Sovereignty Made Simple

The responsibility the idea of “One” inherently takes upon itself.

( where are we in our collective awareness of this? )

There is no other.

I ( alone ) am the reality I am experiencing – I AM the reality.

I AM THE LIGHT I AM THE DARK.—there is that of me I hold up in the light, there is that of me I push down into the shadows. It is I who have done this and I who must one day undo this.—let what is held low rise up into the light where it can be met, moved with and made whole again.

Collective awareness of this has to grow.

We glean the truth of it from time to time….we may acknowledge, for nano-seconds, that each night as we lay ourselves down, close our eyes and go IN, three dimensional environments surround sound us which we immerse ourselves in; often…real as real can be. There is a tendency in what we call “real life” to refer to these as “dreams”. But what would happen if we let ourselves actually look at this for more than the minute it deserves?

If it is the way of it in the night, could it be the way of it by day? Were it said that the brain creates these experiences ( in the night ), then would it not follow that an even larger brain has created the “real life” world we experience by day? — that we are, in these terms, a smaller brain within a larger brain? And that as we relax and let go of the smaller sense of ourself, we can re-enter a larger terrain? Can we not do this eyes open? ( by day ).


One—without a second.

This is what the Vedantins say. ( let this sink in ) One—without a second.

[ pause]


Can you feel this? It is powerful, PALPABLE, isn’t it.

There is no other. There is no-one to fight save the self. ( cease this )

Continue reminding yourself. Repeat this as a mantra anytime you are creating a sentence to the contrary. Re-center : One—without a second : let yourself feel the relief of it *and the release….release….release. – exit the drama and return to yourself, to pure awareness, and begin again. Let this be the reality in which you take your next step. Bring it with you, breathe it, for you and for the collective. <—This is the change we all truly want to see in the world.

It begins with you – with each and every one.

Genuinely wanting to assist the current global situation means genuinely adhering to this as a practice. As you do, your Inner networking will begin to shift. A new experience and new view will unfold. As the new experience and view ground itself here in and AS you, the previously created system of thought begins to shut down. Not just in you, but all around you.

You. are. the world.

You are the reality you are experiencing.

What you radiate is what you receive as a direct experience.



There is no other.

I ( alone ) am the reality I am experiencing – I AM the reality.

I AM THE LIGHT I AM THE DARK.—there is that of me I hold up in the light, there is that of me I push down into the shadows. It is I who have done this and I who must one day undo this.—let what is held low rise up into the light where it can be met, moved with and made whole again.


The responsibility of deciding your next step, action, thought,

Is always yours.

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