Opening my Vocal Channel, Challenging Entities, Greetings from the Dark


It has been a long time in the making, this whole business of opening my vocal channel. Who would have thought such a seemingly simple thing —relative to a Kundalini awakening in itself, learning to consciously shift into and out of Earth space, the work with the crystals and gaining the cooperation of the elemental realm!— would be such a challenge. One day I will see more clearly than I do at present why the voice ( hopefully trance ) channeling had to come last in this series of events. At the moment I glean only bits and am mostly just happy it is ( or seems ) to be finally happening. I am feeling the same call and draw to it now that I have felt from day one with the crystal. Which I somehow was able to observe happening and dive into with full force. As my life allowed, that is. What I began feeling first, roughly a month ago, is to re-immerse myself in my previous more formal meditation ritual. This has been very easy for me to accommodate.

At near the same time, I am beginning to have feedback from my dream state activity that is relative to the vocal channeling. Not just instruction but I can see the beings are beginning to circle me for this purpose. I then began to realize, or suspect, or think to myself that I am not really that familiar with exactly how to PRACTICE vocal channeling. And that it would be much more helpful to me to approach it this way, just as in any of my other practices that are specifically spiritual disciplines. So I am reaching out to a person/teacher/channeler I feel deeply aligned with due to the unconditional nature of their work, Carla Reuckert, who is no longer on the planet with us but who left a wealth of material on learning to channel as a practice. I am in study mode by day and by night am applying to my practice what I have learned. I also have the very fun feeling rising up in me to join a channeling group. Which I will begin looking into today, just as soon as I finish posting this article. A local group that meets in person is what I feel drawn to.

I am learning ( and very wonderfully feeling! ) exactly how close the beings are to me at this point. If I ask a question the flow can immediately begin coming through. Not always, sometimes I am still blocking it, but often enough that it is getting my attention. In meditations my conversation with those here with me is beginning to be even more tactile than it usually it. The felt presence is acute, and just that much more physically felt. I had asked for a tactile sign that the beings are here and the channeling is about to begin. I received that tactile sensation just last night. It is not what I had suggested, a fingertip touching my own, what has been chosen is far more grand. It is a heart-space behind my own that presses forward into me; a merging of hearts. How wonderful -and ever so much more clever a sign! I aim to run with this.

As to the “why”, or reasons behind the voice channeling not beginning until now, I am seeing a few things. The first is my tendency toward opening WIDE without boundaries. Toward being and emulating a fully open system. Together with the inclination, or bent away from challenging others. The way I have carefully measured my capacity previously, with regard to others has been to in a sense sequester myself from them. I say “in a sense” because it is only in a physical sense that I do this. Not in an energetic, or awareness sense. In these ways I have always been all inclusive. But I would keep my physical person in a significant sense out of reach. With the voice channeling this will not be possible. I am quite literally inviting higher information and energy flows ( some of which are quite embodied ) in and through me- mind, breath and body. So I understand I have some learning and reconfiguring to do in this regard. And!, which is occurring in real time with the go-button already pressed. The experience that follows is such an example.

May 9, 2024

Channeling practice, challenging entities, greetings from the dark

In this log I will go backwards through the time-flow.

This is a major event that is relative my vocal channel now opening and delving into more focused, deliberate practice.

After getting up briefly to use the bathroom at 8am I lay back down for what I think will just be a few moments of recall. I had picked up my crystal, my healer, ( George ), but I set him back down due to the heat building from me in him so quickly. I am told to pick him back up. Moments later I see a little entity flash in, in front of my face. He is whitish relative to the backdrop of the Void-space behind him, the blackness in front of my closed eyes. I instantly decide I will challenge him, like I am learning in Carla’s channeling protocols.

I greet the entity in love and light and ask if he is here in the highest light for the greatest good of all. The answer {{{ yes }}} reverberates through before I even finish the sentence. I say “very good, this was the first time of the asking.” I ask again, ( this time more fully emanating the light of actually being what I am challenging against ), “are you here in the highest light for the greatest good of all?’ This time the reverberation is clearly a {{{ no }}}. I say “I see, well I wish you well on your way then. In love and light.” So curious. This process really seems to have worked. I can’t help but wonder why I got a “no” the second time. Before I know it >> 

I am in the fields. 
The detail is too much to bring back in full, though I feel I have the critical bits.

After having fallen through the previous environment I am now in a car with my sister, Sandy, ( deceased ), and a friend of hers. Sandy is driving, the friend is in the passenger seat and I am in the back. The friend is of mixed descent, maybe Mexican-American with bits of other ethnicities mixed in, as though both sets of parents were also mixed. The conversation at the moment is about a yoga studio her friend has in a certain area of town. I am trying to work out in my head where this is and what the distance is from me. I was just thinking yesterday it would be so nice to have a place that I could use like this. The friend is saying how she doesn’t even use it, some other person uses it minimally sometimes. My attention more fully comes into the car, the road, and Sandy’s driving. This is a repeating experience I am in, I am beginning to recognize it.

I am always a bit on edge when Sandy is driving, she is more practiced in this environment and can disperse all the traffic away from her as she drives but for me it is like at moment there is apt to be a collision. We are pulling onto a back half street that leads into a plaza, “I always forget this street is here” I think to myself as we follow it into the plaza, across the lot, onto another busy street, hang a right and head into yet another plaza. We are almost here. Sandy  almost misses a veer to the right, I hear her say “where are we going? oh yeah” as she makes the veer just in time to not hit the flower lined half wall on our left as we drive in.

We all get out of the car and go into the large, creamy marble floored lobby of the building that is here. I find myself sitting now with Sandy’s friend, a few people who are sat here, and a dog that it would appear is my sister’s ( her Guardian ). One of the women who is sat here tries to speak with me. It is about the dog, which is what brings the dog to my attention, and how a dog keeps us in great shape as they need to be taken on multiple walks each day. My conscious state of attention is on the very verge of fluctuating in and out of this whole experience, this conversation and the activity that follows. It is the strangest sensation. There is much more to what is happening here than what is apparent. The scene is moving in a highly linear fashion, each little bit of activity playing out just as ( slow as ) it does in real time. The scene leads to where I am scrunched down in my chair in a near horizontal way, the dog is laid out on my stomach and I am scratching his coat and playing with him. This has gotten the attention of security. Who comes over and wants to know who we are and what we are doing here. I tell him I am here with my Sister, who is the one who has business here. I give her name to him and he checks and verifies that she is on his clipboard. He apologies for the intrusion and goes back to his duties. The next thing I know I am taking the dog for a walk. I think to take him outside but when we get to the front doors evidently we do not go through. We go further into the building. The dog is on a very long leash and while standing in a wide, open corridor speaking with someone I notice he has entered a door behind me.

I follow the leash through the door and find I am in the back of a darkened movie theater. I continue following the leash along the back row of grey colored seats, seeing some of the people who are sitting in the row to the front of this one. They are all looking at me strangely. They noticed the dog come in, who I see now is just getting up from having made a poop. There is chatter about this from the people, who are nice enough about this having happened but everyone it seems can smell it. I look for some napkins, which I find left on one of the seats to clean up the mess as I make whispered apologies. As I investigate the floor, though, I cannot find the poop. I am going to need a light. I remember the little key light I ( used to ) have on my key ring. I get it out and turn it on. The light is weak, it does help but not much. As I am looking for the poop I begin to notice this large structure behind the back of the last row of seats.

It looks like a kind of large hot water heater in the way it is set up—caged in a thin, metal, rectangular shaped housing only inside is not a hot water heater. There is fire, or the idea of fire coming up from the bottom and what looks like two extremely large, roughly 12 foot lingams—phallus shaped, burnt-leather brown, slight reddish tint that project upward further than I can see due to the housing built around them. I begin to see something crawling at eye enough level to the outside of the lingam nearest to me. “What is that?” I am thinking to myself, as I try to see the thing clearer. I shine my key light at it and see that it is a tiny faerie-like creature ( a minion ), grey-bluish in color against the burnt brown of the lingam. It does not emanate a good feeling, it feels negative. *It also resembles through the face the entity that first greeted me before heading into this experience. Its head is an inverted triangle shape. Its arms and legs spindly. It momentarily looks right at me as I catch it in my key light. Were I any more conscious this whole thing would give me shivers. As it is, I am still just trying to figure out what it is I am seeing. At this moment security comes in and approaches me. 

The guard is telling me that the owner of this building is really not happy with my activity. The man emphasizes really not happy with me. I wonder for a moment where my sister is, this is her dog ( guardian, actually, who just brought all this to my attention ) ( I am told she is in the tanning salon by some kind of inner knowing ) and if I should explain to security why I am here- that the dog had done its business and I came in to clean it up. I decide I better had, and I am telling him this as we head out the door of the theater and into the wide corridor outside. Where there are many men in suits standing in the formation of a square. I think it works to my benefit that I am not consciously present at this point. My ignorance, innocence of what is happening covers over to a degree what I came to see in there. In this energetic with the men in suits I dissolve until in a whole other area.

The ground is dirt, there are wood beamed built buildings on either side of me. It might seem I am in the wild west. I am with my brother, Derrick. It is not just him, there are others as well, and Derrick himself does not actually come in until the gist of what is going on here is already fully established. There is this man, a sort of higher dimensional gunman who is sweeping through and eliminating certain people. The environment looks and feels similar to the movie Westworld and the guy – ( I can’t really call him quite a man, though he looks like one there is an AI-ish component in that he seems singularly programmed for what he is doing, terminating ) – he has what looks like a small white bazooka strapped to his right forearm.

There is data in the field that tells me being a twin is something that makes people be more of a target. A man who looks similar in appearance to Danny DeVito has just been offed when Derrick comes into the scene. The gunman is now after *him. Derrick is not a twin so I am trying to figure out what is really meant by the idea of a “twin” at the same time as I am telling Derrick he has to get out of here. The gunman is not after me so I am safe, but Derrick isn’t and he is refusing to leave. I pull him momentarily through the scene into dad’s backyard.

He is calm, utterly unfettered, as he says he knew this would happen and is prepared, he has called in for emergency services–and steps back into the previous environment. I am not confident at all that who has called ( it feels mundane, like a group of paramedics ) can help him against a higher dimensional cyborg hit man. I note before shifting away that Derrick, too, has a guardian dog at all times at his side here with him.


When shifting out of this experience It is not easy to fully vacate it. There is a strong energetic that lingers for a great while, upwards of 30 minutes and it has me pinned in an in-between space where I cannot quite get through to my body enough to open my eyes. I find myself knowing it must be gradual in order to not shock my system. I am somewhat familiar with this process, it has happened before but it is far from usual to the extent at which I am experiencing it this morning. Everything that is, is embedding into me all on its own. I do not have to try to hold to any of the data. The vibrations the data is contained in are in essence what have me pinned. It all gradually seeps in. I gradually work my way fully back into physical space. The vibration finally releases me. I am back. It is safe to remove my Mindfold and open my eyes. Wow. -and what the heck?!@#$ 

While I was pinned I was asking questions, like >>

“What exactly am I am being told here?” 

I see two important factors. The first being that we are all, at all times accompanied by our guardians/gate keepers. In dreams it is usual for me to see them as dogs. This is brought to the front of my attention in a fuller way through this experience. I will note that in the evenings I am extending my meditations to more deliberately begin the protocols to opening my vocal channel. I am following the guidance of Carla Rueckert and last night before ending my session, which went only so far as the juncture of my gatekeeper, I asked that I be made more visually clear of my own. I have not yet fully chosen my gatekeeper. So this experience clearly is beginning to speak to my request.

The last factor, in regard to what this experience is attempting to suggest to me, is in regard to my mattress, the one on which I sleep and receive these experiences. It might seem it is in need of a sage smudging. A stronger smudging than what I more normally do. — from beneath, not just the top.

I will be on that today. 

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