Dream Re-entry : A Conscious Shift Back In Through Interpenetrating Fields

June 15, 2022

Concentricity, Spheres within Spheres

I start waking while it is still fairly early, which is surprising as I did not fall off to sleep until quite late, well after the 1am hour. I am going to have to dive for the dream data, I have only a cover song playing in my mind at this time. The room is cool and outside the sky is overcast, perfect for dream recollection. I roll onto my stomach, turning my head toward the right and place my Healer, George, at my forehead. Moments later a light show is going off in my head. In the back of my brain. I feel this ( not see it ); energy tingles. The sensation is so prominent it gets my attention, in physical space as well as inside the field. The two fields are seamlessly overlapped. 

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OBE Log : Entity Assault

February 2, 2021

Second chakra energy transmutation : all night.
Sexual depravity.


I am unsure how to begin.

An entity is in my space, in the etheric energy space, it seems to have no regard for me whatsoever and this is much as a predator and prey situation. This entity is human. It has a hold of my right foot and is dragging me 180 degrees within the exact space of my physical body. It is performing the rotations of the bodies necessary for enacting what is for me a conscious shift into an OBE ..It wants me to be as aware of what is happening as possible. In a sick way, because this entity is violating my space and violating me. It wants me to see not just what is happening but who it is. I am certainly attempting to see, but at the same time, aware from within multiple fields and the goings-on within them, my entire mental/energetic/physical construct is screaming. 

As I am first coming to experience and tangibly feel the violation, the feedback is of a male being. But I see clearly here, at least to this degree, the entity is not male but female. I am seeing the outline of the body, face, head.. She is very generic in her appearance, utterly lacking of vitality and color. She is perfectly still, standing here before me, energetically and compassionately numb. I see the hair, ash blonde, not quite to the shoulders, outlining her face. It is a complete blur through the features of the face. I am coming into full alertness, screaming with every ounce of my energy the words “you are dead”, “you are so dead!”, “you don’t even know how dead you are!”. The energy is coming through me with such force the words are reaching through my physical body in physical space. Where it is the pre-morning hours ( 4am ), I am at work, the dog is barking loudly down the stairwell in what I come to think must be in response to my distress.

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OBE Log: ET Healing, Wilson’s Disease


Date: November 18, 2019 : 6 – 8AM
Shift phenomena : standard low rolling vibrations
Location : my purple room, dad’s house – year : 1980
Activity : blood, hair and skin cell samples are being taken. testing for Wilson’s disease
Players : the ETs – female nurse, young male – extremely close friend, Roswell, ( the idea to write/communicate w/ ) Dawn Shears

Around 6AM following a brief sleep interruption I consciously request an OBE..

Sometime later I am keying in on the shift, just your standard low rolling vibrations and the knowing to not move. Consciousness is not steady, it is fluctuating, coming in and out. —Following the shift I am inside and *outside my purple bedroom with two others ( one definitely male and on my left, this one is more prevalent in the experience than the other. He is speaking with me while the other is simply here on my right. From the vantage of the outside view, which it should be said is upstairs and not ground level – we are looking in through the window. From this area I am my 54 year old self.

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All About Recall

My first words should be this.

I remembered this.., I recalled it to me through OBEs. Through conscious shifts into additional consciousness states – additional consciousness s p a c e. So let’s bring it forward as an immanent and inevitable place to begin :

  • Everything is already happening.—I am not trying to get experiences to happen – ( new levels of experience to happen ) – so much as they are already happening : every day and night.

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Crystal Communication: How is this Happening?

I am about to share with you my process.

It is the best I can address the question at this time.

Some of the nuts and bolts, the internal function of how this works I am privy to, but in a very large sense I also have little idea yet. What I do know—what I am aware of—what I am observing, I will share with you.

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My Birth Into the Earth Life

As a way to begin,—multi-dimensional vision is not easy, be patient with yourself when first viewing the images, the formations and information.. In a very real sense this is no different than entering additional states, additional consciousness SPACE. A period of entering and acclimating and learning to use your faculties in a new way is in order.

I suggest you look—just look without trying to see. Soften your gaze and let it float throughout the frame. In the process new pattern recognition programs will turn on and the layers, the beings and transmissions will begin coming through.

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Synchronous States: Holding Multiple Realities Simultaneously

Looking in on it from where I am now in time, the process of entering into this makes more sense. The picture is more complete. Years prior to a more total shift in consciousness I began bringing through the idea.. Speaking of it (somewhat ephemerally), penciling (somewhat remedially) images and graphs, teaching it in class while not even truly knowing -or knowing why.

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Sychronizing the Hemispheres: Turning Perception Inside-Out

When I was first awakened to the Wider Reality, the first related phenomena I noticed in my normal state of being is that I immediately could not use my brain in the same way as before. There was a decided feeling to the area where it perceptually rests, and to my awareness, but behind this there seemed to be nothing. There was no data, what previously I would have called “my memory”. I no longer had the same access to it as before. This phenomena, although felt more acutely in the beginning because it was so new continues to this day.

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