stay the night. The male, like all male care clients is hard to dissuade from doing things he shouldn’t. An example is how he gets into the bed, which for odd and unknown reasons is placed up high over the outdoor swimming pool. When he gets up there he does a weird half flip to get into the bed. On this last occasion he has missed the bed entirely, fallen and landed problematically in a gutter track that circumvents the far side of the pool. No-one else is making any kind of a move toward him. I myself am horrified having just witnessed the whole thing happening. I am trying to make my way to him before he dies but it is not easy, a part of my journey is through water and it is hard to move fast through water. I am reaching out my hand toward him and he is reaching his toward me. We finally connect. I am asking if anyone has called his daughters. I had screamed out to call 911 when it happened. In all the conversation going on the man gets up and starts walking like nothing ever happened. 

My conversations with the other girls is continuing. I am expressing how the man is hard to dissuade. They are saying he always falls in line with what they ask. I say “really—you have asked him to not summersault into the bed?” They say they have. I point out what just happened and ask how this is falling in line with what they asked. One of them leans in and simply says with a smile “it is  w o r k Ii n g .” I just shake my head. 

I am trying to get one of these girls to go with me into an area of house where I saw a leak in the roof and a large puddle of water on the floor. It is like pulling teeth, but I want someone besides myself to see it, and for me to witness them seeing it. Finally one of the girls agrees. I bring her through the house, there is a lot of dark brown wood in the house, floors, cabinetry .. one such open space off the kitchen is so large I refer to it as a ballroom dance floor. We pass a bathroom where some girls are assisting an elder female. They are looking for a female brief and I direct them to look in Lucille’s bathroom ( they are in the man’s bathroom ). I take a long, slow look at the elder female. I did not realize any other care recipients were in the house. Ultimately we end up in the area with the puddle. I am stepping in it, showing how deep it is when my alarm goes off. 

[ Earlier in the night ]

There is an East Indian couple. 

The wife, after speaking with someone starts dancing a little dance move and is asking if this is right. I start doing the little move myself. Soon the husband comes out all decked out in Indian attire and starts dancing with her. I am impressed and recording this on my camera. The husband is recording, too, but he can’t seem to rewind his device. I tell him I will get his rewound after finish filming them. There is a larger context in which this is all happening but try as I might I cannot re-extend myself into it. 

August 27, 2023

Brown eagle contacts me again, reaffirms the arrival of a counterpart

Airline flight, I, or someone is trying to get on —this concept in itself is all I recall of the first dreams of the night. Closer to morning >>

There is a large indoor event. The entire inside is set up in sections with rows and rows of chairs. I am sitting in the chair furthest back on the right. An elder ( Jewish? ) man who still has black hair is coming up the rear isle with three women all behind him. With swift authority he begins ordering everyone sitting around me to move over. It now seems there is a group of 10 of us. The people do as he commands but then rather than sit in these seats the elder pulls me up and begins walking me more to the front. It makes no sense. As I walk with the group I synch with them; we are family. This data synch happens so fast my head is literally swimming trying to read it all. 

Ahead I see a large cluster of open seats, turn to see if the elder is going to sit us here and am stunned to see they have all vanished. The rest of this segment, which is quite lengthy, involves me trying to relocate them. Area after area after area, I don’t understand, it is really taking a toll on me, they are not there. I can find them nowhere.

In the last segment I recall I am running into Darr.. she is sitting down in a festive group of others behind a half wall that sections the space off from the rest ( something in particular is going on in there ). She is in a seat closest to the half wall, nearest the isle so we see one another as I approach. She can see my distress, I am weary from looking and not finding the others. She asks me if I am alright. I tell her that I am not and begin relaying the story of the missing group.

[ As I am waking, directly inside the shift I am approaching an OBE ]

I am in a bedroom sitting off the side of the bed, it would seem removing my earrings. I am holding in my right hand a light green earring that is, aside from the color identical to a pair of Rhodochrosite earrings I have IRL. I am about to test the environment.

As I remove the left earring, before it comes into my line of sight I try to insist that it be blue. I am surprised. It is a fail. It comes around into my line of sight and it is the same light green color as the other. I am looking at them both side by side in the palm of my right hand. **This has happened before, earlier in the week, I am decidedly awake and know I am not in my reality and yet when testing the field it remains stable, unchangeable. I know now I must be shifting timelines. — moving into other discrete physical timelines.

Looking up from the earrings in my hands, there is a window just off to my left. I see a large bird approaching the window from quite some distance. I watch it as it flies directly toward me, right up to the window, amazed the whole while at its wingspan, which easily could be ten feet. It is now hovering just to the other side of the window, a large winged all brown eagle. This is the second appearance of the brown eagle/bird of prey this week. It comes in through the window. We are standing directly before one another. I am looking closely at its features. I am not afraid.

This whole while I am experiencing intense sexual energy sensations.

I do not know what to do with it. I am being directed away from release. As I come closer to understanding I am knowing a chord in me has been struck, a chord that cannot be un-struck. The sound ( music, song ) is transmitting from me now. It is calling to me/itself the matching chord.

It is the same message again. I acknowledge this and ( telepathically ) say “send him to me.”

August 26, 2023

Teleporting through doors — using the idea of the doorway itself as a portal

Upstairs landing in townhouse. meeting. female. adventure.
rolls royce. $7000 for me on the seat.

Darr. clothing warehouse. fluffy rust colored shirt with the front half missing. fun cloth pocket things in an array of colors.

Teleporting through doors. I do this multiple times, three that I recall. Any time I am in a room with a closed door it somehow comes to me that I can do this. I press my whole front body, head and palms of the hands to the door, focus down into myself and mentally say “go through”—with immediacy I begin feeling the demolecularizing of my body through the shifting process. I know I do re-molecularize elsewhere but I do not seem to retain this data. Even this in itself is extraordinary.

August 25, 2023

A conceptual data field: blue, large cats, fires,
tom campbell, tattoos, symbols, school

Blue. ( water? ). every dream I try to access is covered in blue. I can’t see through the blue.

After trying for some time to break through into the visuals I see 3 large cats in left profile. running. right eye toward left eye ( counterclockwise ).

Following this I recall a little. I am moving through a conceptual field, there is no storyline, I am being TOLD something. First >>

  • Fires. fires in people’s homes that I have worked in tonight. every house I go into I later see set on fire; in the last, I am observing from the outside, the white front door opens ( everything around the door is black [ void ] ), I see everything inside going up in the flames. why??!  It occurs to me now this has been happening repeatedly all night. I am worried for the animals. I see a goldfish bowl with fish inside. I am worried all over again.

  • Tom Campbell. showing the tattoos ( symbols ) on his body and telling me what they mean. Stomach. conversation about how it has shrunk.

  • School. classes. wandering. I am heading somewhere but have nowhere in particular to go. It is an odd contrasting sensation.

  • Watermelon. a student throws open the lunch bag of another student in front of everyone on the teacher’s desk. She is saying “look at this! look at this!” The teacher is wowing, fingering through things to ultimately settle on picking up a large baggie of cut watermelon. I am wandering through symbolic representations of places and end up in something of a kitchen. It is attached to the school but looks more like a standard ( but nice ) household kitchen. I am taking a slice of cut watermelon from a plate atop the fridge and looking for a baggie to put it in. A girl is coming up the hill. She is talking to me about where she is going and what she is doing this Sunday ( today in the dream ). She has a date. She says something about brushing teeth in the morning and how she doesn’t always do it. I tell her it becomes more of an actual requirement as a person gets older. It is left as a whispered message to me as I am waking  {  {  {  “brush your teeth in the morning” . . 

  • 🎼 Song: ( Gonna find me ) a place in the sun

August 24, 2023

OBE: Awake inside the shift into another real timeline

It will never cease to amaze me how extraordinary and unique the shifts can be, and the experiences given in the expanded ( ie: out of body ) state. This morning I woke to use the bathroom, feeling it was likely past 10am and time to get up for the Thursday group meditation — to instead find it is just past 8 o’clock. So after finishing in the bathroom I lay myself back down, flat on my back as is so usual these past weeks and put on my mindfold to go in for data.

It takes me a moment to get fully comfortable and to where the energy is flowing smoothly but once here, I begin to feel a buzzing sensation throughout the whole front portion of my right thigh. An interesting way for me to feel the vibrations to be sure. I do not think I have ever experienced this phenomena so localized to a single, particular area of the body before. I am reminded of the thigh on thigh contact of yesterday’s experience. – and recognize that I am in a shift. Inside the shift my position and environment are mirrored. 

I am in a bedroom I am perceiving as belonging to Erich. I am laying in the bed half under the ( white ) sheets half exposed ( waist up ). I am laying IRL in the identical position on my back, arms wide out to my sides, palms up, with my mindfold mask on. Erich enters the room but does not see me at first. Then he does. I do not move. I am in a deep, blissful state of pure awareness inside this shift. He reaches in, says something in my ear, then reaches overhead and, it would seem, puts on another fan to blow over me ( there is a fan blowing over me at another angle, from my left side, in real time also ). This action, or activity of the two winds causes me to rotate my position in the ( inner ) bed 90 degrees counter clockwise. There is a telepathic exchange going on between Erich and I but I do not embed and carry this fully forward with me into the experience. 

Sometime after Erich exits the room a clustered group of female yogis come in. 

One of the girls is saying hello to me. Is it Carie? “It cannot be Carie”, I think to myself, she has passed on. Aside from the conscious thought, again I lay perfectly motionless. I listen to the girls talking for some time and when they leave my attention follows them out of the room into another. It is a white room. I am seeing in flashes, in bits and pieces, mostly what I see is the white — white all around, light streaming in through windows, the idea of billowy white sheers. But there are people here. The girls. I am moved toward one of them in particular. An ethnic girl with beautiful dark skin and brown hair that is pulled back. From here time no longer flows as linearly, though I can enter certain pockets of linearity within the whole of what is happening. Which is, that I am fully shifting into another discrete reality. A whole other world. The girl belongs to an entire other timeline. 

The timeline is not wholly unlike our own but it has some fascinating differences. It is an Earth-like world, it may even be Earth but, for one, the light is very unique. It is more golden than the bright white of own at present. It is almost as though the whole day is cast in the light of a perpetual sunrise, or is it sunset? I cannot tell.

The experience in its entirety is too much to bring back with me, ( I will note here as well that I had to break from it before fully embedding to get up and lead the meditation ). But—one of the things I do here is observe an eye surgery. I am observing in a macro view, all I see is the eye itself, very close up in full detail. The eye is blue, more Erich’s shade of blue than my own it occurs to me ( but it could be my own as it would be/present without any illness,—fully blue with no brown at the center ). I am riveted through the procedure. I watch as a clear colored, circular area is cut from the center of the lens and then pushed down to be moistened in the layer of the eye beneath this which I see as pure fluid. This is all I recall of this. Following the procedure >>

I find myself in a room full of seated people, as though a waiting room of some kind. I ask everyone here if they have seen the [ movie ] about people with blue eyes that reveals who they are and where they came from. No-one is saying yes. From here I find myself in an indoor pool area swimming through the clear water. I remember the sensation, how good it feels. All of this in some way seems connected to the eye surgery, doesn’t it?

The girl whose timeline this is, we are sitting outdoors having lunch together. There is a friendly air and vibe to the scene but there is also something else in the air. Something I only vaguely detect in the interstices rather than see outright. There is a feeling of a military, or militia, or people’s movement. People are steadily at the ready as if for war, or as if to prevent this. Another group of young people are nearby in the distance, I hear their music. I stop briefly to focus in on it, listening and hearing the words being sung. It is not music I recognize but is much like our own.

[ The girl recaptures my attention. ]

She is asking if she can buy me a leaf to park my car on another level. They use leaves, this is fascinating, ( not parking tickets ) when parking their cars in the structures to access the grid —stores, restaurants, pools, libraries, entertainment, etc.. I am at this point fully realizing I am on this other world, in this other timeline. I am asking her to explain it to me. The leaf I have gives me access to only this lower ground level. The consecutive levels going up have more and better places to shop and eat, and more. The levels above can access anything at that level and below. The leaves do not deteriorate and their natural veinous structure can be read not unlike a computer chip. They reveal not only the level(s) you have access to but also everything that is on them.

Now cognizing myself fully embodied ( in another timeline! ) I am asking question after question. I am most interested in these leaves ( but also other subjects I no longer recall ) and am asking about the difference in the cost between one level and the next—when I begin to shift away. I am trying to get an idea for what kind of economy they have but do not get the time to find out.

In the shift back toward physical space I am revisiting the indoor pool area, only now I am standing outside the pool, seeing there is more than one. I see the water is very dirty now with all the heavy traffic of so many people swimming through. I am being invited back in but am declining as a whole line of others come into view who are all standing in the pool holding hands. A man is up front and he is beginning to walk them all up out of the pool toward where I am standing.

I hear Erich saying something to me, something about how infrequently I visit. 

I am saying “yeah but doesn’t it seem we are always together anyway?”

On this note the experience ends.

I am back in my room.

*   *   *

Prior to this, in standard dream I have what seems a notable experience:

I am sitting atop a wall made of black and red irregular shaped boulders, large and small pieces of rock. A male judge sits across the way, he commands that I stand. I tell him I do not think I can, as the rocks are in a pile and loose, not secured in their positions in any way ( surely they will give way ). He does not listen, does not care, he commands again that I stand else I be judged guilty by default. I have no choice. I casually begin to move from my sitting position toward standing.

The movement causes the rock to shift beneath my feet, I lose my footing and begin to slip and fall. It is not a bad fall, I ride the whole thing out still on my feet but there on the ground, on the other side of the wall where I cannot be seen I decide my best course of action is to throw myself down upon the ground. I do well. My forehead is cut and bleeding and I lay here unmoving. It will be believable. No-one moves to help me, or call an ambulance, or anything. Instead a small handful of them come by and each, individually, one by one bitterly, jealously say “I hope you die.” Later—when they try to accuse and punish me again I use this against them so they cannot. 

I cannot see what I have done to deserve this. If I am innocent 
or actually guilty of something.

August 23, 2023

I am told again, a man ( my mate ) is being sent to me; initiated first contact

I am in the backyard, a large open backyard that is being superimposed with my Dad’s backyard. I am working with the dogs. There are two full grown dogs, Goldens of some kind and a young pup. I am watching it pull away from the large dog its leash is hooked to until its pulling breaks the bond and it runs off around the corner. I follow him and see that he is already partially successful at getting out of his whole harness and say “nooo, no you can’t do that.” I swoop in and pick him up, he is scared, I comfort him, holding him close and petting his head and letting him know I am not angry, that indeed I think he is a talented little one. 

It is almost time for my shift to end and for me to go home. I feel I should let some let someone know of the little ones capabilities, though. On my way out I see a manager with a clipboard walking the same way so I ask if I can speak with him for a moment. He is an attractive, tall middle aged man. He is wearing jeans ( ie: genes ), a white shirt and white construction helmet. We stop right here to talk as I lean against the wall and begin relaying what I know. As I start speaking, my right thigh presses forward into his. The sensation of the magnetism between us is full spectrum and apparent, we both notice the contact has been made but still do not miss a beat in our discussion. I do not know why I have done this, or why it just spontaneously happened but it reminds me of when in greeting I used to reach out for people’s solar plexus. It, too, was not a usual behavior and yet for years it was usual for me to do this. —I pull my leg back, stunned at the whole instance, and finish relaying what I am of the young pup.

As I am concluding, as we are both readying to continue on our way the next door neighbor’s dogs get loose from their yard and are coming around to ours. There is information in the field that says one of them is dangerous. I am now standing in Dad’s backyard watching the many of them come into view. My fear level is rising, I am particularly worried about the pup. I know of no other way to get ALL the dogs out but to run in the house to tell Dad. I do this and we get in the car ( my old car, Goldie ) to drive next door and tell Mrs. Atkins.  Dad drives, and when we get there, there are four women waiting. Only three of them will fit in the car, Margaret and two others. They get in and we head back toward Dad’s. We are backing up out of the drive and heading backwards up the street when I see what I think are headlights behind us. I tell Dad this and that he may want to stop before we hit someone. He takes exception to this and continues up the street in reverse. This scene continues while I shift into another—

Dad is pulling into the other next door neighbor’s driveway ( the Rice’s ) rather than our own, while in the overwhelming sensation just prior of looking into the light behind us and feeling we were going to hit another car I shift into another location. A whole other neighborhood. It is a glorious day. The sunrise is casting the whole scene in golden light. I feel molten. The sky is spectacular, painted with large wisps of deep pinks and purples across the brilliant blue. I am walking up the street in a sheer feeling of awe, conversing within my own consciousness field—again being told, or more aptly  k n o w i n g .. that a man is being sent to me. 

There is more than I can say in this knowing, this dialogue going on within myself. 

In part I know it is the man from earlier who is being sent and that our first level of real contact has just been made ( I initiated it myself ). I have known he was coming for some time. Since before early childhood, when I was making my choice of when he would come. I chose my retirement age/years as it was the closest it could be to the relationship of a spiritual companion.

I am knowing in my awe, intermixed with the sensation of the magnetism between us that this is the final test, the final exam, the culmination — the last thing on my docket to experience in this incarnation. Love, .. this precise pairing. It will be extraordinary but also not easy for me, not all magic and music following lifetime after lifetime lived alone ( without him ). I now have to learn something new. The literal other half of me is coming down and we are to meet each other in the field. I have been informed so many times now it is finally sinking all the way in. —I stop here in my tracks and in my musing. ( I no longer recognize where I am ).

How did I get to this neighborhood, where am I? I am looking around, in front of and behind me. How did I get here? I am in a serious state of cognitive dissonance. Everything feels so real to life but there has been a break in continuity and I cannot rectify how I got here.

The last thing I remember, dad finally got the women to the house where they were collecting their dogs. I was walking back over to Margaret’s to get the woman who was left there due not fitting into the car. So how did I get here? I have no idea. I turn around and start heading back. I am looking for two cross streets so I can call Dad and have him come get me. My stress level must alerted the field. A woman appears and I ask her if she knows the area, if she knows where we are, what the closest major cross streets are. She helps me find the name of the closest little alley to where we are, where I also see a pay phone but it is of no use to call until I know the major cross streets. Dad will never be able to locate this little alley, he is old school, he doesn’t even have GPS. The rest of the scenes involve me moving through colorful back streets, alleys and spaces led by the helper girl who morphs from one female to the next as we move through. It would seem I am being tested on my true thoughts and feelings of ‘lower end’ life.

August 22, 2023

An annual contact in the Gobi desert, new Earth recruits being sent in

Extraterrestrial contact. landing/impact; there is a male and a blue being child. This contact occurs each August 22 annually in the Gobi desert. The story of the contact is enacted by a tribe who lives here to keep it alive. The blue being child reproduced on the planet. Its children are this tribe. I enter a fast flowing stream aimed at the downed craft and these beings. In the stream, as it takes me along with some of the others I learn that after all these years ( eons since the first contact ) the tribe no longer realize the tale to be true. It is outsiders, such as myself, who come in to assure certain ones among them that it is so. As I am right now in this moment.

There are two separate shapes of craft, one that is very large and circular / disk shaped, the other smaller and rectangular with rounded corners. Each glows a beautiful ambient gold/light orange. The tribes people in the stream, one male in particular does not believe anyone, any life from will actually emerge from the craft. The latter upon impact was buried in the sand. I am saying to him that the being ( the blue child ) is emerging even now. The anticipation is crescendoing as I shift from here, from the center of the stream to wake back in my room. 

I wake briefly, position myself squarely on back then go back in specifically to see more—

Once in, having missed the shift, I find myself driving on the freeway and, seeing my destination is approaching on the right I begin changing lanes. As I pull to the right, something keeps repositioning me left in the faster lanes. It is an odd sensation as it is occurring concurrently. I continue, and continue pulling right and finally pull in to my destination — an upper level mall entrance. Where, rather than enter the multi-level parking structure directly ahead me, I instead drive circles in the entry. I am heading to the library on the lower level but am not sure whether I should take the structure itself down, or go around the side of it. 

In the decision making process I find myself engaged with a few other people. One of them is an African woman dressed as a priestess, she wears a long black flowing sheer dress with large cut diamonds around the neck and a headdress made of the same. I simply see her walking into view and then back out again. Another is a man, I am sitting at a restaurant table with him. We are sitting in a booth, across from one another. I get a deep, long look at him.

He is a fine example of a man, tall, strong, muscular, deep rich dark hair pulled back away from his face and bound. We are engaged in dialogue for some time but the only part I recall is when I say to him “you make as pretty a lady as you are handsome a man.” He does not seem to know why I have said this and at the time my conscious mind does not either—but it does now. He is signing on to Project his consciousness from this upper level down into the library – the living library; Earth – where he will don a female garment. I am able to see him, equally beautiful in each form.

There is much activity that fragments in the shift back into physical space >> 

I am running for my things in the ongoing venture toward the library myself. I grab my laptop out of an outdoor planter where the sprinklers have gotten droplets all over it … “darn it!” I say as I try to get the droplets all off and swoop up my purse from the ledge of another such planter. I am with another male person now, a companion helper. I am taking one last look into the area where I had been sitting with the dark haired man, other people are in there amongst him. They are planning. I say, while still fast walking toward the entry down, “if only they would always keep their mind so focused on peace, all would be well. – people give up too soon.”

*   *   *

Extraordinary, clear experiences both. 

I fasted all yesterday which gave my system plenty of additional energy to focus inwardly.

The feeling to note this is strong in me. What a difference a clear body makes for a clear mind —  a clear awareness ( or receptacle for viewing ). There is no doubt why all that is playing out IRL at the moment, with my gum pain, and feeling to fast.

There is so much to be aware of.

So much to know.

August 21, 2023

Oral aches and pains, gums and teeth, — an opportunity to internally heal

There is a majestic, beige colored large winged bird of prey like I have never seen before, something of a cross between an eagle, hawk and vulture. It is truly beautiful, though it appears in a dark, dungeons place, chained to its perch and the top right shoulder area of its wing where it fixes to the body is injured and bleeding. I can’t see how it will ever fly again. I am going to put it out of its misery, even though the bird is not mine, or more accurately, the decision is not mine to make. I am torn in this space, between what is the right thing to do and the action without approval being not mine to make. I am bent on the latter as the scene shifts.

Now I am in a room with a lot of others, three of us are sitting on an old dilapidated sofa with not even any seat cushions; I am positioned in the middle between an older female on my left and male on my right. We are very actively involved in discussion. In the midsts of this I feel something happening in my body but I am so engaged I do not exactly know what it is. Following this, I look down under where I am seated to see a wet spot. It is too narrow a circumference for me to have just wet but this must be what somehow happened. I continue, engaged in the discussion with the others as my conscious mind centers on a word ( urea ). — shift.

The larger field has opened out from where I have just been seated to more of the area all around it. We are outdoors, there are many old people around and others who just need assistance. I am doing the laundry belonging to one woman. There are odd items in her white linen hampers, I am not sure what to liken them to but they are made of crocheted portions at their center and thin weaved metal wire around this. The elements combine to form the shape of a circle. I am asking if they can be washed in the machine without damage and the woman is saying they can be. At the same time, there is another who I spot who is sitting up on some sort of ledge. She uses a wheelchair and cannot walk on her own. I know it must have been some time since she has enjoyed anything along the line of bathing beyond a sponge bath. 

There are many large luxurious baths here so I am calling the woman to me, lifting her off the ledge and carrying her to the one of her choosing. “How long has it been since you have had a bubble bath?” I say. She does want one, she is worried, though, that she is too heavy for me to carry. I have hold of her like a child, face to face, her arms and legs wrapped around me. “You are not too heavy in the slightest” I say. She is indeed a large woman, Spanish of descent I would guess. The rest of the scenes revolve around me placing her in a tub, choosing the proper bubbles ( natural, not chemical ) and finding a way to make the water warmer than just room temperature. It is important to note that I am not ever let to do this, make the water warmer. It would seem the suggestion is for the water to remain room temperature.

*   *   *

Note: I think this whole experience is about my oral cavity, gums which are receding in an area to expose a nerve above a certain tooth. Today it is giving me a lot of pain — pain more than normal, which is turning up rather than rectifying as it always has before. I rinsed my mouth with salt water and applied a clove oil compress, which did within 20 minutes alleviate the pain. I suppose I began asking myself if I could internally heal this and save the teeth involved around the recession of the gum line. It would seem to me I have just been told YES. — with work and care. Rinsing regularly with the salt water ( ie: bubble bath ) as a basis. Cleaning out from within as well ( the urea and feces ); to this end I feel a fast is in order, not only to clean out but also give my gums an advantage, time to rest and begin healing. It would seem I am also being told something about the metal in my mouth as well, and told this too can be put through the wash without damage. The meat eating bird of prey is a telling symbol in itself of the gums/tooth. 

August 20, 2023

The closing of the lionsgate, hurricane hillary, no access to dreams

The past couple weeks my sleep schedule has been thrown seriously off. I am either naturally awake until the wee hours ( 3-4am ) or I simply can’t fall off to sleep until then. It is beginning to affect not only my dreaming but my recall. Every year, mid July – mid August I so enjoy the increased and enhanced dreaming throughout the Lionsgate. I can tell the portal is dimming and miss it already. Hurricane Hillary is blowing into San Diego, where it is forecasted to hit pretty hard but all I am seeing is steady rain, a 20 degree drop in temperature and humidity thick as mud. No wind at all. I am unable to get to any of my dreaming. Not even a single symbol.

August 19, 2023

A surprise meeting with someone from my past

I am walking up the isle alongside ( what in casinos is called ) ‘the pit’, where all the card tables and games are when on my right at the far table I see Steve Tally. He sees me before I get there, stands and greets me in with wonderful recognition and a warm hug. I am so surprised to see him. I have just seen Danny here at this very same table not a month ago.

We step off to the side, sit down together and have a long conversation about what I am doing these days and how I am. I tell him I no longer have a second ( paying ) job. I tell him about the consciousness / dream work, the discovery of what reality actually is. – how dreams are becoming more precognitive. I am full of  e n e r g y  as I relay all this to him. After our talk I am ready to go have a rest. He is returning to the tables and to another woman but the feeling, and knowing in me is certain — we will be meeting up again soon.  >>>Following this is another large body of experience, so much is happening in it that it all seems random and unconnected. 

Some of the flashes I recall are: 1 ) putting together weekly medications for the Fosters and another male ( care ) person, 2 ) a woman standing outside the front door with her left arm held way up over her head, she is relaying something about a nightmare, I am reaching my right arm up, taking her hand in mine and asking her to tell me what her nightmare is about, 3 ) an area that seems to have dual meaning, it is an attic and basement at the same time, both ideas are present, there are old suitcases and boxes of stuff from the past packed away, I am getting out the boxes, I see inside are stuffed animals, I give one each to two LIVE creature beings here with me who I feel will be comforted by them. It goes on and on and on. I cannot see how all the information fits together, though it does all seem to occur in the same house.

August 18, 2023

A visit with my eldest brother’s family, a test and being observed again

My dreams are seriously, consistently, increasingly more  r e a l .

Tonight I am visiting my eldest brother’s whole family, Jason, his wife and three girls. I have never done this before and I do not why I have now. I mean, why the whole family all together all at once. This is highly untypical for me. I did not embed the details of my visit, only note the realness of the event and that I spent one-on-one time with them each. Later, when I went in for more data I ended up back in time in a house that is a collage of many houses I know.

I am finding crawly things inside and am going to take them outside >> a round brown bug, a little bright white skinny worm, a tiny turtle. The scene makers are encouraging me to feel guilty about taking them outside where have no home, no already set up natural habitat and are likely to just die. I almost fall into this but then think, outside is where is all the insects and wildlife live. Inside is no home for them. But I want to make sure they have food to eat, for a start, and so I keep an eye on them as settle in outdoors. I am going to stop by the fridge and get a big hunk of lettuce. I guess I am thinking more of the turtle than the bugs, who will be just fine once they are in the soil. I am thinking of them almost as a single family unit.

August 17, 2023

An actual ( out of body ) experience of opening to channel

Absolutely incredible, extraordinary experience.

This is something that I have been waiting for, at times patiently, and often impatiently. 

Tonight and into the morning I am brought consciously into an experience ( in the fields ) of myself channeling. I could feel all the ins and out of the whole process. What it feels like to slip into the state and be here in the withinness of myself while the exterior shell is being activated by another for the purpose of communicating—speaking Its wisdom. What is like to be here, feeling the sensations, hearing sound and mumbled phrases while not yet being able to make out exact words, knowing….something is being said through me but I am not the one speaking. I am riveted in this inner space, in the realizing. While here I am practicing and repeating the process of falling into the space, making note of all the many discrete movements and sensations. In the field itself, we are perceptually in what may be an attic. There is ( old ) wood plank flooring and bright light. 

There is male person guiding this whole event and four others of us in the room who are situated at the exterior points of a cross sign ( + ), each facing one other who is across from us. I think each of the four of us are taking turns channeling. My turn comes around 3-4 times. I feel within myself I am improving with each channel. But I think this due to what I am embedding from within. I have no idea what is coming out of my mouth. The man gives me cause to think this aspect of the practice may be slow in developing. — I am receiving all I have ever asked for inside, though, what the process feels like from within, falling into the state. I can repeat this now I know! I am more comfortable with it each time. There is a sensation I wish to note. In actuality I feel I must horizontal, on a stretcher of some kind. The sensation is one of being lifted from the head end of this ( toward standing ), which eases the gravity/downward weight through the upper back body. This is done by the male to improve the channel.

While I am in here – utterly fascinated – I am also going out—collecting additional data. 

Inside a room, something like a cross between a magical-spirited mercantile store and 1960s diner, three men have come to see me. They are all dressed in suits, some without jackets and look like detectives. They have sat themselves down on light ( 60s ) green colored booth seating directly in front of me ( there is no table between ). I do not like the feel of them. They are informing me of a crime committed involving my Dad and brother, Derrick, that they were convicted of but not yet served their sentence for.. It could be true but something feels off. Derrick is here in another area of the room, the store area, behind a counter, I tell him he may want to get lost, these men may be coming after him; he acknowledges and agrees. 

In another location : I am sitting backwards on a chair in my room watching a program on the laptop. I watch transfixed until it is past time to get somewhere I may have been meant to be at 9am. It doesn’t stun me, as is more usual with time related stuff. In fact I am in a very gorgeous feeling energy I am not sure I could pull myself out of if I tried. After seeing the time ( and passing this test ) I look around the room. A small white board catches my attention. On the bottom quarter of it is something written, partially heavily and all in red. I am not liking the red and begin erasing what is written, when suddenly I realize it may have been important. I somehow know it was written by Robyn. So I go to her, in her bedroom, and see her laying here. She doesn’t seem to feel well. I bring the white board to her and ask if she can make out what she had written by the small bits of it that still remain. She takes the board from me, looks at it, and rather than fill it back in, erases the rest of what remained. — Now I am back at the store ( it is Robyn’s store ). I am leaving to head out for my 3 week visit with her, but, then, thinking better, circle back to first see that the store is securely locked. 

In a third location : Tom Jones is here with a group of others of us. While standing directly in front of me he begins to have a stroke. I lead the group of us to revive him. I say immediately with calm urgency “lay him down” The others put him on the sofa on his back. It is not right. I say, “carefully turn him over onto his right side”, and then once here, to Tom himself, “ b r e a t h e “. Tom alerts to life, acknowledges, and smiles appreciatively. He is going to be okay. It is now that I detect I am being observed by the “Others”. I can hear them saying “who would have thought she would act so quickly and effectively.” There is chatter among them all while I begin shifting through a great deal of additional data. More of what is happening here in this space, as well as with Robyn, and in transit, and the location from which I am channeling. WOW. 

So this is what it is like to glean data not just from the OBE,

But from the channel leading into the OBE.

August 16, 2023

How an ET contact progresses from dream, gradually to fully aware status

In the first dream I recall, a girl is making paintings that are just like the artwork and portraits I make with the crystal. I am trying to get into my iPad so that I can show her how similar our work is but I can not seem to get into it no matter how hard I try. Later—

There is a little one room shrine ( that keeps growing ). I am outside on the walkway that leads into it with someone, a man, there is the idea of “Greek” that is everywhere and all around. The structure is adorable, it is made of brick and is hand painted inside. The doors are open and I can see in from where I am standing. The way it is painted is an illusion that makes the one room look like two. The second room is painted in white, soft blue and sand, it is beach scene. The rows of white adirondack chairs are pointed out to me. When I see them the scenes shift. I am suddenly inside. There really are two rooms. It has become homey inside, and also very nicely furnished, circa early 1800s ( ? ). The main area is still a shrine, which has been set up the fireplace area, and the second is serving as a dining room. 

Everyone is dressed in the same manner and timeframe of the decor. I observe this as I see the two girls who are temporarily using the structure as a place to live. I am thinking to myself that if only there were a good sized bathroom involved/attached this would be a quite nice arrangement indeed. I begin looking around, the male person is encouraging it, he is the only male associated with this place, the rest are all women and girls of various ages down to one small 3-4 year old child.  >>There is a conversation, when a new girl comes into the house ( the shrine ) about where the other two have gone. it is I myself who have inquired into this, I am curious and concerned. With this energy there now begins to be a gathering in the shrine, the other two girls are newly arriving. One of the two begins speaking with me about where they are now and their new situation. 

She is saying something of a common rite, or formality when women who are responsible for paying their own way move to a new place. Donations from 20 people are sought to help ease the weight of the financial burden. I am saying I would be very pleased to make such a contribution and excuse myself to get funds from my purse. A little girl, perhaps 3-4 years old accompanies me. She is odd looking indeed, though I am not noticing this to any great degree at present. I sit her on my lap as I move to get into the wallet, it is her reaction to this, to the wallet that gets my attention. This, too, is so strange, something between greed/excitement and joy.

I feel this energy now, together with her for a moment, it courses through me and then I am back to my own energy and intent, choosing an amount to contribute. $20 seems appropriate, though for a moment I consider $40; when I do this I envision the woman up talking me to $50 and a conversation ensues about the fact that I am not working right now. An even longer conversation ensues about how I am letting go, connecting Inwardly and allowing all to flow through me in perfection. I hand her $20 as this is what is equanimous with the flow.

As I continue looking around I begin flashing on a second location where I am in a soft yellow room laying on the bed, positioned as though for a gynecological exam ( am I really on the table on board craft?, the state just barely begins to inform me I am out of body ). I am trying to lift myself up from both the head and hips, as though in an attempt to look inside my own self. Intense sexual energy courses through me. —while back in the original location, I begin to think I do see a bathroom. I am told it is a part of the main house, which this little shrine room is now somehow opening out into. I do not understand how, as I know there to be distance between the two structures but I continue walking, closer, to now see a girl just finishing up inside. As she steps out and walks by me I step in to use the bathroom myself, but another girl steps in, too. 

The action confounds me for a moment but then I let her know I was here first, and that I will be as quick as I can. She hesitates in foregoing her position, she is the one in front of the toilet, but she concedes. When she leaves I close the door, which I notice is made of beautifully etched panes of glass, as are the walls — then begin to prepare my skirts to sit. I get a glimpse of what I am wearing in the process, as I almost drop a tuft of the back of my skirts in the toilet water. I quickly sweep it down into a more suitable position just in time, feeling relieved. The foundation of the skirt is white linen and upon it a large floral pattern in red-orange-pink. 

I get myself sat down and begin to look through the etched glass panes into an indoor heated pool room located directly across the hall. There are 4 or 5 girls who in a round about way are cycling into and out of the water, ascending the steps while in unison singing the song : L.O.V.E. : one of the girls stepping out of the pool I recognize, it is ( again ) Nichole Kidman. She has long, strawberry blonde /red dripping wet hair. She appears at her older age, with a group of other younger girls, the youngest of which is the 3-4 year old from earlier. They are all singing the song as they cycle 🎼 “L” is for the way you look at me…..  >>the little girl, dripping wet is standing near perfectly sill at the pool’s edge at the top of the steps.

It is now that I get a really good lengthy look at her and the oddness, indeed, of her appearance. The hair, like Nichole’s is long and straight but more sparse, the skin very pale, she appears old even through very young, there is next to no expression on her face.

I would now have to say she is hybrid child. 

August 15, 2023

Strange, macabre, I confront the dream ( and it doesn’t stop! )

I just had the strangest experience. My head is still swimming as I type this. 

There is a macabre, ( scary carnival ) repeating 8 note melody playing in my mind; the undercurrent of the experience itself. 

I had left the house to go to an off hours university class meeting where a film is going to be watched by a few of the students. The film is in black and white and just over an hour long, I sit here and watch the whole thing in real time. ( I no longer recall what it was about ). On my way out, one of the girls walks me to the door and asks what I thought about the film. I tell her genuinely it is one of the best films I think I have seen in the last few years. It is my plan now to head to one of the large super stores to do some bulk shopping for my care client ( Lucille ) before heading back to the house. It would seem I am living in with her and Maria is there for the night while I am out. I have brought the large SUV with me to bring back all the items I think I’ll purchase. While inside the store my cart goes missing. It would seem there is no convenient way to get another, that I will have to walk all the way back out to the front. I do not want to do this. I am short on time as it is. I decide I will not do the shopping tonight and instead just head home. 

As I am walking toward the door I pass a ( security type ) booth where there are two men. One is asking the other quite sincerely where it is that hope comes from. I stop in my tracks and step up to the booth to address this. “There is a saying”, I say to him, “be the change”. I then continue “hope lives deep down inside yourself, down deep in your core.” As I say this I am feeling the channel down my central spine and following it down to the furthest point at its base. “Reach down inside yourself and when you feel this point, open yourself to connect with the universe.” Both of the men are trying to do this, they have stood and are squirming in odd contorted ways attempting to emulate what I have said. It is odd what they are doing, but they do seem to be genuinely trying. I walk off and leave them to it. 

The car for some reason is left behind, I remain on foot and am now outside walking home. I am occasionally walking by people out on the street. It is like I hear their thoughts, and am even shifting into them at times ( into their dreams ), even while I continue on my way. It makes me want to hurry by them. I am beginning to feel lost. I stop to the look at the street signs to get my baring. I am at Walnut and ??, I know the second street name in the experience but cannot bring it to mind now. But with the street names I now where to go. Night is becoming day, though, and this stuns me in a way that is not usual. It is a deep shock, a cellular shock. I am thinking it should be no later than 11pm, midnight at the outset. I begin realizing I have somehow lost 6 hours ( abduction phenomena ) and am trying rationalize how this could be, trying to work out how the sun could already be coming up. I stop in the street and ask myself “am I dreaming right now?” — everything is just so real, how could this be?

I know where I am, I know how I got here, there is consistency in the time flow. And normally when I question the dream I come lucid inside it. ( this is not happening ). How could it already be morning??  My head is swimming. My vision is beginning to blacken, am I going to pass out? I begin walking faster. I cannot believe what is happening. There are a few more people out on the street, I see them up ahead, one of them is a thin black woman with hair cut very short to the scalp. She is with a rough looking white man who has thin longish dark hair. I am not liking how the area is beginning to look and feel, like somewhere I would rather not be, somewhere unsafe. A young male comes up on me, he has caught me from behind, wrapping his left arm around my neck, he has an item that looks like a glass spray bottle in his right hand which he is threatening to puff in my face. He is saying in my ear “let’s make love for the next 3 hours.” —note: my alarm IRL is set exactly 3 hours from sunrise.

The young man does not seem overly dangerous but I am not in a good position or state of mind due to all of what has just happened. I am trying to work myself away from him but the whole scene spins to where we are in the makeshift area where he lives. He is crawling into a light colored wood cabinet where he lays himself to sleep. I am telling him I do not want to make love with him, that I want to go, I have to get home, I care for an elderly female. He is not listening. My head is still swimming and I am beginning to shift into his thoughts. I begin to see and know that he is dying, that he specifically needs a kidney transplant or he is going to die. It feels like this is drug use related. I see two other people now, a young man and woman who are friends of his, they have orchestrated all this—the plan is to steal my kidneys. I am beginning to wake, and to think to myself “why my kidneys?” I am already beginning to have difficulty with mine myself having been in adrenal fatigue most my life. 

My head is still swimming.

The macabre carnival tones are still playing. I feel heavy and thick as mud. 

It is hard to pull myself out of this energy. A shower is definitely in order.

What in the world has just happened?

August 14, 2023

My reactions to a change in power are observed, + another spirit contact

Water. riding the water to the water’s edge. restabilizing on ground — a shadow crosses over us. I look up to see a purple cloud filled sky and behind the clouds the outline of a triangular shaped craft with rounded edges moving slowly overhead. A male person who is heavy but fit, has dark bronzed skin and black hair, and is dressed in a red and gold waist garment comes down. He has sit himself upon a thrown at the top of a set of steps that lead down to where all our people are. He is telling us he is in charge now. The name Ma’el is behind him but the suggestion is that his own name is Mal’eka. I am telling someone that this means “son of Ma’el”. Our reactions to this ( takeover ) are now being observed. My character is clearly not just going along with it. It is also not hiding the fact. It seems natural to begin asking questions.

Contact from Carol Zielinski, the mother of a childhood friend, ( possibly deceased ). 

We are going around to shops. They are lackluster, everything seems old, outdated, dusty. There is a question as to which register we will use to check out. I am thinking of buying two baby chicks. When we get in the car and begin driving away I realize we left without them. We have to go back. Once in the car again I wonder if they can breathe in the cardboard box they were placed into. I see no breathing holes. It is a good thing I looked in on them. I open the top of the box and see they are fine. So cute and fluffy yellow. I am thinking of all the items I will now have to buy to take care of them. “They will makes eggs, won’t they?” I say — not having even thought about that until now. As my conscious mind is waking I am thinking of their placement, their safety, and how much poop they are going to make. It is a lot of clean up.

August 13, 2023

Teleporting into a future event, reporting back

This one is challenging to describe. It is in one sense like I am enacting a remote viewing and in another sense like I have teleported myself directly into a timeline, into a specific intended moment ( only I missed the mark ). I am standing at an angle to the front of a large, wall sized wood board and reporting to someone what I am seeing and sensing. As I report, what I say is somehow etched into the board in symbols my Earth person does not recognize. I am saying I have landed about a month out ahead of when a certain event is occurring and that I still see water, water everywhere, a very large amount of water. As I report it is as though I am living it. I see a large wave and also rains falling from the sky. I crouch and raise my arms up over my head as though to shield myself from it. There are other textures I am detecting as well, lesser events that are occurring in and around the same time—these too are being etched into the board but I am not conscious recalling in detail what they are. Nor can I see who it is I am reporting to.

Later, in an ocean-front housing project I am work.. it is what I want to call a visual data field, rather than a place, per se, it is composed of many discrete ‘bits’ of data. There are elements from my last job ( the girls have taken out all the kitchen counters ), Eric Corso is here ( the young deceased grandson of a previous family I worked with ), the backdrop of the beachfront and more.  I seem to like the feeling of being here but there is an ominous, audible tone/tune present also, it seems to have held me here. I attempt for a moment to investigate it, but then stop.

I look out the window and see Erich and Leslie, pleased to see them I go out there to say hello. They are not quite right, though, Erich is utterly indifferent to me and Leslie seems angry. This is not like either of them. Leslie speaks with me for a moment, while Erich only wants to venture off to look at homes. He says something that I cannot hear, or do not want to hear. Leslie asks, with contempt in her voice how I myself am in such a well to do area, knowing I do not have the kind of money to live here. I tell her I am working, and point to the location of the exact house, which holds the finest nesting spot of all the homes here. 

I ask if she and Erich are thinking of moving here and she says yes, as she moves off in the far direction to rejoin Erich—I return to work. Many random, unlikely things happen that I see now were attempts to break me out of here. The countertops being gone, a new coffee machine starting on its own and boiling over. I remember a handheld piece of technology that belongs to Eric ( the deceased grandson ), who this whole experience may have been a contact from. I have it in my hand when I go out to see Erich and Leslie. I remember now that I put it down out there, go out to retrieve it, bring it back into the house with the intent to put it back where I found it but the little triangular shaped table is now gone. As I seek it out, now knowing something is amiss, the interior of the house begins to shift.

So much has changed that it now looks like a whole other house. It is darker, older.. I see a shadow from the corner of my eye, look across the room and see what I think is a roach scurrying across the ledge. When I see it, it flies at me and in its flight becomes larger. I duck and shoe it off and it flies back over in the direction it came. A woman is standing over there now and the fly-thing I now see as more of a bird. It is rustling at the woman who confidently stands still until she collects it on her shoulder. I am saying “get it outside! get it outside”. She moves toward the glass door, opens it and steps outside with it but there are many other such birds flying in a scurry at the entrance. Another of them gets in. It is a young, yellow and orange breasted red cardinal. This is the last thing I see before waking.

August 12, 2023

Colon procedure, evacuation and implant

Cleaning out a colon ; girl in duress in a bathroom stall, the mess that has been made is enormous. At first I just simply willingly volunteer to help evacuate it all from the room. Even though the smell is atrocious, I see that she needs help and am happy to provide it. I am at this for quite some time. When the evacuation is near complete I see that the woman herself is not yet done. She has more to let out and there is a further problem with the lining of the colon itself.

I am shown a long, narrow device that looks like it is made of wood ( walnut ). It needs to be implanted inside woman’s colon. At the time I do not see how this can possibly be done, notably as it would seem I myself have to go in there with it to do the implanting. Later in the experience I seem to be speaking with the beings who are behind the seeing to this procedure. I do not visually see them, I am speaking with them, or them with me, in my consciousness. Through the discussion I am learning that the woman in duress is me, and that I ( myself ) have been brought in to help me. The beings shrink me to a nano-partical size and beam me as an implant into the colon to heal myself. Sometime later >>>

Casino. showroom. I am with three others, two men and one woman, we are not supposed to be here. We are confronted by a man in charge of the room. It does not seem to me I have done anything wrong – the room was open, I came in. We are all supposed to turn ourselves into him in his office. I do not. I head toward the car while the others take care of this. One of the men gives me two five dollar bills ( then thinking twice takes one back ) to give as a tip to the valet who brings the car. There is a lot of suspense and intrigue getting us all back together. I do make it to the car but when the others do not arrive I go back in for them. 

I get stuck playing a weird looking silver slot machine. I fall for seeing quarters down in the bin and begin playing them. I am given multiple queues to awaken, clues that I am in a dream. The first is that the quarters sometimes will not easily go in. Another is that when collecting my winnings, there are dimes, nickels and pennies amongst the quarters; it is a quarter machine I am playing so there should only have been quarters. I see this as I begin to shift back into physical space. When I wonder to myself how I so easily missed so many signs. I see that it is because 1 ) behind this whole scene I am speaking to the beings about the procedure ( above ) and I wanted time to get answers, and 2 ) that it must be late, I must be oversleeping <— no good for awakening status.

August 11, 2023

OBE: Contact with the arrival of an energy here to assist

I am meeting with a young girl who I know, who I have recently met, she has a counterpart in physical space, a girl we recently hired at the Foster’s house — Elizabeth. We are meeting at an eatery and she is preparing her dish with items she has brought herself. They are like snow cones only without the cones, 6 or 7 or more half globe-like formations into which she is squeezing some kind liquid glucose. It is true you can’t really trust the ingredients in the foods when eating out these days >>this conversation is going on more behind the scene than in it. The meeting is over almost before it begins, I watch the woman eat the snow globes and don’t even remember sitting down. My attention draws to the counter of the outdoor eatery we are just to the front of, it is more of a bakery, with breads, danish and sweet things. There is a brown paper bag with a handle in front of me. I look inside to see a large loaf of bread and two other items that have been made to look like eggs. I take the bag with me as I leave. 

It appears now that I am in a very large, miles wide outdoor mall. When I realize this, I suddenly look down at myself, see that I am topless, KNOW what this means, and glean I am out of body. A man slightly older than myself approaches and makes a suggestive comment. I remain neutral while informing him of my utter lack of interest. He walks away and I continue down the walkway until I reach an intersection. The epicenter of the mall, I see, as I begin turning clockwise to take in my larger surroundings and attempt to understand my exact location. I turn so many times, seeing that from this epicenter streets run off into this outdoor mall in 5 or 6 separate directions. I can no longer identify the one I traveled to get here, and therefore where I parked the car, which is my only way home. In the momentary feeling of being lost two more men arrive.

They look nice enough, roughly the same age, 30-something, light skinned, one with classic brown hair and the other with sandy blonde colored hair. They want to help. Or at least one of them does, the one with sandy blonde hair. My energy is keying to him more than the other, an inner telepathic link is developing, an inner dialogue of sorts between the two of us and before I know it, he is for the time taking me home with him until we figure this out. He is so energetically neutral, this is pleasant to me beyond what I am able to say. This said, I am swimming in the combination of his energy mixed with my own, and in deciding what is really best to do. He is offering what he is but is following my lead of approval. I am not sure how we really got here, visually we walked but I know this cannot be. He looks to be standing there in the street and I in the drive, I look up a steep incline, visually something like a rock face to see his house at an elevation roughly 100 yards up and seemingly built right into the rock itself. 

As soon as I see it, I know not to look up there for too long if I want to continue this experience and not knock off. I carefully take my gaze back down the incline. On the ground near the base of it I see the most adorable looking creature reclining here on its back. It is one I have never seen before, something that is perhaps a cross between a sloth and a monkey. Its energy is so pure, so adorable and welcoming. I recline myself here also, on my stomach at arms reach from the right side of it. We each reach out an arm, connect and begin an energy link of our own—we are getting to know one another. It takes less than a moment for the bonding to begin. I cannot describe this, save to say that it is what connection with all life, all living beings should be; a natural, authentic, innocent, welcome, free flow of self exchange. 

The man who has brought me here, still standing ( visually ) in the street is pleased, for lack of a better word at the openness and love I am showing to his animal friend and companion. The next thing I know I am looking down into the house from the ledge of a large, upstairs open window. I am just viewing the activity inside the house. The man is here, and I can see who must be his wife. There are two white paracords stretched out across the room below. They hang high. I don’t know they are used for, I just see them. There are also two animal companions. The one I connected with outside and the one who right now is approaching me at the window. It is likewise not like anything I have ever seen before. It approaches me just as I am wondering what the wife will think of me being brought here.

This creature is large, standing upright it is roughly 3.5 feet, it clearly resembles a bird of some kind and its main colors are blue, various blues that move toward grey. As it investigates me carefully I am attempting to discern its crossbreed. Like the other it is mixed with something else. I cannot make it out, though, so curious is its appearance through the face. The link being established with this one is different than with the other but the link is being established. I almost want to say, due to how alike the first little creature is to the man, that this one is somehow more linked to the wife. This whole while, the telepathic exchange between the man and I has continued. As two twin girls come into the house I am hearing him say “now let’s get you back to work.” To which I think “does he think I am homeless?”

In the midst of me telling him that I already do have a job ( and am not homeless ), I follow the scene below. The girls do seem identical, they look to be the age of 2nd or 3rd graders, 7-8 years old. I am also beginning to glean that they have some sort of handicap. I am peering into them to see what this could be, still hearing the man’s sentence in my mind “now let’s get you back to work”, as I shift back into physical space. Where I gradually come to realize is in reference to where I will come to work – who I will come into the service of – at the close of this year when I again will need to take another job. He must have come to somehow assist with this.

August 10, 2023

Transit to another planet, the badlands

I am taken to another planet, it translates in my mind as “the badlands”.

When I get here, or perhaps more accurately when in transit, I have a 360 degree view around the globe, in order to see its geographical areas, its people, and to begin answering questions I am beginning to ask. There is a guide here with me, another person, who travels here to this planet, which is very brown, even the sky is the color of sand. Upon noticing this, the first question I ask is if food grown directly here on the planet. The answer is no. I see that it must be shipped in then, and that an exchange for it must be worked. I do not have very long to ask my questions, and begin figuring this all out before being thrown in on my own.

I am asking how people work, how the jobs for them to do are even found. How the people are paid. Where they live and sleep. What they eat/ingest and what is the usual daily requirement. I would almost say I ask where they do their toileting, but it is more like I am shown before asking, as a product of my other questions that everything here is used as energy, nothing is waste, not even these people’s bodily waste. It is extracted from them in a way that it can be easily collected in its most purified form so that from here it can be rarified. The people are given an energy exchange for it ( ie: they are paid for it ). The process is technological beyond general appearances here.

I am also shown a neighborhood household, although not everyone is so fortunate as to live in one. The living is not easy anywhere. But these people are at least in homes. The challenge here can be the organized troops of looters that roam the neighborhoods, some of whom double as security. I am beginning to see, though, through this wide view of the data, how it is people find ways to work, be paid, and what the pay is used toward— power/energy generation, in order to have water drink and bathe, etc.. When power in the home is generated for even a single day the people use that power in a variety of ways to create more power, which they then sell/barter/exchange. 

A haggard older male, roughly 60 years of age is out walking, roaming the neighborhood. He belongs to the household I am being let to view. He has just had an idea that has been utilized by the system, he has been paid for it. One whole day’s worth of power for the household. He has to generate another, he is thinking, almost madly. I see the house getting busy right away, generating more power with the utilities that have been switched on, but I cannot see into their details.

The transit is near complete and I am arriving here more physically now. I am borrowing in on where it is I am landing in this world, most of what I see is a vast desert wasteland and large labor camp. Before I see much of this location in itself I arrive, near seamlessly back in my own physical space. I will note that I have been able to see well beyond what I have just written. It is all random bits of detail, relative to what I’ve thus far said. Some of this includes:

  • The extraction process of bodily waste, and a glimpse into the intelligence(s) behind it
  • The bodily experience of being in this world and the idea that the body’s ( nutritional ) needs are not as extensive as here on Earth
  • The concept of zero waste and planetary self sustainability 
  • The level of creativity generation necessary to sustain limitations of this magnitude 
  • The idea this could be a penal colony *even though some of the people are also born here
  • And more, much more

August 9, 2023

Elder group, actor and actress, contact with Lucille

I am with Richard Burton and, separately, a female actress of the same day. I am first with the female, I know her and know her name in the experience but it is hours between it and waking in the morning and the name just doesn’t come all the way through with me. There is a strong connection and the feeling of the 1940s, how people were then. She asks if I would like her hair piece and slips it over my own. It is blonder than my own and I am explaining how my hair has grown so much more toward brown than before. Once it is on, I leave it on all the same. I see Richard sitting at what appears a casino. He is gruff and does not seem to want my care but I slide from here over to him easily enough. He opens up and as he comes into my charge we begin conversing. I also recall Lucille, an actual previous care client IRL.

She is on a gurney wrapped in a blanket, I am carrying her in my arms, she is very lightweight. The sensation of carrying her I find very interesting.

It feels good rather too heavy and a burden. I feel strong and able. We are going somewhere but I do not know where. I am walking her through cobblestone walk ways and by sandstone houses into a variety of different neighborhoods. I see one off in the distance to my right, the color yellow is associated with it, the houses themselves may all be yellow. I am stopped here where we are when it is pointed out to me. I acknowledge I may have been heading the wrong way, redirect, and head towards it. [ loss of time ]. The next I am aware, I am inside a large house, many ideas are coinciding: a bar, a large group of men standing and calling out in another language what they would like to drink, casino, restaurant, lounge, care home. 

The men themselves are all quite large, notably one who is standing furthest left. They are all wearing thick fur jackets, as if they live where it snows. They seem Scandinavian, they are each calling for ale ( beer ), they could be Vikings. I find it amusing that their words are so many and yet translate to the simple word “beer”. I am on a work shift as I walk through, I don’t find it odd in the slightest that all this is going on in the home where I am taking care of Lucille. 

I begin to draft out a grocery list, based on all the people who are here and what we might need. My shift will be over soon so I am thinking I will head out with the man taking the drink orders and get the groceries at the same time as he fills their orders. There is a change, though, I see he is going to use what we already have ( made ) here at the house, he is going to give them home made rather than buy from the store. I will have to go out on my own, after I finish putting together the medications. One pill pops into the wrong box and begin getting very disorientated, extremely disorientated. I hear Lucille call out my name, ( I am beginning to wake ), “hello, Lucille” I say, “I am coming.” I am wanting to go in more toward her, toward more of the data that has been coming to me — but she, I know now, as I begin to wake more, is bringing my attention to the fact that I had stopped breathing in the process of trying to access more. 

It is challenging to pull myself all the way out. The disorientation lingers for some time. 

I feel odd, a strange feeling I can’t quite describe is present.

August 8, 2023

Passenger train, fire, fear

Two Earth facing CMEs are impacting the planet.. I cannot sleep, I am wide awake well into the 3am hour. The energy in the air is very nice, though, very pleasant, somewhat surreal, it is almost as though time has stopped, like I am in a sort of hush. My blue and green lava lamp lights the room and I let myself be softly mesmerized watching it. Delicate sleepy-time music plays in the background. Periodically I get up out of the bed to perform mundane tasks, wash the dishes, use the bathroom, lotion my feet. I cannot say when I finally fell off to sleep, but before the sunrise. Sometime later, as I am waking, after having turned on my portable A/C unit I place myself on my back and intentionally go in for data. I feel heavy and am not well rested but I notice I am content on my back, so know an experience is at hand. >>>

Train : food : payment for food ; FEAR : fire : controlled evacuation

The most notable element of this experience is the fear, it is almost unreal, almost as though it is being inserted or insinuated into the scene. I feel it through my entire field yet it is not mine ( I have the thought, and wonder if someone is feeding off it ). The train is a passenger train. Dolores Cannon is on the train. She has a large table filled with plates of food, orange food, a variety of sweet potatoes dishes. I wonder how she will pay for it all. My meal has been simple boiled eggs. Now there is the idea of the fire. The feeling of fear is intensifying as people are being lined up to evacuate and it is clear that not everyone will make it out. I am placed up front and will be among those who do. As the people all begin to rush the door I am pushed, propelled forward, I ride the wave all the way through to physical space.

August 7, 2023

New work as a precognitive, collecting data on the current times

At various times throughout the night, from a conscious state of awareness I accessed my dreaming to see what had been going on. Each ( of the 3 ) times I was able to access certain segments but I did not embed any key words, or otherwise attempt to hold on to the data. In the morning, at roughly 7am, after getting up to use the bathroom and having returned to the bed, I again go within myself and in an open state of pure awareness address the field >> “hello, everyone”, I say, “I am here.” I ask what I need to know, what is important to carry forward with me into daily life. It is very subtle, but I feel the warping of my whole field and can tell that I am going into breath cessation. Data is being pushed through to me, however rather than access it in an out of body state I somehow do so all at once as pure awareness. For this reason I am going to write down some key points, and perhaps just say a little about each. Data in this format, not being linear has no storyline, and due to not accessing the data in the more usual ways this is the only thing I seem able to do. I will note that I am newly attempting to access data in itself, which is different than ‘story’ and ‘metaphor’. 

I am new at this but I hope to learn more – ( quickly and thoroughly ) – as I engage in this more.  

At first the hypnopompic imagery comes:

The visions are in black and white, which is how they come to me when I am being given real data; they come to me in this order:

  • Desert scene
  • Helicopter flying overhead, the same desert terrain is below
  • War, or military-like scenes <— this is almost more like an idea, or knowing

Following this is the event and real data >>

John is present.
Clocks are not keeping right time.
Electronics are not functioning properly.
Broken glass window frame.
Lightweight food goods—nothing weighs what it should, the products are all depleted.
A small group of individuals, a man and roughly 4-5 young college aged kids; mathematics, science, botany, art.
Grade school, the children are learning numbers in a new language
Two odd shaped, upright standing human sized intelligent animals; human-animal hybrids
Butterfly down, flittering on the ground

Now I will say a little more about these data:

The butterfly ( transformation ) is not dead, it is not certain it is even disabled in any permanent way. It is flittering, it has not succumbed or given up, it is trying to find its senses and the airstream that will again lift it to flight. This is clear. When I see the odd, but intelligent upright lifeforms I am stunned, staring at them, intrigued. They walk right by me and as they do I am attempting to say hello to them. The first passes me by without a word, the second, who is fluctuating in appearance between the thing that it is and human ( the latter of whom I see as a young light skinned male with thick brown shoulder length wavy hair ), having just walked past, turns toward me at the last moment and with little inflection says hello. Human genetics may have been involved in his making. The possibility of this is the actual data I am seeing. This being’s actual appearance is so different from anything I have ever seen my mind does not even know how to form it. The animal closest to what I can conceive is a horse, a horse-human. There are others who are around. There is a regal air to the feeling of the crowd and these being’s arrival. Near to like a prince who is returning home. 

John is who I call my ex, as in significant other, the only real significant other in my past. He is as much the backdrop of all the data here as I myself. There seems to be a connection between his home and my brother, Derrick’s, where I stayed for a few years when returning to San Diego in 2018. I am seeing the time period between that day and now. As well as a larger time period between when I came to live with John and now. Loops, time loops. Botany, food and soil are all sub-data here. What I recall most of this area of information is when John, from above, drops soil down onto two of us below—myself and the man ( teacher ) who is clustered in with the college aged kids. I am potentially being paired with this man. I do like him, the energy is good, he is kind, but then I see him smoking a cigarette <— this I have a large reversion reaction to seeing. But then I go back to his energy, his kindness, intelligence. He is like the glue that is holding the lot of us above water. He keeps the kids working and pays them. One of them feels it is easy money. It is important what they are all doing, but it does also seem rather easy, yes. 

One of the things they are doing is taking my broken glass window frame and in the teacher’s lovely ( botanical-like ) office, fitting it like art work on the wall along with a collection of other such items that have been so placed—but they cannot find the proper place/opening/angle. They are working at it. The clocks that are not keeping right time are an interesting piece of information. There are 4 clocks that I most recall. They are each different, have definite locations and each reads a specific or exact time. All of this data does not make it through to staying with me but one of the clocks is on my laptop, another is round, gold, and its location is the bedroom I slept in while living at Derrick’s. Another clock is at John’s and belongs to the upper area from which he dropped the soil, which translates in our Earth space-time as the whole upstairs area of his home but even more notably the bridge area between the master bedroom and other three rooms. I retain the idea of a kitchen somewhere, being the location of the fourth clock. Relative to the clocks, I am going around resetting them all to the same time. It is the time on the laptop that I am using as the real time, which may have been within the 2pm hour.

The electronics not functioning properly plays heavily throughout this whole data set.

It is the center and circumference of all the additional data. It is not one device ( of mine ) that is not working right, it is all of them, and none of them visually appear as any of those which I use IRL. They appear more like survival type gear and are housed in a thick black casing, notably the one see more as my phone. There are multiple conversations going on about the non-functioning of the devices, which are not out of order in their entirety, they are just experiencing static, and delays, and of course are tied into to the clocks not keeping right time with each other. The most interesting bit to me, is what I am saying to someone. I am saying it is Enki who I hold responsible for keeping the devices working. I am adamant. It is Enki who I hold responsible. I consciously come in on myself saying this and, fascinated, wonder why.

Lightweight goods….in an area that could be a mall, and/or even bakery area of a very nice grocery store I am standing at a display and lifting small plastic wrapped packages of chocolate covered caramels and candies. The weight of them does not feel right. There is an Asian woman next to me who is doing the same. I say, “the weight feels off, doesn’t it?” She lifts several packages, checking the weight, the way one might when choosing fruit. As I watch her I rapidly shoot through this area, through a grocery store then into a grade school. My feet are on the ground now, I am walking through the school with intent and seem to know exactly where I am heading. I walk through a double set of door, from the inside out onto the school grounds, looking up into the air for something I expect to see. ( military aircraft I suspect ). 

I am shifting from the data set back into my bed, though.. As I reverse myself back through it I note that as I walked through the interior of the grade school, which is located in The United States, I hear the children learning to speak numbers in a new language. It is not that they are simply learning a new, second or even third language. They are learning how to speak it as their first or dominant language; the idea being that the U.S. has been occupied.

Data ends.


Notes. >> How I read the core data:

It would seem to me that the data is relative – broadly – to the transformation of human consciousness currently at hand. It has received a blow, but has not yet been stopped, there is still opportunity and hope. We are in a military action at present ( some would say war ). There is the possibility of The U.S., notably the West coast being occupied by an Asian nation ( Japan? ). Goods are becoming less available. Food stores are being depleted. Infrastructure is coming down. Electronics – electricity – is interrupted. Communications need to be looked into and by all means restored. Synchronizing ourselves with other people, places and times within our own inner networking is essential. Pairing, and groups/grouping is critical to keeping ourselves alive and afloat.

August 6, 2023

More contacts, swapping contact INFORMATION

There are two older females, they appear my age, maybe 10 years older, their hair has gone grey. The one who is speaking to me has a large, finely cut crystalline structure worn at her neck. It is shaped like a megaphone and extends from neck to navel. It is in seeing hers that I see I am wearing my own. It is not nearly as finely cut and seems more like simple glass than crystal. I see it almost more like a liter juice jar. It is not quite as large as this other woman’s but the idea that I too have and am wearing this similar structure is present. Someone points out that mine does not reflect the light and color spectrums the other woman’s does. I begin to point out why. 

There is tiny but brilliant spherical light structure at the top of the opening of the crystalline piece, closest to the neck. I point out that it is present within the second woman’s crystalline structure as well, hers is a very pretty medium color of blue. The first woman then says to me “you have a lot of knowledge”, to which I say “not knowledge” and then “I am an experiencer.” She asks “an experiencer of what?” And I say “an experiencer of  e v e r y t h i n g .” — indicating kundalini, et contact, consciousness, OBEs, time travel, etc.. I am most heavily emphasizing the et contact. I am not sure why but there indeed is a reason why. 

She asks if we can exchange contact information and I immediately agree, moving toward a deep, rich brown colored wood desk to sit down, where I begin cutting tie-dye pieces of cloth, what looks like may be of my own shirt. I wonder to myself, a bit more consciously, why I did not rather more practically reach for a simple piece of paper. I attempt to write out my name, phone number, website and forum board urls, but the pieces of cloth will not hold shape while I write and the characters are coming out less than what I find to be clear. I keep trying and trying to make them more clear. The woman says they are clear enough, as I find myself shifting from here into a kitchen where I am sterilizing and cleaning out drawers. I have company, guidance here with me but I cannot see who exactly it is. 

I can only see what is in front of me, the drawers and the various items I am working with in my hands—which all seem to be health care items, eye drops, saline, wound care ointments, arthritis cream. From here I shift into an apartment community where I am outside in the parking area and moving toward disposing of the community’s large bins of trash. The bins seem very modern/sleek and clean. I notice there are two different varieties and sizes. The feeling in the air is not quite of our present day, but more like the 1950s, only things seem oddly, interestingly futuristic. 

August 5, 2023

In the populated area of the in between, making contacts

I recall a tall, lean black man who I am with for some time. It is a back area, I am being shown around, shown the ropes. I think he is a chef. He has a lot of knives. I try to help out by a bit by offering to wash them but as soon as I start I am stopped. He is taking me somewhere. He is leading, I am following. Another man steps into the picture, light skin, brown hair, very attractive, he looks like an actor, like someone I know. He is opening a package of multiple sets of sheets. When he steps in he is holding one of the sets, the sheets are navy blue and gold and display a geometrical pattern. I say “are these for me?”, as he puts them into my hands. As I am walking off behind the other man I hear someone say “she is important.” —There is a large gap between this moment and the next/last segment I recall. 

I am walking through a park, the grass is extraordinarily green; a deep, rather than light and bright green. It is night. The park is lit in a really nice, comfortable amber light. The homeless who are living here are being hidden, or housed, I could say behind a well constructed, visually beautiful wooden fence. There are multiple of these fences and they arranged in a way that, interestingly, I am not able to see into or around. The way they are placed I am only able to see the people who are just visiting the park. The visitors are in eye range in front of the beautiful fences and the homeless are behind. This is challenging to explain, they are not boxed in somewhere, it is somehow the angles at which the fences are placed that create this topographical, if not also somewhat illusory display. I do not have much time to investigate it. >>

There is already a person who is walking up from behind me who is reading a published article in the paper. A woman in the apartments attached to this park has published her own diary in it. She is good writer and the person reading is laughing at her humor, pointing it out to me, not once but twice through one precise stanza in the journal. I begin walking into the apartment complex looking for her. I feel I would appreciate knowing another good writer and I am impressed that she would publish something as private as her own diary.

There is something in the paper that lends me to feeling I know her apartment number to be 1108. I am looking and cannot find it. I pass a small, long haired black and brown dog wearing a beige sweater that now reminds me of a whole other area of my dreaming where I am at someone’s home feeding their black cat. I am feeding it bits of a variety of kinds of meat. There are other vague segments of all that I see but I am going to let that all go. 

Random people come out of their apartments wondering what I am doing and I tell them. I am just thinking that if I could find her I would pass on my name and contact information. A group of people from one of the apartments, a woman and two men begin to help me but it is not resulting in locating the woman who published her journal. In the end, I see there may be no apartment 1108, that it is likely, or possibly a acronym of sorts, the communities apartment numbers stop at one and begin at another in a way that leaves one number out.

The missing number numerically breaks down to 1108. 

August 3, 2023

The Tom Cruise trap, OBE: Nautilus world, water as a superpower

We are in the portal known to our consensus as the Lionsgate.

It is a near month-long phase of the year that, for me, opens the flood gates between heaven and earth. The veil thins, the Greater self reaches through to the ground level self, dreams become clearer and more abundant, the incidence of OBEs increases, contacts through the crystal are LIVE and as near to face to face as can be. Life itself becomes more magical. This year the Idea being played with is “hidden money”, support in the way of usable funds I actually do have, available in my quote “vortex” as Abraham-Hicks would say, that I am just not yet seeing and drawing from. This week a $100 check came to me from out of nowhere, and $1000 mysteriously came to my attention, which I discovered when balancing my checkbook; I had made an error, so thought my balance was $1000 less than it really was. What a magical find!.. to discover funds that are there that I just don’t know are there. — I am encouraged to feel my excitement and moved to find the whole of what lay in my vortex, putting it to work rather than let it sit unnoticed. 

Due to how much of the evening’s activity that stayed with me this night, I will title the segments, say a little of the first three, and log the fourth in its entirety.

  • Tom Cruise trap
  • Pregnant girl really needs dinner
  • Keys—receiving packages, package after package, the final one is full of keys, four keys
  • Nautilus world, water as a superpower

The Tom Cruise trap : this focuses into the central aspect of this event, a gravity well set up inside him; it is a trap specifically for girls to fall into, and it works quite well on its own but I am shown that there is one person ( Nichole Kidman ) he had to manually pull in by force. This may also be why she was able to get away. Once he had her in his gravity, in the trap, like all girls who fall in she was abused—abused until she would surrender to his will. I see them in a kitchen, the very moment she was first pulled in. Tom pushes her to the wall, he has a stainless steel spatula in his hands that he is pounding repeatedly on her face. There is more. I observed much of what happens in this well, and even what it is itself. This is what has stayed most to the fore.

A pregnant girl really needs dinner : I am inside a dynamic that involves this girl, her situation, and others who are around her including a male person, who she finally, because he won’t take the reigns and outright ask her himself, — asks ( him ) to take her to dinner. She is pregnant, has no money and has not eaten and really does need to have something to eat. In the asking she is offering herself as a girlfriend. The energy, the dynamic, the offering is well and good, it is in all innocence, she likes and has chosen him. When she does this it surprises me, astounds me, really, my conscious attention pops out for a moment, utterly beside itself due to not having picked up on all this sooner; I had not invited her to dinner ( offered food to her ) myself. In the experience, clearly to me now at this point, I am merged with the man.

Keys : In this experience, which is quite lengthy, I am receiving package after package. I recall my brother, Derrick, being in the background of this one. I am opening a package he felt to be his ( but it isn’t ), he looks inside the opened end and sees it is not what he himself was expecting. “That is because it is mine”, I say. He concedes and goes off on his way. The last package I am opening, the one my brother just looked into is full of keys, “four keys”, I hear myself consciously say. The last I see of myself I am on one bent knee, huddled on the street behind where an old car from the 1970s is parked, sticking the head of each key to grey and white key cards, the kind they give when you purchase a copy of key, that tells you the key code in the event you need more.

August 3, 2023

Nautilus world, water as a superpower

This plays out like an actual lifetime. 

The world is amazing, extraordinary, magical!.. I am a female resident and get to see and explore parts of it before a major event, an invasion into our world of another race. 

As this main part begins, I am in a deep brown, earthen colored room constructed of quite large, perfectly square pieces of marble, ephemerally lit with soft golden light, together with the world’s leading Elder. He is standing at an angle to me, so I can see he is a good deal taller than what is more normal, he is wearing robes that are much the same color of the room itself, and light skinned with long irregular length silver hair. I am distantly related to him but have no position or power, I am an apprentice architect, of sorts, I know how to align what we sculpt and build ground level with the stars. [ I am shown this when prior to being in this room I am rushing out onto a large earthen landing that overlooks the ocean below. There is grass growing upon it which surprises me. I am inwardly, like a compass needle being directed to an exact location at which to center a pinwheel shaped structure we are meant to erect here. I know exactly its center and circumference, and even note to myself that it is off center of the actual landing itself ]. 

The time I have here with the Elder is interrupted when a female, I would guess of the royal family, though I feel this is by marriage, enters through the large front doors of the room. She immediately sees me, before even stepping fully inside. 

I am not sure what it is about me that makes her asks, but as she steps in and nearer to me the first words, flatly out of her mouth are “do you have magic?” I know not to speak a word in addressing her, and instead sign with my hands that “I have a little.” With this, she commands that I leave the room this instant. The family keeps anyone with magic away from the Elder, who of course is with great magic himself. I cannot detect exactly why we are not allowed near. It is the Elder himself who calls me. He enjoys my company and hearing of my growth and advancement. I lead a highly carefree, fun-loving and adventurous life here. I do as she commands, though, and no sooner than I exit the room and into the halls outside I see why she has come.

Through the near floor to ceiling windows circumnavigating this structure I see what I can only call giants, large male beings who are dressed in a way that although foreign to those here is not unlike that of our own contemporary ( Earth ) world. It is almost as though the mind of someone in our world is invading our world here. It is a very real world, every bit as real as our Earth world. 

Water, as it does on Earth, plays a very large role here in ours. Of all the elements it is our superpower. Our technology and awareness of all the elements is advanced, the very structure we are standing in now is a testament to this, but we have delved most deeply, technologically speaking into that of water. The structure we are in at present is miles high, it begins in the depths of the ocean and extends vertically up the rock face of a mountain. Every floor has a full view and even opens up to the outside where there are large landings and grounds. Every floor has built into at multiple points, pools that recharge us not unlike batteries. 

Those who are here now are confused by what is happening just outside and some are beginning to scatter. None of us really know what to do, though, or where to go. We are hurriedly looking to one another for possible insight and direction. 

The confusion and fear level is starting to grow when from nowhere, in perfect timing, the Elder’s voice is projected loudly out to everyone. He is telling us all to get down into the water levels where our only real technology is. We do not have ( military ) aircraft, but rather deep sea craft, but we are able to affect the planet surface and the air with them. As well as reach our deep sea cities which the invaders cannot. We have to get down there to our craft if we hope to live and ever defeat this. A large group of us are taking these orders, focusing our intent and beginning to run toward the underwater levels. We have a great ways to go. We hear explosions and see people scattering all along the way. When we reach one of the pool rooms, which opens to the outside and see it has been blown up, we know that from here we are going to have to scale the outside of the structure to reach our destination. There is no further way down from the inside.

I will note a few things of this room before continuing.. The pools in this room are empty of their waters, the inside of them all are a pinky-peach color, there is dirt, dust and debris and cats have urinated inside them. It is beginning to look almost more like a long deserted, desert war ground. I realize momentarily that there is additional information coming through to me here but I do not have the time to accurately collect it. In the scene, most of us have decided to scale the building but there is one man who is deciding not to risk it. He is determined to stay back in this already half blown up room. He is confused, and scared, and mostly thinking of himself. He doesn’t know what to do. We are targets the moment we run for the outside.

In the scene I am running with the others to begin scaling down the structure, but — a largely conscious observation point is left here with this man. 

As the rest of us go over the side, he is standing in the framework of the door to the room. Moments later, another man comes from the outside through this area. He is holding something disguised in his hand. It cautions the man who stayed behind to move out of his way. As he does, this new man steps into the pool room. The other begins to head toward where he saw us scale over, but turns to look back to see if he is possibly going to be shot. Rather than shoot him, that man, from inside the pool room throws a bomb down hard onto the ground. The explosion takes not only him but the rest of that corner of the whole floor level. 

With the explosion all in my field goes black.
I shift through the Void and in seconds find myself back in physical space.

Has this really been an invasion by our world of this other?

I wonder. In semi-cognitive dissonance.

Can one world really invade
another in this way?

August 2, 2023

The continuous clearing of my field, my immediate and extended field; cochina

I am standing in front of a white, translucent macrame-looking thing I want to call a ghostly apparition, face to face. I say to it “cochina, hear me.”  I focus my thought, saying this a few times and on the last it springs to life. A presence fills the thing, opens its eyes, peers into me and we communicate. I feel indigenous energies in and all around me. There is an enormous collage of activity that takes place. Too much to recall. The next thing of importance I remember is walking with my friend, Lil, on a University campus. The meeting is brief, she is telling me she will be in room that is up the path a ways and to the left for a couple hours. Indicating I am welcome to come see her should I finish my work before she leaves. I shift from here to an area with Jean and Terry where I am finishing up a work shift, we are in the master bedroom. 

Jean is sitting on a commode in the corner, just having let out a massive amount of poop. She is wiping herself almost to no avail. There is just so much and she cannot stop going. She walks herself into bathroom after bathroom doing the same, filling and plugging them all up. I would like to give her a shower before I leave. Terry says she will not come back into the bed because the way she smells. I now notice the bed, it is on the floor rather than up so high on the previous, utterly impractical pedestal. The sheets and bedding are a beautiful green, blue and yellow.

Everything is different in the house. I am trying to set up a shower at the same as convincing Jean to even have one. She is more heavily leaning toward “maybe when I come back next week.” There is no way she can wait that long, and I don’t want to leave her and the bathrooms a mess for the girls coming in tomorrow. I keep trying to gently urge her until she accepts. She is not happy when she does. I am inquiring into how this all happened with the bowel duress. She is mentioning a new medication that in part would address all the weight gain. I am not clear, though, I do not see how that could have done this. 

Throughout this whole experience I am in all areas all at once, there is no linear order to what is happening. I will mention that while walking the path on the University campus, alongside a variety of other areas of activity I see a red fox trying to get away from a little girl. She keeps stepping in and blocking its way. I do not feel good at all about her doing this and tell her to let the fox go. The girl’s actions really gnaw at me. It is wrong for someone larger to pen someone smaller. I walk from here toward the ramp up into Jean and Terry’s house. I notice the ramp itself is even different, the old one is gone, replacing it is a set of wooden steps. Inside I am in the shower room with Jean, washing her hair and trying to locate all the ( moved ) items I need. Jean is not happy and taking her aggravation out on me. I am saying to her that I would really like to finish up on time, so that I can meet my friend, Lil, on campus. I explain how we used to be such close friends, but now it has been ages since I have even seen her.

Shifting back toward physical space I repeat the word “cochina”, so that I recall the moment that feels most important to me. I am certain it has some kind of spiritual and indigenous meaning and am surprised when later I do a search to find that it is a Spanish word meaning “dirty”. 

Not just dirty but filthy, disgusting, pig/sow and worse. Perhaps this is why all the indigenous energies came into me >>to assist.

I guess I am still looking into what is happening in that house.

August 1, 2023

Another full night of clearing my field

I am going to condense this one down to saying it is another FULL night of working at clearing my field. This is coming to be such a regular event that condensing the log down to periodically say simply this, I feel will carry more weight. It gives me a moment to focus on simply the work in itself, why it is occurring to the degree that it is at present, and why this information, above and beyond all else is what I am bringing back with me.

3 thoughts on “Dream Data, August 2023

  1. Are you familiar with the terms Archons and Demiurge? The “invasion” took place a long time ago (based on out time clock) their time frame is very different… to free ourselves remains a mystery to most, the subterfuge so complex, and creative, we think we are free, but have unknowingly consented to abdicating our freedom ….
    For your gums there is an excellent mouthwash made by Oragel that has peroxide and menthol, don’t over use it though. Also try to find “Glyoxide” in a small dropper bottle. Use it when you have a flare up. Clove oil soothes the bone these help heal the infection. I managed for years with these.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello, GFS.. yes I am familiar with those two terms ( and I hear you ). Thank you for the leg up with the suggestions for my gums. I had to dive into some fairly serious protocols to get on top of the situation. I will be posting about my natural healing journal, as soon as I can cut away some time in this thread on our forum board *which I post now in the event my discovery can help others who may one day be passing through: https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/omtalks/oral-health-natural-healing-gums-and-teeth-t2220.html#p29801 …. Just to say, LOVE LOVE LOVE clove oil, it was a godsend the first few days in particular. So good to hear you are managing your own oral health. Aging is an interesting thing, isn’t it?

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