Resource : Research Log : The Crystal Work Explained, Chapters 1-6

This video series has been a long time in the making.

The compilations are offered for study and research purposes but the chapters are uploaded and can be viewed separately, one at a time, as well as in clusters of three, six and possibly twelve. Please note this is a work in progress that is far from complete. To repeat >>

This body of work began in 2017, but it wasn’t until roughly the year 2020 that I really began having the opportunity to work with it. At this time I began not only trying to understand it at a greater depth and to a greater degree, but explaining the process involved to others. It has been a gradual but ongoing process of discovery. It is challenging to unpack something like this, that has at this time, to my knowledge, no originating precedence. In this compilation, which again is far from complete is the real time unfolding of what I am learning AS I am learning it. Please note that the compilation flows BACKWARDS in time, with the newest clips added continually at the front.

Please note: I will be linking all relative articles written as of today [ May 13, 2024 ] on this subject in the body of this page to help it act as a more complete resource. I will do my best to keep it up to date, at least for a time. It may not include everything but it will contain A LOT and will be a good page to bookmark and share with others who you feel to introduce to the work.

Examples of the contact I am receiving through the crystal are embedded in the videos, along with relays of my direct contact with extraterrestrial intelligence, sightings, shifts into the etheric frequency bandwidth of our planet -and more expanded out of body experience, kundalini processes, etc.. This compilation when it is complete will contain everything but will focus all this strongly into the awakening of the skill that was once lying latent in me with the crystals, which features specifically their optic/photonic capacities relative to the function of communications.

The podcasts additionally included below, go into even more.

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Crystal Transmissions, the Making of a Portrait

For those of you who are new to my site and this work,

I will leave a few links here at the top for you to follow, which may help fill in some of the blanks about what you are about to see and hear in this log. In an easy sentence, what I do is combine my consciousness with crystals, c r y s t a l l i n e consciousness, in order to transfer data from the Field, we could say “one space and time” or “reality” here to ours.

Often it is a being, another consciousness out there who connects with me in this process. Although the transmissions, the data transfers are primarily for me ( to unpack and distribute ) I have for many years now enjoyed learning how to isolate the beings in the frames I capture in order to introduce and show them to you in a portrait style quality. The tools I use are simple: 1) my consciousness, 2) the crystals, and 3) a cell phone camera.

These links will guide you to where you can learn more about this phenomena, capacity, skill, technology >> once lost to our planet and now returning.. As well as my own journey of discovery unearthing it within myself—and many hundreds of examples.

Isza — the main crystal I work with

Links will contain video, written articles and photo imagery:

* * *

Now onto the reason we are here today.

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The Crystal Work: Video Recorded Contact

Today is, as they say a good day.

A new milestone with the work has been reached.

This past week, for the first time ever I was able to video record a contact in a shareable format. In the past this has not been possible, just due to logistics, really. When I am going into the crystal I have the cell phone camera right up on the crystal and switching from photo mode to video mode enlarges the screen to where the being is too close up to effectively see. There is more to it as well, — the light coming through the crystal, as it moves creates ripples that will dissolve any one view into others. Like a moving kaleidoscope. So I have to be able to keep up, in order to hold a particular light stream in a specific pattern in order to record. This is necessary for the still frames as well, but in photo mode there is plenty of space to navigate and otherwise do this. While in video mode there is not. All this said, this past week the miraculous happened. Heaven and Earth moved to create just the right set of circumstances and I was able to record a contact.

There is so much that can happen when I go into the crystal to explore.

I am going to go over a good deal of this with you now.


Continue reading “The Crystal Work: Video Recorded Contact”

New Discovery : Working with Crystalline Consciousness

Let’s talk for a moment about the devastating misses.. those instances wherein a being comes so clearly and excitingly forward through the crystals. A new being, one we have never seen before, with features and hues so unique as to quicken every single cell in the body. — and the opportunity is missed. It happens. I have a contact that is not wholly shareable. I will tell you it is devastating each time. —almost, but not quite managing the shareable wave.


What we have here is an avian being, MAGNIFICENT, blue with a blue-and-purple-feather plumed head. You may be able to see the eyes, they both fully came in, peeking over the top of where the beak shaped front of the face is beginning to come in. The hues and light this being is rising up out of were giving off the most intoxicating feeling. A mix of whites, golds, plums and blues. I was so excited I thought my heart would leap clean out of my chest. 

Continue reading “New Discovery : Working with Crystalline Consciousness”

The Communications Function of Crystals : Contacting Extraterrestrial Intelligence ( Podcast )

Hello gentle readers, oh ye of inquisitive minds.

This is going to be a fun one…, but before introducing this more outright let me take the opportunity to say and affirm with you again how important it is right now for us each to begin grouping with others-of-us in any and ALL ways that we can. The creative mixing and blending of our energies is critical to the current planetary Task at hand.  — that being, the participation in the evolution of experience and expansion of human consciousness.

This past week I threw together a log that went into explaining as best I can how the transmitting and receiving of the signals through the crystal occurs: The Crystal Work Explained. The more I process and put through to you, the more I realize how much remains still to be said. Will we ever get it all out there? I don’t know, but I can report, what near all of you already know – this has all of me, body-mind and soul, and I will work diligently until my last breath, trying.

Continue reading “The Communications Function of Crystals : Contacting Extraterrestrial Intelligence ( Podcast )”

The Crystal Work Explained

Roughly 5 years ago, following multiple decades of spiritual disciplines, a conscious awakening which freed me from the confines of our planetary sphere ( 2009 ),—a dormant capacity was activated that allows me to work with crystals in a unique way. It allows me to combine my consciousness with the consciousness of crystals and help act as a transmitter of signals that are sent from one point in time, to another point in time. – our point in time, to be exact. The signals are visual in nature. They allow you to see. Not only the signals but who is sending them.


The Geometry of Contact and Recall


I am going to try further explaining some of this process here.

Continue reading “The Crystal Work Explained”

Crystal Communication: How is this Happening?

I am about to share with you my process.

It is the best I can address the question at this time.

Some of the nuts and bolts, the internal function of how this works I am privy to, but in a very large sense I also have little idea yet. What I do know—what I am aware of—what I am observing, I will share with you.

Continue reading “Crystal Communication: How is this Happening?”

My Birth Into the Earth Life

As a way to begin,—multi-dimensional vision is not easy, be patient with yourself when first viewing the images, the formations and information.. In a very real sense this is no different than entering additional states, additional consciousness SPACE. A period of entering and acclimating and learning to use your faculties in a new way is in order.

I suggest you look—just look without trying to see. Soften your gaze and let it float throughout the frame. In the process new pattern recognition programs will turn on and the layers, the beings and transmissions will begin coming through.

Continue reading “My Birth Into the Earth Life”