The Conscious Shift : Inducing the Altered State

Something I feel is important, to not just share with everyone but to put out there as often and in as many ways as I can, is that the additional states we are each in the process of allowing back into our experience are ALL already taking place. All the waves, all the frequencies, all of everything out beyond what we call “the Earth-life”, including the very roles we ourselves play out there are in constant, ongoing effect. Even now, as the wave, frequency and role we play here also is. There is no separation between the waves. They are coalescing and concurrent.

This awareness is often why I refer to my awakening process as being one of the turning on of my cognition, my cognitive faculties, because the whole thing has always been in play. The whole time, here, active and ongoing. It has just been me, through a period of time not realizing. I was not even locked down in the beta-frequency wave. I could shift. What I couldn’t do, and I find this increasingly humorous the more I see, — is cognize the differentiations. Inside the experience that was me I was always simply being who I am, existing where I am.

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The Breath and Altered States

As part of my spiritual disciplines, I began working more seriously with the breath roughly around the turn of the century; the year 2000. It began, as it often does, much of its own. I would be out on my walks, early morning before most people were awake so that I could enjoy the solitude and quiet – which as we know, disappears all too fast as the world’s alarm clocks begin going off. On these walks I would enjoy the outside world all to myself, at my own leisure, pace and speed. — which from the beginning, for as long as I can remember has always been rather “grandmotherly”. I task you to find anyone who walks as slow as I do.

Walks would always begin with a nice big breath. A salutation, in a sense, at the glory of the portal of the pre-dawn. The magical feeling presence of the morning gateway. I am sure it is not necessary to point anyone to, or remind anyone of this.. we all know, love and appreciate it well. That first full breath in the stunning light of the sun’s first rays remains a favorite way to start my days. That feeling we have when first waking, which is so like this – when the energy of the dream fields is still with us, is something I like to prolong in my day for as long as possible. The breath helps us do this. I engage the breath in this way so the communication of the fields, of the Inner energy system is still softly present as I head out on my walk.

Continue reading “The Breath and Altered States”

Preparing the Body for the Conscious OBE

Looking back into the ancient scriptures we can see there tend to be three fundamental schools of thought. The first we are quite familiar with, dualism, which at its premise sees physicality as the source reality. There is no liberation in dualism ( Dvaita ) which boldly states “physical reality is all there is”. Next we have the view of qualified non-dualism, which consents to a reality beyond physical reality, and therefore to liberation but only at the moment of death. Which brings us to Sankaracharya and absolute non-dualism, which sees the One and the all as identical and says, therefore, liberation is achievable at any moment – within the lifetime.

Well prior to reaching the point in this lifetime of shifting into what we colloquially call the out of body experience, I had intersected with the schools of thought and aligned through and through with Sankaracharya and absolute non-dualism. <— this was the priori. I chose my position. What came to me, I feel is a result of this. I chose, then heaven and earth aligned within me to bring me to the experience of what I chose. All of this is important to cognize, to not only see, for myself, but to say to anyone who may be reading… listening and taking any of this in:

Step one is to choose.

Every step here forward is only ever into what it is you have chosen – how it is you have come to align yourself. This goes for each and every one of us. Regardless of the choice made, – each and every one of which, it is equally as important to say, is in every way valid.

Whether you are chosing liberation to come at the moment of what we call ‘death’, or liberation within the lifetime, you are likely able to reach in and feel how critical it is to prepare for such a moment. – for a successful launch out into the gradient of your aim.

Continue reading “Preparing the Body for the Conscious OBE”

The Weight of Consciousness

Does consciousness have a weight?

I want to have a glance, to bring a topic of the mundane — weight, weight gain/loss — into a wider range of view for a moment. Let’s begin by asking the obvious, “does consciousness have a weight?” Specifically, in physical space does it have a weight. Do those who carry more awareness, a wider experience base also carry a wider girth? more weight? Where and how is it getting stored? In the mental body?, the emotional body?, the physical body? Is it burdensome to know, to directly experience what consensus yet is not? How heavy is this for you? What is your service, what are its extents? – some of us feel to go to far greater lengths for the greater good.

Now there are of course many reasons for one’s size, shape and physical state. Many of those in consciousness circles, predisposed to this aptitude have explored this sometimes to great length. I am just pointing to the fact that this >> a broader awareness and experience base << is another, distinct reason unto itself. And may even be found to lay at the basis for what has been happening a lifetime. As we know, we get ‘activated’ to awaken, often a good deal down the life line. Much lay in the subconscious until this point.

Continue reading “The Weight of Consciousness”

Community Forum

Come join the community discussion.. Our forum was established in 2008 and the discussions have been ongoing ever since. You can read, listen and observe. Use the forum as an information resource. Or contribute your voice to the dialogue.

We have a universal round table, keep a journal forum, and discuss all experiences from the OBE, to contact with extraterrestrial intelligence – to practice and every day life. We have forums to write, log and discuss as well as options to post graphics, artworks, spiritual skills and talents – and LIVE Zoom groups.

Our LIVE Zooms can focus into anything found to be of interest.. Our past sessions have focused into the OBE, energy mastery, remote group healing, meditation, et contact, channeling and reporting from the out of body state. We are now onto practicing our telepathy and discussions are in effect to begin a past life experience discussion group.

Our groups meet for as long as there is interest and elements of the experience remain to be discussed. They reach their natural conclusions when all discussion is satisfied. At which point there may already be talk of forming a group around a new point of interest. Everything stays synergistic and flowing. Everyone is welcome to join.

There is never a condition or “charge” attached
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The Galactic Travel Channel Forum


Out of Body Experience
General Practice and Study
Member Journals

365 Days of Dreams

I am someone who has always remembered my dreams… Who, in the beginning, did not have to write them down to remember, I carried them with me as clear and real to life as my experience in physical space. In fact for a great deal of my life I absolutely could NOT write down my dreams. In the rare event that I did, awareness of the dream state would stop for a short period. As a lesson perhaps. In this way I learned to carry the additional fields more immediately with me in direct awareness alone. I learned that for one reason or another I was not meant to document.—Until much later in the lifetime, that is. 

At the ( 2009 ) point of my awakening, I began to find that I could dream journal, log out-of-body experiences, kundalini events. I not only kept a written log I began video journaling as well. I did this for many years, roughly through the years 2009-2014, when all of a sudden I just stopped. When I did this, awareness of the dream state itself faded in near unison. I even stopped logging the more significant obes and as if the one were falling in line with the other, awareness of these events faded into the recesses and were lost to me.

Continue reading “365 Days of Dreams”

The Recall Muscle : Making it Back with the Data

Let’s face it, a day in which we actively recall our dreams – bring back with us into our conscious daily state of awareness even fragments of the energy and activity of our inner world, experiences, adventures,—immersed in their waves, merged with the concepts, symbols, messages, integrated to any degree at all their depth, meaning, feeling — is very different than a day in which we have not.

Continue reading “The Recall Muscle : Making it Back with the Data”

The Central Nervous System, Your Back Body “Guard”

It is the one thing you may hear me say more than any other,—

If you are not prepared for conscious experience your central nervous system will not allow conscious [ out of body ] experience to take place. You may still have out of body experiences but the data will not remain intact. To some degree or another, all content from additional fields will fade as you shift back into physical space, physical awareness, the beta brain w a v e.

As this frequency field rolls in, it is the experience of most for all else to wash away… It rolls in and all else rolls out. This is, in essence, itself our consensus reality — 3D-reality land. Which as we very well experience throws out the mandate that 1) physical reality is the basis of all reality and 2) physical reality is all there is. Life on Earth exists, life elsewhere does not. ( or is ‘just a dream’ ).

Continue reading “The Central Nervous System, Your Back Body “Guard””

Zoom Call : ET Contact Experience

Are you an experiencer? – or suspect you are an experiencer. Every week members of our group are meeting openly to share our experience with extra-terrestrial consciousness. Anyone is welcome to join the call who wishes to genuinely discuss this phenomena.

The room is used for discussing all matters related to ET contact.. Including how to make ET contact, how to connect with galactic consciousness. If you are having challenging experiences you have not yet fully integrated this is also the place to receive help.

The group space is designed perhaps most ideally for those interested in contact specifically through the out of body experience.

Continue reading “Zoom Call : ET Contact Experience”

The Gateway of the Breath : Breathing Patterns and Portals

This information is an accompaniment to the breath work class we are opening titled : The Gateway of the Breath. In these Zoom LIVE-streams we are journeying into the breath, into more of our total self – creating alterations in the brainwaves and brainwave patterns specifically to consciously ride into new frequency fields.

Continue reading “The Gateway of the Breath : Breathing Patterns and Portals”