A Symbol for the High Self, More Advancements Toward the Vocal Channeling


I believe I have shared this at least once prior on the website but I will share once more that I am more proactively working toward the vocal channeling at present. It does feel like the next intelligent evolution of my Service- to be able bring through the information, in part on the transmissions that have been coming to us through the crystal. In essence what this capacity is showing is that right along with my own awakening, once dormant skills residing within me are also being awakened. I do not know why it has been simpler for me actualize something that to my knowledge never has been before, than it has been to bring about the vocal channeling but thus has it been. Perhaps once I finally do get this open and flowing this will be a part of what I learn. For now I am practicing regularly at night, specifically to this end. It is going well and new phenomena are beginning to present. I will speak more on this as it begins to more fully unfold.

Last night I was listening to Robin Jelinek channel Athena ( an Archetypal Collective ) and she was speaking about a technique we can use to help alleviate pain, though the technique can also be used for manifestation. It involves quieting the mind and asking oneself for a symbol to represent our high self. I thought to myself, you know as long as I have been practicing, in part to see and even meet my high self I have never thought to do this. So I began asking in my evening meditation, in the little dialogue I have been having with Inner being just before going to bed. Throughout the night I endeavored to remain alert to the symbol. As it turned out, though, it was one of those nights where WORK was being done. This is always interesting to me, even if not always easy to experience. I woke twice with my mouth dry as a bone *which is perhaps the #1 tell tale sign of the work **when I myself am not directly conscious within the fields <– then this is what most informs me. Last night I was OUT and the only sign the dry mouth.

By early morning I could feel that an Experience was impending.

I laid myself down, remembered to ask for my symbol,

And the following took place >>

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Breaking the Silence

Breaking the Silence, with Steve Neill
Stories of Encounters with Non-Human Intelligence

I went back and forth on how to post this article, in the context of another -because there are many elements to it, or on its own and focusing mostly into the project itself. In the end I settled on this ( ie: the latter ) because the people behind this project, Steve Neill and Mary Cacciapaglia, are looking for others to come forward and tell their stories on camera. They are potentially putting together a documentary on the subject of what we generally conceptualize as extraterrestrial encounters, UFO/UAP sightings and other anomalous activity; there may be those of you who pass through here who may want to get involved. For those shy of the camera, you can write into them as well, share your experiencer story. They read and record these to upload on their youtube. They are a senior couple now in their 70s. I will leave links to where you can find them below.

Steve Neill is a lifelong experiencer of the contact phenomenon, he is a visual effects artist who has produced makeup effects and creature effects for film and television, including :: Star Trek, Ghostbusters, Fright Night and more. He is also a famous Hollywood gorilla-man, creature actor and puppeteer with many television and film credits. He has built props and models for many films. He creates CGI. His studio is SNG Studio & Gallery in Ventura, California.

The way I came to find Steve and this new project he is working on began in the dream state. While inquiring into the matter of building my own service and platform into a sustainable framework it was suggested from within that I go out and ask three other people, or groups of people how I could help them with their projects. I found this to be brilliant. I could feel the energy of it, the magic in the energy, and how it really could work. I also spend so much time alone, increasingly more since the 2021 event, that I would enjoy the adventure of some road tripping out to engage with others. The very next day, as synchronicity would have it, a WordPress blog I follow, Conscious Living and Wendy’s Coffeehouse ( link ) posted an article featuring a podcast she had done with Steve. In the podcast I learned he was looking for people to come tell their stories. I thought, “that’s easy! I could do that!” Ventura is just a few hours drive from San Diego, and I could spend a day in the Los Angeles area with my closest friend in the world on the way.

I spent a couple weeks outlining my almost 60 years of experience ( my contact experiences are not a mere few ) and condensed it down to roughly 30-40 minutes. I had to choose among which experiences I would highlight, there are simply too many to tell them all in this amount of time. I was further tasked, when arriving in Ventura, to keep my story to just 20 minutes, and to start at the end, rather than the way I had it outlined. If I wasn’t nervous enough already -I knew I was going to begin going into some challenging aspects of my experience -I now had the super bonus challenge. I had to decide on a dime which parts of what I had planned to say to leave out and which to leave in. Not easy, to say the least with a story like mine.

I had no idea how I was going to do this, I had made simple cue cards for myself to keep on track, but now that was blown and I had to content myself with winging it the best I could. I am no stranger to winging it, it is just that I really wanted to present the story, for the first time ever in a more complete fashion along a timeline. So that it would make sense by the time the story arrived at the anomaly of the work with the crystals. Which is complex to understand, and few do. But this was not to be the way of it, so I took a deep breath, spread the printed photos of the beings out on the table in front of me, and I was ON. The film was rolling.

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Crystal Contact Calendar ( 2024 )

Every year, I have to say, the calendar comes out better and better. The calendar frames utilize our most recent techniques — centering each being in their respective frame and facing them front so that we can meet their gaze eye to eye. It is for this reason, the contact, that we began employing these measures but it also displays each being themself in a fuller light. Often unique imagery and symbology comes through that we might not ever see, or come to realize with our more conscious state of attention. So we are hopeful you enjoy and benefit from the artistic license.

We are getting the 2024 calendar out just a little late this year, I know -people always tell me they get their calendars late Summer for the coming year — but it is only November right now so there is still plenty of time to order and receive your calendar before January hits. You have to love the date ( 11:11 ) we finally did go LIVE. And, also …you never know, these could be collectors items one day down the road. ( stranger things have happened, lol ).

If you would like to order this year, this is the link:

Crystal Contact Calendar 2024 🕊

With all our love

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OBE Log: Confederation Protected Contact

August 22, 2022

The energy is coming increasingly more again at night. 

Tonight it is coming in strong before even 9pm. Before my feet have the chance to get unreasonably antsy I get up to get the salt pack. I place it on my sacrum and immediately the flows within the body are set to right. I notice my body is feeling really comfortable now, it is a more comfortable than usual kind of feeling. I read until about 10:30pm, pushing through the drowsy feeling and my eyesight beginning to blur due to the brainwave changes that are trying to pull me in >> until they finally do. I am comfortable in the supine position immediately from the onset of night *as well as all night long. This should have informed me an experience was at hand.

Continue reading “OBE Log: Confederation Protected Contact”

Project Camelot Interview : Awakening Consciousness, Crystal Contact

It all started with an email from a friend.

I was as surprised as YOU may be reading this right now. She wrote that she had written to Kerry Cassidy from Project Camelot, suggesting she have me on her show. No sooner was I reading this than I was receiving an invitation from Kerry herself. It was an interesting feeling, because I will tell you that when I first encountered Project Camelot, Kerry ( and Bill Ryan ) back in 2009 I could see the connections in our names and felt we would one day meet.

Today was the day.

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Crystals, Consciousness and Contact ( 2 )

I will always be the first to say I cannot explain the mechanics of how this works. But what I think is happening is that the crystal is being used to amplify a signal sent from another point in time, through to us here in this point in time. I have sometimes referred to this as transferring the contents of my awareness, from the one point to the other, – via the mean of the CRYSTAL.

What it is, in terms of consciousness that allows this to happen only incrementally filters in as I engage in the art, capacity, inherent skill….and as, through the process, others curiously come to ask. When asked, data streams do sometimes begin to flow. I find myself saying what otherwise I don’t in actually know. What I have learned, I have learned mostly in instances such as this.

Sometimes the data flows open right here within myself when I am engaged in mundane activity. When I am standing at the sink washing dishes, when in the shower or out on a walk, — outdoors, when the sun is shining on me, where nature, trees, the aromatic scents of flowers, animal life and big sky are in sight does collectively seem to prime the flow to open.

Continue reading “Crystals, Consciousness and Contact ( 2 )”

Meet the ETs

Noone was around yet when this first went up. Sending the beings out to everyone again, who missed this the first time around. –Casey.

the galactic travel channel

The following portraits -rendered through the crystal- were born of a desire in me to help others see. I did not want to be alone in my seeing anymore. I wanted everyone to be and feel as blessed as I do by the Beings. By what they are trying to tell us. And by the sheer fact they are transmitting to us ground level through ( of all things! ) a CRYSTAL.

View original post 681 more words

OBE Log : ET Contact, Extraction of Stones

Note: The vast majority of my contact experiences are through the out of body state. The type of experience I am about to relay is very common to my et contacts. – being “on the table” in general is very common. I do not bring back with me everything that occurs specifically while on board craft but what I do bring back, regularly involves the awareness of surgical devices used to hold my nares flared wide open, and sometimes, as in this experience the extraction of one thing or another. Often I myself am attempting to pull the device itself from out of my nose. Sometimes it is what seems a rubbery substance that just never seems to end. I can pull and pull and never manage to get what this is out in whole. In the following experience it something altogether new.

Experiences of this type can bring trauma to the experiencer,

It is common for a screen scene to be used.

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OBE Log: Federation Craft

September 26, 2021

Contact Experience, Federation Craft, Pleiadians

Going to bed tonight I fully know I am going to have a contact – that I am going to be brought up on board. I can tell by the level of extreme comfort laying here on my back. I go immediately to it. Internally I am already “assuming the position”. I know what it means and I tell myself to roll over onto my side. It is not long, though, before my body, all but by itself returns to the original position. I am feeling drowsy and I am falling off but I can feel the tractor beam lock on.

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Earth Status Report: Sound, Resonance, Frequencies and Frequency Assault

In some situations I might suggest to forget altogether about fiction, some things are simply far stranger than fiction. – not in the sense that they are not understandable to our physical faculties, but in the sense that they are so outside the range of what is usual that when they do pop up in our direct physical experience, it is as bizarre as bizarre can be.

Some months back, perhaps mid-summer ( 2021 ) a sequence of highly mysterious events began to unfold. – all of these events are connected and each involves sound and resonance. Frequencies of vibration. I began to notice, for instance, some unusual, and what has since become regular air traffic over the house. Along with the usual flights which are up at an elevation that is barely audible there are now low flying craft, which due to the loud and near constant sound is intrusive. These craft include a khaki colored double propeller plane, jet fighters flying in formation and helicopters. As I am typing, all of what I am mentioning and more is overhead.

Continue reading “Earth Status Report: Sound, Resonance, Frequencies and Frequency Assault”