( EBEs ) Etheric Body Examinations


Back in 2012, at the height of my out of body experience I was struggling to understand a particular kind of experience I would have which I came to refer to as “EBEs”, Etheric Body Examinations. The event of these experiences were regular enough to be noteworthy, to say the absolute very least, but to say more — my consciousness would come in on a medical feeling environment “on the table”, upon which I was being physically, bodily, tangibly examined. This was not your regular kind of examination, for instance I would often feel a device way up into the nostrils, each flared wide as far as was integrally possible. The back of the head was often an area of interest to my examiners, as was the pelvic floor. I investigated this all for many years on my own.

The OBE was my method of investigation, being the only option for reaching into the experience itself to see what it was. However, I could never, or rarely get any further into the experience than I was first able. Which felt a bit like being inside the Void, inside a room, inside a bubble.., like I was being insulated in this way against the stark fullness of what was happening. All senses, save my full vision remained intact during these events. I could smell, taste, hear and feel —everything. A line of communication was also in place between myself and at least some portion of the beings in the room. At any time the experience became too much, my attention would be moved somewhere more comfortable. This went a long way toward helping me feel safe.

Over the years, my curiosity and need to know more would be triggered by another experience. I was growing braver relative to feeling my readiness TO know more and I ventured over to Tom Campbell’s forum board ( MBT ) where I decided I would broach the subject with a group of level headed, and perhaps frequent flyers. I realized my chances were pretty close to nil in finding someone with OBE and Kundalini experience but to my surprise discovered Tom himself did when he entered the discussion and roughed this out with me.

Through our dialogue, Tom revealed some things about himself never before revealed—or…..if not never before, not often before, it was certainly not common knowledge. Tom tends to stick to fundamental principles, not often venturing into his discrete experience. He validated the Kundalini phenomena and shared his unique experience with it. As well as experience with extraterrestrials and his choice to cut them off from him. 

Tom and I take a different tact when it comes to the body.

He of course keeps to the illusory ( ie: virtual ) nature of the body. While I venture into the idea that it, too, is composed of consciousness—consciousness being all there is from which to compose anything. Including light : an illusion or “virtual” reality. I go into some of my experience with coming to realize this. Which flew only as well as it did with the given audience. In 2012 I was only 3 years into the process of making the conscious shift out of body, but as I was regularly going out at the rate of roughly 4x a week, already had hundreds of experiences to draw from. Now—more than a decade after this I have thousands. This said, there remains no resolution to the EBEs ( etheric body examinations ). The intrigue continues.


The thread on this subject on the MBT board, unbeknownst to at least two of the board’s primary moderators was scrubbed some time after the active conversation itself had concluded. The marker for it can still be seen on the board index, but if you click into it, it is not there.

Link to the actual ( current ) page on the board

Fortunately I kept many of the important elements of the discussion for my personal study and I have compiled them into the PDF you will find below. Tom comes in on page 12.. some of you might find it highly interesting and even of great help. I know I have.

There are two videos in the PDF which I have embedded directly into this article below. You can also read more about my process leading into the EBEs ( etheric body examinations ) in this article on the website titled : The Extra-Terrestrial Reality.

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