A Symbol for the High Self, More Advancements Toward the Vocal Channeling


I believe I have shared this at least once prior on the website but I will share once more that I am more proactively working toward the vocal channeling at present. It does feel like the next intelligent evolution of my Service- to be able bring through the information, in part on the transmissions that have been coming to us through the crystal. In essence what this capacity is showing is that right along with my own awakening, once dormant skills residing within me are also being awakened. I do not know why it has been simpler for me actualize something that to my knowledge never has been before, than it has been to bring about the vocal channeling but thus has it been. Perhaps once I finally do get this open and flowing this will be a part of what I learn. For now I am practicing regularly at night, specifically to this end. It is going well and new phenomena are beginning to present. I will speak more on this as it begins to more fully unfold.

Last night I was listening to Robin Jelinek channel Athena ( an Archetypal Collective ) and she was speaking about a technique we can use to help alleviate pain, though the technique can also be used for manifestation. It involves quieting the mind and asking oneself for a symbol to represent our high self. I thought to myself, you know as long as I have been practicing, in part to see and even meet my high self I have never thought to do this. So I began asking in my evening meditation, in the little dialogue I have been having with Inner being just before going to bed. Throughout the night I endeavored to remain alert to the symbol. As it turned out, though, it was one of those nights where WORK was being done. This is always interesting to me, even if not always easy to experience. I woke twice with my mouth dry as a bone *which is perhaps the #1 tell tale sign of the work **when I myself am not directly conscious within the fields <– then this is what most informs me. Last night I was OUT and the only sign the dry mouth.

By early morning I could feel that an Experience was impending.

I laid myself down, remembered to ask for my symbol,

And the following took place >>

May 24, 2024

A symbol for the high self: lion with rainbow wings – golden pharaoh with lapis eyes,
shocking, life shattering event

It is 8 o’clock in the morning.

I have gotten up to use the bathroom but my body is in that comfortable state that tells me an experience is pending. The only thing I can see from the fields is that I have been speaking with an invisible someone, or more correctly they with me and I am typing what is said onto a piece of paper. My mind is stuck on one sentence in parenthesis noting that there are two video examples of what is written embedded in this PDF. There is writing both above and below this sentence but I cannot see what is written. My mind is fixed on this one sentence alone. I lay back down, feeling myself easily slip into the sensation of extreme body comfort and go in. 

On the way, I ask to receive, and/or confirm the symbol for my high self that I had asked for. Earlier I had been flashed the symbol of a lion with rainbow colored wings. I am asking if this is the symbol, and/or if not, what the symbol is. It is a process getting myself out of the way so that I do not interfere with the symbol actually being sent—but once I do, and before the coming experience I am flashed a very clear visual of a golden pharaoh in right profile with a lapis lazuli colored eye.

The next thing I know I am in an apartment that is darkly lit ( there are no lights used at night, or possibly even ample electricity? ) with my family. 

I see two of my brothers, Derrick and Roger, but the rest I see only in idea; there are 7 of us who live in this small, modestly furnished, mixed past and futuristic feeling rectangular shaped apartment, or pod. I am just now seeing that Roger has brought home another large bird, this one is even larger than the other and is black. The household now has a monkey and two large birds living in this small space with 7 people. I aim to have a talk with him about this after dinner. It is not good for the people and various animal species to be living together in such a confined space, and the animals need more freedom, this small space is especially not good for them. 

After dinner I am clearing the table and find three white capsules of various sizes laying here aside a clear pill box that has stations within it for AM, NOON, PM and EVENING; there are additional white capsules inside. Roger is in his room, the sun is setting and both he and Derrick are preparing for sleep. Derrick thinks I am going to open his door and through a large window that looks into it he somewhat harshly motions me to not. I find this odd -and the feeling of his tone quite uncomfortable. I both acknowledge and ignore it as I open the door to Roger’s room.

I look into the small room at Roger and ask him if everyone had received their medication. He is with his new large black bird as he stands and walks to the table with me. I ask if he was the one sitting at this position at the table and point to the three capsules. He looks at them and begins asking me questions, like “does everyone have the same capsules in their pill boxes?” I reach into a side pocket in the table where these are put away after meals -this part is very clear, very real, more high quality and futuristic than I have been realizing. I show Roger and confirm that “yes, everyone does.” — but then I see another of the clear pill boxes on the table and that something that should not be there is inside. I pick it up while saying “unless someone throws something in there that doesn’t belong”, as I begin reaching inside to remove this. 

The pill box is morphing into a different shape as I do this, what is inside is a rust colored half melted capsule. The walls of our home are melting now, too, until it seems we are standing at the table outside on the street. A man is approaching us with what feels is a young daughter behind him. He steps up to the table, looks into what we are doing while saying in dark, whispered tones “no no no no no no no.” This isn’t good, I begin to realize right away. The whole scene is beginning to shake. The man has grown in size and now appears to be standing up on the rooftop of our home *which from the outside is an olive green color trimmed in a deep blue. As everything shakes the sky begins to fracture and break apart as fire and lightning-like energy begin to form. I am trying to position myself aptly for what is happening when I see Derrick up on the roof as well. I do not want to give away my position and draw attention to myself but scream up at him sharply “Derrick! snap to!” He seems mesmerized as he steps into a small telephone-booth-shaped room, closes the door and disappears. 

The room begins to shake like everything else, as though everything inside were being torn apart. I have no idea where Roger has gone. I try to find a place to run inside by envisioning my Dad’s house, my childhood home, when Immediately I find myself knowing that nowhere inside is safe right now. After this event it will be necessary and safe to go inside but not until this is over. I begin running up the street toward the next door neighbor’s, where I see the woman and her two grown daughters out front. The mom is reaching in to where they keep the chickens and instructing the daughters to each grab one before they all run for the car. I have now swept into their flow, into the consciousness field of the youngest of the two daughters that is only now beginning to realize they are grabbing the chickens to later eat. She is devastated and saying how they cannot EAT the chickens, they are dearly loved by them all, they are friends not food. She is sobbing as she holds one in her arms moving toward the car. These birds are much larger than regular chickens and far more well plumed and groomed. I can feel the softness and warmth of the animal against my chest as we walk, the warmth of the tears running down my face—everything everywhere is violently shaking as I phase from the experience back into my room. 

My body is vibrating and energetically in shock.

What the heck?!@#$%  All I can think to myself is “what. was. that?” I spend a moment acknowledging the emotion I experienced while moving through this, and then let it go. As I let it go, my body calms down. I have no idea what this was. Maybe a test?…to see how I am going to be able to handle channeled information, potentially about our future and our past? To see how well or not well I can process challenging information? I really don’t know. 

This is where my mind is going first.

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