Opening my Vocal Channel, Challenging Entities, Greetings from the Dark


It has been a long time in the making, this whole business of opening my vocal channel. Who would have thought such a seemingly simple thing —relative to a Kundalini awakening in itself, learning to consciously shift into and out of Earth space, the work with the crystals and gaining the cooperation of the elemental realm!— would be such a challenge. One day I will see more clearly than I do at present why the voice ( hopefully trance ) channeling had to come last in this series of events. At the moment I glean only bits and am mostly just happy it is ( or seems ) to be finally happening. I am feeling the same call and draw to it now that I have felt from day one with the crystal. Which I somehow was able to observe happening and dive into with full force. As my life allowed, that is. What I began feeling first, roughly a month ago, is to re-immerse myself in my previous more formal meditation ritual. This has been very easy for me to accommodate.

At near the same time, I am beginning to have feedback from my dream state activity that is relative to the vocal channeling. Not just instruction but I can see the beings are beginning to circle me for this purpose. I then began to realize, or suspect, or think to myself that I am not really that familiar with exactly how to PRACTICE vocal channeling. And that it would be much more helpful to me to approach it this way, just as in any of my other practices that are specifically spiritual disciplines. So I am reaching out to a person/teacher/channeler I feel deeply aligned with due to the unconditional nature of their work, Carla Reuckert, who is no longer on the planet with us but who left a wealth of material on learning to channel as a practice. I am in study mode by day and by night am applying to my practice what I have learned. I also have the very fun feeling rising up in me to join a channeling group. Which I will begin looking into today, just as soon as I finish posting this article. A local group that meets in person is what I feel drawn to.

I am learning ( and very wonderfully feeling! ) exactly how close the beings are to me at this point. If I ask a question the flow can immediately begin coming through. Not always, sometimes I am still blocking it, but often enough that it is getting my attention. In meditations my conversation with those here with me is beginning to be even more tactile than it usually it. The felt presence is acute, and just that much more physically felt. I had asked for a tactile sign that the beings are here and the channeling is about to begin. I received that tactile sensation just last night. It is not what I had suggested, a fingertip touching my own, what has been chosen is far more grand. It is a heart-space behind my own that presses forward into me; a merging of hearts. How wonderful -and ever so much more clever a sign! I aim to run with this.

As to the “why”, or reasons behind the voice channeling not beginning until now, I am seeing a few things. The first is my tendency toward opening WIDE without boundaries. Toward being and emulating a fully open system. Together with the inclination, or bent away from challenging others. The way I have carefully measured my capacity previously, with regard to others has been to in a sense sequester myself from them. I say “in a sense” because it is only in a physical sense that I do this. Not in an energetic, or awareness sense. In these ways I have always been all inclusive. But I would keep my physical person in a significant sense out of reach. With the voice channeling this will not be possible. I am quite literally inviting higher information and energy flows ( some of which are quite embodied ) in and through me- mind, breath and body. So I understand I have some learning and reconfiguring to do in this regard. And!, which is occurring in real time with the go-button already pressed. The experience that follows is such an example.

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OBE: Incredible! -Important, Longstanding Questions Answered


There is an energy working itself up on me lately.

It has me wondering about my past, not just as a person but as a Soul- as a result I have felt increasingly curious of and at my Ancestral lineage and my pathway to being here now in the Earth life. The Feline species ( and races ) are first to rear their head at my new inquiry. At the same time, increasingly I am feeling to return to a more formal practice. Meditating twice daily, fasting each SUNday. In the evening meditation prior to bed, prior to concluding the practice I am spending time connecting inwardly with my Group—letting them know what I am most interested in becoming more clear on and asking what I need to do to accommodate the clarity. What befuddles me most is why the vocal ( trance ) channeling does not just begin. I spend some time last night speaking with them on this subject -myself doing most all the speaking. I affirm again that from my own point of perspective I feel I am ready for more clear and steady conscious contact. The kind that stays with me in the same way that the activity of my days do. Lately I am getting pinged by a certain reminiscence of a repeating dream I had throughout my early life, prior to entering my 30s. I have a question about this which you will read in the log below. It is in reference to a gateway I frequented, and where it is I would go when I entered it. The experience I would have would carry me in my conscious state right up to the gateway, but not through it. Imagine my surprise and downright delight when ALL of this is addressed this very evening.

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Dream Data: April 2024


The breakthroughs continue.

This month I am intently focused into the April 8 full solar eclipse and the opportunity I feel it represents. The very morning of the eclipse information began coming through in the dream state. Then when I woke I meditated,—focusing my attention into a mantra of sorts. As the eclipse was happening, as I sat in a focused state of attention I repeated the following:

“I am passing through this portal, cleansed by water and by fire ( ie: the sun and the moon ) in the highest light and for the greatest good as a full-time consciousness worker fully supported by the Universe and the Universe of Worlds.”

Once I had passed through the portal into this timeline, I changed the tense to “I have passed”. It was a really nice ceremonial rite of passage. I united with the galactic races on a deeper level and assistance from them actually began coming to me as I chanted. For instance the “cleansed by fire and water” part was given to me as I began the recitations. And so true!, not just a portal but a baptism first by water ( the moon ) and then by fire ( the sun ). When it was done I went outside, faced myself toward the sun with closed eyes and let myself be penetrated by the rays. The light outside was quite surreal. Not unlike that of another time and place. I do feel I am now quite actually in a new timeline. One in utter alignment, inside and out with my focus.

Following the eclipse and consciously directing myself through this portal I began to be accelerated ( see April 21 log ) and a singular message begins coming through to me. Surrendering and connecting my will to Thy will, in order to get where we actually are heading now. The Greater will is unfettered by doubt and has no fear to distract or detract it. Allowing this could only mean one thing. We are now on the fast track into the new moment. Into the next new evolution of our service. Activating the Voice and taking on the role of the Speaker. A Seer and Speaker. It certainly has been a long time coming. I do feel I am ready.

The final thing I will mention for this month ( it has been a doozy of a month! ) is that I am growing more curious at, and focusing into my ANCESTRAL HISTORY. I am looking into this through the dream and instantly aided in this by Inner being. This feels incredibly related to coming into the new service. Perhaps it is a keying into who will be the first to bring through. All this is so new I will have to follow it for a time before knowing, or knowing any more than I do at present. We are at the verge of its very unfolding. Such an exciting place to be. !! At present, just to say, as can be seen in this month’s dreams all fingers are pointing toward the Feline races.

The word for us this month is >>


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OBE: A Conscious Shift Into an Ongoing Stream of Accelerations


It has been some time since a noteworthy phenomenon has occurred to highlight in an article all its own. Far too much time for my liking but I am appreciative of the experience I have been given this morning. Truth be told, when first opening my eyes to fully come out of this experience I did not expect to find myself back in my room. I expected “home” was no longer “Kansas”. When the room I found myself in was indeed my own, I was interestingly surprised. Though it may look the same, I more than half suspect it is not. I will be remaining alert for any anomalies.

As many of you know, since the awakening in 2009 the fully conscious shift into and out of Earth space has been of key interest to me. Principally the shift itself. As a result of an intent focus into it I have experienced an intriguing array of shifts, which, truly, will never cease to amaze, astound and delight me. Just when one might think there is no further way possible to experience a shift, a new shift phenomenon arises. Such is the case this morning.

I will note once more, for the record, as it has been some time now since mentioning it, that everything that occurs within the event of an OBE, and indeed life, occurs within the shift itself. Often when OBErs are going out, they will be accelerated, or experience some theme on the vibrations regardless of how slight, and then experience themselves elsewhere –somewhere, some distance out, again regardless of how slight, beyond where the physical body is…even if this is perceptually just to the outside of it, in the very room where it lays.

In truth, however, the shift ( and experience contained within it ) is still in play. Even when the person, generally due to his or her limits, has put the brakes down on it—it is not too late to look inside at what more is indeed still happening. I realize this myself only due to the attention and experimentation I have given to this. The reason I mention it at all is due to the tendency at times for an explorer to catch a shift, only to feel they have missed the proverbial ‘wave’ when it comes to a stop and they sense they are nowhere other than when it began. Perceptually it can feel this way, but in my experience it never is. This is my opportunity to point this out, and encourage all explorers in this situation to continue to hang ten! be still and look inward.

You will find yourself, without doubt inside the wave.

Directly inside the event in play.

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Dream Data: March 2024


What an absolutely amazing month, not only of dream state awareness but advancements being made toward my service as a Speaker. There is something relative to this I am attempting to understand on a greater level. It has to do with the ways in which it is possible to conceptualize our time here in the Earth-life. It has always been easy for me to conceptualize Earth as a “school”, but more challenging to me is that of it being a “prison”. I understand the whole idea of “light being encased ( or enmeshed ) in matter” and I see how this might effectively align with the concept of a prison, for can I go out and into it by my own will? ( no ) – not as the person I experience myself to be. But there is something more to all this. Something I am aimed to grasp in more detail.

It is not unlike when I am in the dream state itself, and stop to wonder how it is I have gotten to where I am. In the very same way, I do not know how it is that I arrived here in this Earth life. In order to remember, I first have to remember who I am — who I am, prior to being who I am here. Then I will see the pathway that has led to this place, and where, more precisely “here” is.

Since traveling up to Ventura a few short weeks ago to “break my silence” – to tell my story of ET contact, abductions and sightings of crafts I have had two major breakthroughs. These can be read in my logs. I look forward to the breakthroughs continuing to occur.

Let’s put it in big, bold letters right here.


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Breaking the Silence

Breaking the Silence, with Steve Neill
Stories of Encounters with Non-Human Intelligence

I went back and forth on how to post this article, in the context of another -because there are many elements to it, or on its own and focusing mostly into the project itself. In the end I settled on this ( ie: the latter ) because the people behind this project, Steve Neill and Mary Cacciapaglia, are looking for others to come forward and tell their stories on camera. They are potentially putting together a documentary on the subject of what we generally conceptualize as extraterrestrial encounters, UFO/UAP sightings and other anomalous activity; there may be those of you who pass through here who may want to get involved. For those shy of the camera, you can write into them as well, share your experiencer story. They read and record these to upload on their youtube. They are a senior couple now in their 70s. I will leave links to where you can find them below.

Steve Neill is a lifelong experiencer of the contact phenomenon, he is a visual effects artist who has produced makeup effects and creature effects for film and television, including :: Star Trek, Ghostbusters, Fright Night and more. He is also a famous Hollywood gorilla-man, creature actor and puppeteer with many television and film credits. He has built props and models for many films. He creates CGI. His studio is SNG Studio & Gallery in Ventura, California.

The way I came to find Steve and this new project he is working on began in the dream state. While inquiring into the matter of building my own service and platform into a sustainable framework it was suggested from within that I go out and ask three other people, or groups of people how I could help them with their projects. I found this to be brilliant. I could feel the energy of it, the magic in the energy, and how it really could work. I also spend so much time alone, increasingly more since the 2021 event, that I would enjoy the adventure of some road tripping out to engage with others. The very next day, as synchronicity would have it, a WordPress blog I follow, Conscious Living and Wendy’s Coffeehouse ( link ) posted an article featuring a podcast she had done with Steve. In the podcast I learned he was looking for people to come tell their stories. I thought, “that’s easy! I could do that!” Ventura is just a few hours drive from San Diego, and I could spend a day in the Los Angeles area with my closest friend in the world on the way.

I spent a couple weeks outlining my almost 60 years of experience ( my contact experiences are not a mere few ) and condensed it down to roughly 30-40 minutes. I had to choose among which experiences I would highlight, there are simply too many to tell them all in this amount of time. I was further tasked, when arriving in Ventura, to keep my story to just 20 minutes, and to start at the end, rather than the way I had it outlined. If I wasn’t nervous enough already -I knew I was going to begin going into some challenging aspects of my experience -I now had the super bonus challenge. I had to decide on a dime which parts of what I had planned to say to leave out and which to leave in. Not easy, to say the least with a story like mine.

I had no idea how I was going to do this, I had made simple cue cards for myself to keep on track, but now that was blown and I had to content myself with winging it the best I could. I am no stranger to winging it, it is just that I really wanted to present the story, for the first time ever in a more complete fashion along a timeline. So that it would make sense by the time the story arrived at the anomaly of the work with the crystals. Which is complex to understand, and few do. But this was not to be the way of it, so I took a deep breath, spread the printed photos of the beings out on the table in front of me, and I was ON. The film was rolling.

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Receiving Data, An Important Reminder


This report was lined up for exactly a year ago to this day but got lost, falling deeper and deeper down into the queue until I had forgotten all about it. I am not sure I still remember the reason I was wanting to highlight and bring it out but it does show some interesting work, as well as messages commonly relayed to us in the night. The language of the fields is never an easy, or obvious thing to read when it comes to what is being told us about ourselves but the only way we are ever going to even BEGIN to learn is by bringing the data forward, working with it on a regular basis, processing the information to see what new questions arise and taking this once more with us into the coming night. It is the way I am learning. Slow though it may be.

I feel like I am making headway—like I am beginning to glean symbols here and there that help me to piece together at least a part of the meaning behind the work being done and the messages being sent. As the years roll on I feel increasingly more accomplished in not only the way I am working with my dreams, but the daily regularity at which I now do. It takes diligence just to get to the point where daily work becomes possible. In fact, going all the way back to the beginning, I remember not being allowed to even write my dreams down. I have had recall of my dreams since day 1 in this body, but prior to the age of approximately 40, if I attempted to write down what I recalled the recall would be taken away. This in itself is simply fascinating.

One day I must look deeper into why this was. For now, though, a usual night of dreaming and important reminder on receptivity and receiving data. >>

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Dream Data: February 2024


I am pleased to report that my more regular dream state has returned -and that I am acclimating to the new types of precognitive information being passed to me in the night. The communication between my Inner and outer self is deepening. I am more regularly able to receive messages, exact answers to questions that are asked. It has been suggested this past month that I begin going out to see how I can help other people with their ( consciousness ) projects. I have begun doing just this and it is a lot of fun. I will be reporting more on this in the coming months. Stay tuned.

Another thing worth mentioning is the ear TONES, they have quite literally been on fire this past month. There were weeks when they were coming in every night on both the right and the left. One night it would be the right, the next the left, back and forth. Until it grew to be from the right and left even on the same nights. Really crazy. I have fun with the phenomena, though, as all of you know. My greatest joy is exploring these things. I do not know that I am any more aware than in the beginning, relative to what exactly these tones are, but I will never stop investigating any of the phenomena that presents to me. It is simply too interesting.

Note: the Guardian dream from February 5, 2024 is worth attention.

A new theme is beginning to become more repetitive.


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A Collection of Lower Realm Experiences


The past few months, ( Oct, Nov, Dec, Jan ) I have not had the time to post OBEs independently of my dream data material. The monthly dream logs do include my out of body experiences, conscious contacts, time travel, visions, precognitive information but as the log itself is long, and many do not have the time to actually read the full month I try to make a point of posting certain key experiences independently in articles like this. It gives others experiencers out there a chance to see if there is any critical crossover in the data we are receiving.

November 2023 was a particularly challenging month relative to the data coming in. It was full of survival based energy, torture, killing; various nights in the lower realm stood out to take center stage. In fact, in general as of late I am gaining increasingly more experience working in the collective shadow aspect of being. I feel this is in preparation to come more fully into service. It does take experience, practice, to acclimate to this level of reality.

Three such experiences are highlighted below.

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Dream Data: January 2024


The first step into 2024 is a rough one that begins with a fall. I am on the road to recovery from a knee injury incurred the day after Christmas,—while in the fields I am entering the woodwork, neural pathways within my being that reveal the activities, the moves of the ( – ) on my being, my player in the Earth-life field. “Me”. It is not easy on a physical system to be aware of. Though a clearer picture, the kind born of actual conscious experience is surfacing.

I am working on an aspect of my incarnation that is perhaps not so pleasant. An aspect that was potentially caged here on the 3D Earth. Who is working something off -refining, rebalancing in order to re-enter a larger reality. Some years back, through the OBE I was shown a clustered structure that hangs off the back of my calf. It is composed of 3 strings, irregular in length between 2-4 inches, each with a slate black cube affixed to the end. I have been shown this more than once, it is a shock to my system each time. A sense of panic accompanies it as there is a time element I feel in which I have to work these off. I know I am meant to resolve why this is here. It will not be easy for me to see, but see I must if I am to work myself free.

The flow of data coming through the dream state this month is steady and fierce, no stopping for even a breath. I am able to see the central concept/theme, which is >>

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